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Hi!..My name is April, or I'm also known Sweetpotato to my friends on the net. Well here it is, My first true attempt to assemble a web page.

Being a teenager in the 80's was a fun and exciting experience. I know people often ask.. "Well, what really did happen in the Eighties?" On this page I have gathered a list of events, music, and photos of what the Eighties meant to me. I know these bring back memories of the 80's for all!


With the80's brought the birth of MTV, countless hours of vegatating in front of the t.v. hoping to catch the latest Michael Jackson video.

We also were introduced to a new way to listen to music, called the Compact Disc. The concept was new to us, but like anything else we jumped on the band wagon and went for it. My kids dont even know what a record or a turntable are.

I have made up a list of some of my favorite songs A lot of them are eighties but there is really just a combo of all different music. Hey it was the stuff we grew up to right? :) hope you enjoy them.

Just click on the link above and enjoy!


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