Perl Grab Bag

ChaosZone! Re-renderer

The code that powers's front page is available here. With some tweaking of the layouts, it should serve just about anyone who needs to re-render content. (Download)


File upstream using SMTP

I've been thinking about streaming files by SMTP for some time. There are too many firewalls around which don't allow file transfers, and email is a good way of getting your data across simply because the (hopefully willing) recipient has hardly got to do anything to receive the data.

It could work like this: You would be able to drop a file onto a container on your system tray, and after typing the recipient's name, sit back as the program would split the file and deliver it piece by piece. I wrote up a quick Perl script to show how this might work, it's a command-line tool but shows the flavor of how things could be. (Download)


Copyright © 1998-2002 Prasenjeet Dutta. Last updated: Sun 2002-04-21 0854 IST