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Hi! I'm glad to see you, come on in...

Mistress Penny

Freelance Journalism, Desktop Publishing, Custom Wall Demolition,
Floral Designs, La Dominatrix Exquisite, Rainbow Painting,
Dreamscapes and Real Life

Welcome to Penny's (aka SummerBreeze) Dreamscapes and Real Life. Find a comfy spot here in the moss in the Enchanted Forest, and have a cup of sassafrass tea with me (compliments of the Dragon Master) and for those brave of heart and so inclined, take a walk through the ferns and brambles inside the mind and heart of SummerBreeze---Dreamscapes and Real Life. Please be kind to any dragons you might encounter, and remember they love chocolate chip cookies. They are my dear beloved pets, on loan from the Dragon Master, and they guard and protect my poetic visions. Please follow wherever the paths may take you, and feel free to email me with your thoughts and comments.

You'll notice most of my poetry pages have accompanying midis---if you like, stopping the music is as simple as clicking the square button on the Crescendo player. I, of course, like the effect. Fairies dance to the music, and dragons fall cozily asleep. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Please bear with me...this site is under construction..and will be for some time, as I add new material and edit according to whims. Thanks for visiting with me!

dreamscapes and real life

lovewords and hopethoughts
drawings and fantasies
reflections and wonders
of a young innocent heart
can never understand
that the insatiable price
of nourishing dreams
is forever an unpaid debt
that lives in the soul
in a quiet, private place
that age longs to inhabit
but wisdom understands
only visits remain
in watercolor insights
a garden of planted ideas
now a dried potpourri
of dreamscapes and real life


Pick a Path...

Stop the Hate

Memorial Day: "His Name"

(Poems from Penny's "Dreamscapes and Real Life" Collection)

(Poems from Penny's "Dreamscapes and Real Life" Collection--continued)


Penny's Court of Highway Hell



Special Gifts--Click the rose to read some of mine!

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

In the end,
The Poem is not a thing we see;
it is, rather,
a light by which we may see---
and what we see
is life.
Robert Penn Warren

Sign My GuestbookGuestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Please sign my guestbook before you leave...
Good, bad, or indifferent, I appreciate your thoughts/comments on my website and my Poetry...
...or just say hi to let me know you were here! Thnx!

Also, a big "Thank You" to those of you who have happened upon my website via a webring, or through searches, or through friends, and have taken the time to email me with your thoughts regarding my Poetry...
I am honored and touched by your gesture, and I appreciate it more than you could possibly know.

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