Life's Best...

hot drinks on cold days*the smell of a new car*full moons*warm chocolate*saturday morning cartoons*getting to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop..without biting*sleaping through a morning class*home made bread*a clear, stary night*ravenge*the smell of spring flowers*having a song that you love, that you haven't heard in months, come on the radio*warm brownies*getting your permit*first kisses*comphy clothes*paint fights*buying something you've wanted fro a long time*the smell of clean clothes, sheats, and towels*sunny days*spending time with friends*water ballon fights*laughing and smiling*a fresh stick of gum*falling in love*palm reading*cold sodas*funny bumper stickers*road trips*ben and jerry's ice cream from a ben and jerry's shop*hidden passion*making a sad friend laugh*snow days*soft&warm lips*a formilliar smell*smokerising*lookingupfromunderwater*hugs*takingpicture's*doves*light*darkness*gettingmail*kissing*mudfights*asunnymorning*findingsomethingyouthoughtwasgoneforever*gettingyourliscence*sunsets*adeapmeaning*massages*inocense*loss of inocense*sex*new clothes*best friends*getting out of class early*winning a game*ice cream*good hair days*swimming*gettingkissedonthehand*reddog*agentleman*readingthefunnypages*contacts*childhood*money*a beautiful sunrise*true love*trusting someone*munchies*sunsets
