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Hello all, my name is Michael, aka PONYBOY. This is me, enjoy. But it's an old picture. This was my senior picture in high school.

If you really wanna see a more recent photo of me there is one on the second page of my glorious webpage. It's not very good though. Or u can check out my newest to see some pics of me! Enjoy!

It was nice of you to come visit my page. Thank you, thank you very much.I'm so happy now.

This is my first homepage. Can you tell?? Hopefully it gets better, but I'm not promising anything.

A lil bout myself :

Well, I'm from Fountain City, Indiana. Big town. NOT. I'll be 21 in July, woo hoo!

I just sold my old car, the Pony Express. Sad, I know. But I do have the S-10, not sure what to call it yet.

It's a 4X4 YEAH!! I miss my old truck though. But this one is so much cooler.

Hey, I go to Ohio Northern University. I love it here! I'm a P1 here, I live in 5 UP, coolest residence hall on campus. :) I'm gonna be an RA next year at Clark Hall. CO-ED! WOO HOO! Gonna be a great time. I'll be workin with some awesome RA's and of course and awesome Head Resident. GO TODD! Gotta love the college chicks here. Daaaamn Boo Boo! :)

I went to D.C. back in May, I was there for my May Term Class. I plan to make a page on here about my trip, with pics and the final paper I wrote for the class with a lil info so you can learn about my experience. I had a great time and I learned alot about the Japanese American experiences during the Second World War when they were placed in Internment Camps. They went through some really crappy stuff. You'll learn more later when I get my pics developed and put on here. K, back to stuff about me. :)

I've transfered to another college, yes again. It's Ohio Northern, the school I talked about a second ago.

My third college in three years. Is that bad? Ohio Northern is in a small town, Ada. I love the place. It's awesome. Check it out on the web if you'd like

I bought a new computer back in August. I have a Webcam and stuff. So if you wanna see any more recent pics of me, just ask, and I'll take one of myself. Coo huh?

"You know how it is!" Whose Mackin it Rob?? Been to Fazolis lately Rob? You're such a pervert! I'm a pony, now deal with it. :) Dude, guess what?? I have a button! hehe. RNG??? :-) You don't have to lie to make friends! Gesh! :-) I AM NOT A MANWHORE! Well maybe a lil...

I am Obewan, how are you Luke?

When did you get here??

Nobody'd better lay a finger on my BUTTERFINGER BB's!!! We're sexy Bitches!!

Enjoy my pages, not too much though. :-) Well, if you really want to, go ahead. :)

Is Death there?

How bout Wrestling?

Julia Gulia huh?

For All The South Park Fans Out There!

South Park Rules!!! I am so pumped! I was finally able to see the movie while I was in D.C. I bought the video!!! YEAH!!! I bout peed my pants watching it! It was awesome! Rather vulgar, but it still cracks me up!

Did u bring the butfor? What's a butfor? For pooping silly!

Now who likes Star Wars?? I've seen Episode 1 and it was
awesome. You should definately see it. Here's a couple pics
you might enjoy....tee hee. :)

Hope you enjoyed those. Don't worry there are many more pics on my website than this. Keep on lookin, you'll find them. Enjoy....

Now, Please Check Out My Second Page To This Glorious Web Page.

There's a bunch of pics on my website.

I Hope You Enjoy! But u gotta find em all. Good luck!


Some Links You Might Want To Visit If You Have The Time

Hotmail - Free Email
Julie's Homepage - great free cards to send your friends
Comedy Central Homepage - SOUTH PARK IS THERE!!
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages -- check this out!
My Second Page To My Glorious Web Page
My Classifieds Page
My college's homepage
::ufogirl24's and athena9121's:: schizophrenic sanctuary
My Collegeclub Homepage
My HTML Final Project at Earlham
