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Rev. Kraig Lowell Pullam

Sermons and More to come


I am a native of Corpus Christi, Texas(The Sparkling City by the Sea), born on August 14, 1978. The son of Rev. and Mrs. William and Vietta L. Pullam. I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior when I was six years of age at the Minnihula Baptist Church, Goliad,Texas, where my father served as Pastor. I knew at the age of seven that God had called me into the gospel ministry. There was little delay, because I was frightened of my calling. However, there was a short delay, because I gladly accepted that call and purpose. In March of 1994, at the age of fifteen, I preached my first sermon at the St. John 1st Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Tx., where my father presently serves as pastor. On that same day, I was liscensed to preach the Gospel. Shortly thereafter, I have become a student and steward of the Word. God has blessed my ministry over the brief span of these seven years. I am cognizant that God continues to bless the lives of those willing to do His will. He is not looking for a perfect people, but rather, yeilded vessels.I come from a long line of preacher/pastors: Rev. William L. Pullam (Father, Pastor of the St. John 1st B.C.,Corpus Christi,Tx.),Rev.Alvin Franics,Sr.(Grandfather, Pastor of the Pilgrem Rest B.C.,Corpus Christi,Tx.), the late Rev. Manuel Wilson(Great-Grand- father),Lloyd A. Pullam(Uncle,Pastor of the St.Emmanuel B.C.,Denton,Tx.), Rev.Monty E. Francis (Uncle,Pastor of the Pleasant Olive B.C.,Waco,Tx.), Dr.Joel A.Ward (Uncle,Pastor of the St. Paul M.B.C.,Los Angeles,CA.). I am a graduate of Dallas Baptist University (May 2001) with a B.A. in Biblical Studies. After which, I will be attending Southwester B.T. Seminary in Houston, Texas in the fall of 2001; and taking summer classes in 2002 at Princeton Theological Seminary. I am presently undergoing the writing of, "Wrestling to Reach our Destiny" a book relevant to our African-American youth as we strive to make a difference in this new millenium! I am married to the lovely D'Ani Teres Thomas Pullam, who is a native of Houston, Texas. And a graduate of Texas Womans University in Denton, Texas. I pray that you are blessed by this site! Never forget- that the grass shall wither and the flowers shall fade...but the word of our God shall stand forever. To God be the Glory!!!

Authors/Books Worth Reading:

  • Ravi Zacharias "Jesus Among Other Gods"

    "The Cry of the Soul"

  • M.R. DeHaan "The Romance of Redemption"

    "Exposition on Hebrews"

    "Exposition on 1&2 Corinthians"

  • William Willimon "Peculiar Speech"

    "The Integrity of Preaching"

  • Andy Stanley "Visioneering"

  • Arthur W. Pink "The Soveriegnty of God"

    "Exposition of John"

    "Gleanings in Genesis"

    "Gleanings in Joshua"

    "Gleanings from Paul"

    "The Seven last words of Jesus"

  • Anthony Evans "Our God is Awesome"

    "The Battle is The Lord's"

    "Are Christian's Destroying America?"

    "The Perfect Christian"

  • Frederick Buechner "Peculiar Treasures: A Biblical Who's Who"

    "Wishful Thinking"

  • Joel C. Gregory "Homesick for God"

    "Growing Pains of the Soul"

    "200 Sermon Synopsis"

    "Southern Baptist Preaching Today"

    "Southern Baptist Preaching Yesterday"

  • Samuel Dewitt Proctor "A Certain Sound of The Trumpet"

    "The Substance of Things hoped For:Autobiography"

  • Samuel D. Proctor & Gardner C. Taylor "We Have This Ministry"

  • Garner C. Taylor "The Scarlet Thread"

    "Chariots Aflame"

  • Manuel Scott, Sr. "From a Black Brother"

    "Gospel for The Ghetto"

  • C.E. Mclain "Until the Men Sit Down"

  • William Augustus Jones "Responsible Preaching"

  • H. Beecher Hicks "Preaching Through A Storm"

  • Warren Wiersbe "Preach and Teaching with Imagination"

  • Gene Getz "The Walk"

  • Max Lucado "He still Moves Stones"

    "No Wonder they Call Him Savior"

    "In the Grip of Grace"

    "Just Like Jesus"

    "Six Hours, One Friday"

  • T.D. Jakes "Woman thou art loosed"

    "Naked and not ashamed"

    "The Lady, Her Lover, and Lord"

    "Can You stand to be Blessed"


    "Faith, Family and Finance"

    "Maximize the Moment

  • William Willimon "Peculiar Speech"

  • George Barna "Baby Busters"

  • Study Bibles:

    1) Thompson Chain Reference Bible

    2) Dakes' Study Bible

    3) Nelson Study Bible

    4) Ryrie Study Bible

    5) Scofield Reference Bible

    6) Word in Life Study Bible

    7) ExeGesis

    8) The Emphasized Bible

    9) MacArthur Study Bible

    10) African Heritage Study Bible

    11) Companion Study Bible

    * These are all good study bibles. These will all benefit your kerygma(preaching and proclamation).

    The Most Popular Translation: King James Version (This version was translated from the textus receptus scrolls.)

    The Newest Popular Translation: New International Version

    The Most Accurate Translation referring to the original manuscripts: New American Standard.

    For Clearer view on text: The Living Bible Translation

    These will be expanded in the near future!!

    Rev. K.L. Pullam's Candlelight of Favorite Preachers

  • Great Young Preachers with Great Promise
  • Rev. Sean Thoman (Houston, Tx.)
  • Rev. Ed.Johnson, III. {Dallas, Tx.}
  • Rev. Keith Sanders
  • Rev. Damien Williams
  • Rev. J. Rector, III. {San Antonio, Tx.}
  • Rev. J.R. Mosely {Austin, Tx.}
  • Rev. Raleigh A. Jones {Pastor, Dallas, Tx.}
  • Rev. Kirk Johnson {Dallas, Tx.}
  • Rev. Sherell Hartsfield (San Antonio, Tx.)
  • Rev. Asa Sampson, Jr. {Houston, Tx.}
  • Rev. Bashean Jackson
  • Rev. A. Louis Patterson, III. {Dallas, Tx.}
  • Rev. Ron Brown {Dallas, Tx.}
  • Rev. Bertrain Bailey (Pastor, Dangerfield, Tx., student at Dallas Baptist University)
  • Rev. Tyrell Dotson (Student at Dallas Baptist University)
  • Rev. Carl Baylor Links Worth Visiting

    Samaria Missionary Baptist Church
    Brookhollow Baptist Church
    New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
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