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Roachworld upholds that it is beneficial to society that the creative efforts of others are respected.

It may be that you are in a circumstance where there are sanctions against plagiarism, especially if you are a student.
Plagiarism means a failure to acknowledge that ideas have been borrowed and occurs when:

  1. phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and without a reference to the author;
  2. an author's work is paraphrased and presented without a reference; OR
  3. other peoples' work is copied, paraphrased or otherwise presented as one's own.
Some parts of this web site may be subject to copyright by persons or organizations aside from the creator of Roachworld. At some times, due to the nature of the Internet, you may not be aware who has intellectual property rights.

There is no guarantee that information you find on the Internet, including Roachworld, will be accurate or up-to-date.

Overall, it is probably best if you are careful about how you treat information you find, especially in your actions to obtain some financial or academic reward.

To the extent that the content of Roachworld is the intellectual property of the writer, and you are not contravening any rules or laws which apply, you are welcome to copy, circulate and otherwise use the content for non-profit personal, social, educational, religious and cultural purposes.

If you are hoping to gain some financial advantage or other reward through your use of items you find here, I expect that you will contact me to discuss your intended use.
