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The Famous Poets Place: Poetry by Emily Dickinson



Emily Dickinson


Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne'er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple Host

Who took the flag today

Can tell the definition

So clear of Victory

As he defeated - dying -

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of triumph

Burst agonized and clear!

I never lost as much but twice,

And that was in the sod.

Twice have I stood a beggar

Before the door of God!

Angels - twice descending

Reimbursed my store -

Burglar! Banker - Father!

I am poor once more!

The Daisy follows soft the Sun -

And when his golden walk is done -

Sits shyly at his feet -

He - walking - finds the flower there -

Wherefore - Marauder - art thou here?

Because, Sir, love is sweet!

We are the Flower - Thou the Sun!

Forgive us, if as days decline -

We nearer steal to Thee!

Enamored of the parting West -

The peace - the flight - the Amethyst -

Night's possibility!

More To Be Added Soon
