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Learn To Type Numbers

19.0) Conditioning practice

Type each line 3 times
(slowly, faster, slowly)

Kip, can you have this quaint jug fixed for Ms. Pelz by two?

We had a work force of 349 in l975; we may need 955 by l985.

Alan may fix the bus panel for the city if the pay is right.


19.1) Learn new keys: 2 and 0

Reach technique for 2
Reach up with left third finger.

2s 2s 2 2 s2s s2s 222 Check 22

Reach technique for 0
Reach up with right little finger.

0; 0; 0 0 ;0; ;0; 000 Model 00

19.2) Improve figure control

Type once as shown

Goal: To reach to 2 and 0 without twisting the hands or moving the elbows out.

Did 22 of the 42 students type the figure line at 22 w.p.m.?
When our firm began on May 22, l972, we had only 22 workers.

Order 40 typing erasers, 80 tablets, and l00 reams of paper.
Since Models 300 and 400 are out of stock, ship a Model 500.

Of the 202 teachers, 200 will visit the 20 firms on June 20.
They bought Lot 20 in Block 200 of Subdivision 2002 in 1972.

Type these numbers: 20, 59, 37, 48, 12, 93, 85, 72, and 40.
Our group sold 950 chili dogs, 487 sandwiches, and 312 pies.

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