Red Collar Crimes KILL, are YOU the next victim?

Health Care Medical Research Mental Health Industry Military Radiation Experiments

Who is really to blame for Corporate and Environmental Crime ?

Peace is at Justice.

American Roulette

A re-write in progress 04-24-02

By Tom Krohmer ET,an Environmental Technologist and a Survivor. Third generation HVAC technician, and interested in Sick Building Syndrome, & Biological and Chemical Weapons

Reference material:

Using a revolver with one loaded chamber and pointing it at someone's head or your own after spinning the chamber, and pulling the trigger is known as Russian Roulette. We Americans have changed the rules a bit and use various products. Most especially toxic chemicals.

     The ultimate poker game, where lives are bet against the almighty dollar (1). 
  And the responsible parties are not held criminally accountable.  “Red 
  Collar Crime” as I have come to call it, is "American Roulette".  
  Little regard is given to the value of life, in comparison to the cash. 

   It really does not matter if the lives are other American's , or foreigners.  Even 
the majority of Americans fail to realize and or acknowledge this. No war on 
terrorism will succeed, unless the very roots that spawn individuals such as 
Timothy McVeigh and Bin Laden are torn out. 

The people in the Middle East have another perspective on how to deal with such situations. If a house were to collapse and it could be shown that some one's faulty workmanship was responsible for a death, the house would be rebuilt. With the offending "infidel" entombed in the wall. Now try to explain Firestone tires or GM gas tanks to that crowd.

The main index (9) at "Red Collar Crimes KILL, are YOU the next victim ?" is dedicated to the American victims of this.

The realization that over 400 "victims" allowed the court records to be sealed in both the Firestone tires and GM gas tanks litigation (1) changed much of my perception. They had to know that others would die, if that information did not get out. So did the judges and Firestone and GM. This has caused me to wonder exactly how I would respond, if such a large pile of cash was put in front of me? Would I to play this game of American Roulette? I cannot honestly say. Or am I to claim that I am different and special ? Some how, I can not con myself in to thinking that as the 401st, I would behave differently. See what I mean? Now add the juries, friends, clerks that knew about it. I would say that twenty people per case is a "low ball figure". So over 4,000 people knew about it, in both cases, before a stop was put to it.

Of course the victims families (1) were emotionally distraught. And I would not be surprise to find that the thought of other's falling victim were crowded out by a number of self-rationalizing processes. But I suspect that at some point they have or will come to realize the extent of the ramifications of their decision. Then having to justify and rationalize the recurring "pangs of guilt". Even if such thoughts of others had never crossed their minds, before they settled out of court and sealing the records. Some how, I would be extremely surprised if any of their lawyers brought any such concerns up. After all, it is all about the money.

Hence, "I’ve learned the hard way that to understand my heart is to understand the evil that lurks inside". Quoted from Sonny Barger's book, "Hell's Angel".

Regardless, the judges that heard all of the cases are also politicians. Reform of our political system (47) and its Soft Money (49) is the key to the reform of our health care system (48). Restoring (45) the check (39, 40 , 32, 33) to the balance of justice ( 20a, 20b, 36) would also correct this "key" to fit the "tumblers" of "the lock" on our health care system.

The circumstances surrounding the "Denial of Psyche Care" is one prime example. Linda Peeno MD (20a) of whom gave sworn testimony to the House of Representatives on the subject of "Denial of Health Care Services" (20b), documents how doctors are influenced by money, on a wholesale basis. There are a couple of newspaper articles that also show how this is done, on a local basis ( 103, 104). The manner in which this occurs and the resulting deaths, are being documented as they unfold, in Sonoma County, California (138C ). While the fraud in health care is rampant (32, 77, 133).

Duff Wilson of the Seattle Times posed a similar question in regard to Medical Research Abuse and "uninformed consent" (46). And Janet Wells of the San Francisco Chronicle has written about "Bad Doctors Going Unpunished" (45) and that "Hospital Fail to Report Bad MD's, Experts Say" (54). These factors (combined) constitute "Unfair and Deceptive" business practices. And other criminal law violations, such as a "Failure in a Duty to Rescue (57) and Rendering Criminal Assistance(33).

Only 38 per cent of the insurance money ever makes it to the hospital / doctor (53). Many of the CEO's of the HMO's and insurance groups get multi-million dollar salaries. John Robbins wrote a book titled "Reclaiming Our Health" that cites some of these executives and their excessive salaries, with reference material.

Any child could grow-up to become one of Corporate America's Executive. Even a CEO of a large corporation. It is a part of the "American Dream" and what many equate with "success". This "drive to succeed" has also been shown to be a factor in medical research abuse (46), while in other instances the United States government is behind it (92, 93). And laws have been passed that "make it legal (52).

So The riches and most powerful men in America, are not the only ones that are responsible for "Red Collar Crimes". Some say that it is the large corporations, that are to blame, in general. I for one must disagree. It is all of us and our mentality. The enforcement of criminal laws against this would be a good part of a solution.

Many "advocates" only "blame" Corporate America, the government and or the "Elite of our society for most of the worlds ills (146 ). While others have dramatically embellished the events at the Bohemian Grove (80) where the riches and most powerful men meet every year. Including President Bush and his Enron Friends. How ever, I have found that perspective let's to many of the guilty " off of the hook". In fact, embellishing the truth behind this (80) does the entire situation more harm. The facts (121pdf) are bad enough (101, 26, 9). While the Golden Road (money trail) always seems to feed back to the Bohemian Grove (121pdf), there is a bit more to this.

Perhaps a petition, asking the members of the Bohemian Grove to "return the check to the balance of things", by enforcing criminal laws ? Maybe that would stand a better chance of helping to correct our situation, than just another protest against them (146) ?

  Some people call us infidels: defined as people that betrays a moral obligation, a sacred trust.   The fact of the matter is that we have more to fear from the Red Collar "infidels" and American Roulette than from terrorists.  In fact, it is a kind of "Stealth Terrorism", do you not think?  My "cause" is trying to make people aware of this.   Before it kills them, some one that they love or myself.  Most especially by explaining who really is to blame. Strangely enough, I have found that we have more to fear from ourselves, than Bin Laden.

There seems to be something besides "the cream rising to the top" in America and we all have a part in it. There are laws against this. But they are not enforced, equally.

When you consider the "conduct" of these "Corporate Criminals" here (26, 24, 25 pdf), does it not make you wonder exactly what they might be up to in other places (43)? But then, so what? None of us are going to get out of this life alive. Right? You have to die of some thing. Small wonder "the Elite" of our society refer to us as "Useless Eaters". From what Duff Wilson has wrote in his book, "Fateful Harvest", this attitude of the Elite does not surprise me. Just the web page of Bill Moyers titled "Trade Secrets" (26) has extensive documentation of corporate cover ups with toxic chemicals. The movie Erin Brockovich is another example. So while these terrorist may or may not have some litigation complaints, we can not even protect ourselves from this brand of corruption (1).

It is the ultimate poker game that bets money against other people’s lives. If you do not get caught, you get the money. While others die. If you do get caught, odds are that their heirs get the cash. As a conciliation prize, there are rarely criminal charges. The only rule is that the people that are having their lives bet should not find out about "the game". Or they get rather upset about it. No matter really though. Firestone tires is now owned by the Japanese and everyone knows about it. But there were never any criminal charges filed.

By the way, I really did not enjoy "playing the game" with Firestone. Now if they could have only replaced my tire correctly (13:).

The exposed cover up of the MTBE in the gasoline by the Environmental Protection agency is only one example of corporate cover-up. There are many others listed at web pages such as Trade Secrets (26). Duff Wilson's book, "Fateful Harvest" (28) most certainly points in that direction, as well. He documents how toxic chemicals are legally sold as fertilizer, and end up in our food. One point of contention here is that the fertilizer company had profit sharing, and a choice. They could have disposed of some toxic chemicals at a cost of over $150,000 plus dollars, or sell it for over $10,000. And it was not the "main headquarters OF THE COMPANY THAT MADE THE DECISION. It WAS A LOCAL OFFICE ! Seems that they, like many other's, figure that they are "only tossing a twig on a bonfire". While failing to realize that this particular bonfire is made up of mostly just such "little twigs". The author of the book might have a better analogy, though I have not heard it, yet. Mine is admittedly, "kinda distorted".

Another book titled "Our Stolen Future" is one of the most comprehensive books that I have read, in regard to the sources of toxic exposures. Our Stolen Future also has an excellent web page (17). Another really good book is titled "Toxic Deception" (81), "How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law and Endangers Your Health".

The condition of our health care system does reflect this. I can not conceive of a health care system that could be viable, while it ignores toxic chemical exposures and the cumulative low dose effect. This does not seem to interest many people. So I have been working on a web page that shows the effects of Low Dose Cumulative Effects of Toxic Chemicals. Mainly Endocrine Disruptors. The Gonads are a part of the endocrine system, and I am calling the page "Your Gonads on Endocrine Disruptors" (with pictures). There are several reports of high levels of such chemicals being found in many American's, by the Center for Disease Control posted there too.

Our health care system has many other problems. After some complex and careful research, I am more of the opinion that they are more of a symptom of a larger problem. Reports that un-slant government reports are few and far between. And censored from the main news media, as a general rule (44). But one such report can illustrate that the trouble in our health care system might just be a "smoke screen" for the real problem (42).

Now if you survive a trip to your doctor, he or she (in all likelihood) does not even know of the ten most common household toxins (6) and how they interact with "other factors". Let alone other chemicals ! And would most likely perceive your symptoms as a need for an SSRI, such as prozac, zoloft or paxil. Thankfully, the truth about the side effects of these SSRI drugs is being exposed. And I had been prescribed prozac in 1995. From my own first hand experience, I can tell you a couple of things. One, do not under any circumstance abruptly stop taking that medication. You must wean yourself off of it. Two, most doctors are ill informed about these medications. One excellent source of professional information is Ann Blake Tracy Ph.D. of whom wrote a book titled, "PROZAC: PANACEA OR PANDORA?".

In fact, physicians usually miss the diagnosis of pesticide exposure (). And the vast majority of doctors have no comprehension of what is termed Low Dose Cumulative Effects (LDCE) of toxic chemicals (15,16). For one, physicians are not trained in toxicology. The current controversy about this LDCE (14) seems to be funded by industry. This appears to be more of a financed misrepresentation of the facts in an attempt to avoid costly litigation. But an adequate investigation of this does not appear to be underway. Hopefully, an investigative journalist can review such reports (14) with an eye towards the financing of the individual researchers and institutions. There is far to much research available for this to be a controversy (10-26).

The tests for phthalates (from plastics) are another issue. Just try and get your doctor to run some. I had asked the researches at UCSF if any toxic chemicals were tested for from my liver biopsy. They would talk about it, other than to say "no". So I had asked a researcher that I met on the elevator about it. He was in a conversation about doing kidney biopsies when I interrupted. The two of them were visibly upset about the quest. They refused to discuss the matter. I have since learned, but can not substantiate,. that there at least appears to have been more than one career "toasted" over this issue.

Even though the Center for Disease Control has found many American's have "levels of concern" to them (10, 11). While their tests only tested for what is circulating in the blood and urine (10, 21, 22). Completely ignoring the issue of body burden. And the cross section of patients tested is in question. The poor and mentally ill always have higher levels of toxic chemicals exposure. Plus they ignored the synergistic effects of chemicals becoming hundreds of times as toxic combined, as any one alone (20, 21,22, 23). And did I mention that the safe level of exposure that they use are out dated and inaccurate (11)? Even if your doctor knows which tests to run (12), you may or may not have insurance to pay for it. In fact, Linda Peeno MD has given sworn testimony to the House of Representatives about how three different HMO’s had hired her and rewarded her for denying care to many of their patients, that were insured (20).

The truth has been slanted. The truth is that we do not have an answer to the real problem of LDCE (42, 15, 16). The biomarkers report on the tests that your doctor should use for adequate evaluation (12) is of some value. You could be under the safe level of exposure of all of the chemicals that you have been exposed to. But, combined they can do a lot of damage and will be detected by the "Biomarkers" (12, ,

147, , , ).

How ever, many doctors have no actual background in toxic chemicals and are unaware that the blood tests that they use to detect lead and mercury exposure are only good for "recent exposures". When it comes to chronic "low dose" exposure" or an older single toxic exposure, the patients "body burden" (amount trapped in tissue and not circulating in any of the fluids i.e. blood, urine) must be evaluated. Many other chemicals behave in the same manner. The Center for Disease Controls study only evaluated chemicals that are byproducts, or the residual chemicals left after breaking down toxic chemicals, in the blood and urine (21). And I also have a question about the general population that was surveyed. Because the poor and other "subcultures" are generally known to have a much higher exposure rate.

There is a need for more research regarding the Low Dose Cumulative Effects of Toxic Chemicals (LDCETC) (15, 16). One part of the difficulty is the lack of proper testing of individuals involved in violent crimes. This is also true in regard to "Police Shootings" as a posted response from the Police Chief of Santa Rosa states (139).

The "Decade of the Brain" has brought many new advances to our understanding of the brain and behavior. In this 100 minute video program, Dr. Amen explores the latest research on the biology of criminal behavior. He reviews the published literature on this topic and discusses actual cases from his own forensic psychiatry practice, including his brain imaging work with people who have committed murder, rape, kidnapping, armed robbery and aggravated assault. The actual brain imaging pictures are shown for each case. In addition, the correlation of attention deficit disorder (ADD), other psychiatric illnesses and criminal behavior is highlighted. The antecedents to violent behavior are discussed in detail along with the guidelines for appropriate medical treatment of violent behavior.

142 : Current Research Correspondence regarding Toxic Chemical LDCE's and Psyche (Mental Health)

143 : The Amen Clinic, 143B : Pictures Brain Scans by Dr. Amen, 144 : Troubling chemicals detected in people, 145 : Unexpectedly high chemical levels found in Americans, March 21, 2001

As Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and other members of Congress have reported in the newspaper article that is posted the toxic reports that have been done only concern the levels of 27 toxic chemicals of the estimated 14,000 that are known. And the synergistic effects are not accounted for, at all. As the article is titled, US Lacks in Toxicity Testing" (2000).

One year later a division of the Center for Disease Control released a report of the "levels of concern" of the 27 chemicals that it did test for, in Many American's.

The National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals is a new publication that will provide an ongoing assessment of the U.S. population's exposure to environmental chemicals using biomonitoring (21). They are not using the biomarkers for the LDCETC's (12), even though they are a division of the Center for Disease Control and must know better. Regardless, the agency (21) said that it would be testing "subpopulation" for "toxic chemical exposures".

My suggestion is that we start an e-mail campaign to ensure that proper testing (12) of certain "sub-populations is done. (Please note the e-mail address, toll free phone number and snail mail address, in the next paragraph). Most notably "violent offenders" (victims in the case of the before mentioned police shootings) and the top ten causes of death, including suicide. Victims of suicide (which are ranked as the #8 leading cause of death) may very well be proven to be "Toxic Victims" in many, but not all cases. Just as I strongly suspect that many if not most of the "Mentally Ill" are.

For more information about the National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals please contact:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health
Division of Laboratory Sciences
Mail Stop F-20
4770 Buford Highway, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30341-3724
Telephone (toll-free): 1-866-670-6052

To simplify the complexity of the controversy (14), I will give this example. Bill Moyers of the Public Broadcasting System did a show named Trade Secrets and has created a web page of the same name (26). There is to much documentation there to list, in regard to "industry" covering up the damage to OUR HEALTH from toxic chemicals, for over fifty years.

He was tested for over 800 toxic chemicals and over 80 chemicals (at various levels of exposure) were found, in him. That presents the potential for more viable chemicals reaction variations than the pick six lottery in one patient from the perspective of LDCETC's ! But regardless of this, many of the "tolerable levels of exposure" to a (singular) toxic chemical have been fraudulently produced for decades.

While Dr. Amen has been able to document some abnormal brain scans of such patients, there is still a need for ADEQUATE toxic testing (12) of these patients. The "controversy" (14) around this issue had also included (at some levels) contentions that the biomarkers were inaccurate because they did not correspond with expected results from exposures to some toxic chemicals with a "known" toxic tolerance level correctly. How ever, many of these "known levels" are now in question because of the recent ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY FINED $9 MILLION IN FRAUD CASE FOR RELEASE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2002 from the EPA, (135) and is further complicated by a history of such abuses in the past (137).

The point being that I suspect that the biomarker tests are and were accurate (12), and that the actual test results for toxic tolerance levels were and are in error.

Further more, such biomarker tests (12) should be used to prove the relationship with mental illness, violent behavior and to many other illnesses to list (such as cancer).

Please note that Dr. Amen has shown abnormalities with brain scans, yet the toxic testing to be used is a question because of the LDCETC's and the fraudulent testing practices of "industry".

Examples of such fraudulent testing abuses:

The USDA acknowledges it should coordinate its review process for herbicide-tolerant crops with EPA, and says a draft plan is under review. Jim Rogers, 301-734-8563,,

But it is well documented in the book "Toxic Deception (81) that they have known this since the 1970's. In the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's, Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories (IBT) performed about 35-40% of all U.S. toxicology testing. Of the 867 audits of IBT performed by the FDA under the 1962 law, 618 were found to be invalid because of numerous discrepancies between the study conduct and data. FDA flexed its muscles and found four IBT managers guilty of fraud." Yet the EPA has still been accepting these "studies" that are financed by industry, with out any real review !!!

Test fraud again made headlines in 1994, when Craven Laboratories was fined over 15 million dollars and its ... Fifty Years of Legislation, by CAROLINE COX (132).

And as long as they keep hiding the truth ( 26, 25    pdf, 28, 17, 18, 19, 20a, 4, 45, 35, 36) a solution will not be found (46). Many of today's chemicals have saved a lot of lives. For instance, the chlorine in the water stops parasites from hurting people. The association of this chemical with some illnesses is still of concern. But many more people would have died if it had not been for it. Many of these other chemicals can also make people sick. But at this time there really is not another way to feed and provide for everybody. In a cost effective manner. If more people were aware of the problem, they too would be helping to find a solution. But because of the "litigation" (law suits), the people that are responsible and in control, are trying to hide the truth, as usual (1). Besides, the pharmaceutical industry is making a fortune, treating the symptoms, while ignoring the cause (44, 12, 10, 15, 16, 17,18,18, 19). And the pharmaceutical companies control and fund the research. Ann Blake Tracy Ph.D. is also bringing much of this out. Her web page has some information posted about that particular issue, with documentation. Though I must emphasize that these large corporations are all controlled by the Elite of our society. Of whom are known as members of the Bohemian Grove. They are the same group of people that funded President Bush’s presidential election. And much of the money that was bled out of the State of California from the energy crisis has left a paper trail of money. Leading directly to the presidents number one campaign contributor and the Bohemian Grove.

Corruption: The Root Of Terrorism /

Corruption is nothing new to this world, nor our society. Historically, even in our present day, it is the root cause of “man’s inhumanity", and terrorism. From the Kansas City Federal Building bombing to the New York Trade Center, we need not look far for the examples of it’s consequences. Because of the nature of the definition of the English language, we need a new terms to define words that can be used with such a variance. One other example is the word “love”, with three different distinct connotations. In the regard of corruption and crime, another distinction must be made. Not to digress from the given subject matter, but rather to plum it’s depths.

This particular aspect or perspective does not include emotionally unstable "Toxic Victims" that are usually called "Mentally Ill". Nor does it include "Mind Control" techniques, and the end results can be next to impossible to discern. However, they too must be discussed in an attempt to distinguish the boundaries.

   Criminal charges against those responsible could change these circumstances.  The lobbyists from the health care and pharmaceutical industries would leave Washington DC and let a Universal Health Care policy evolve. After all, they are the ones that stopped President Clinton from achieving health care reform. And that is only one reason why the reform of our political system must change. The Finance Reform of "Soft Money" (49) is an excellent place to start.  It is the corroding thread that runs through and enables these Red Collar Crimes to exist. Though some doctors filing what is called the SS-8 form with the IRS could also be of immense help. That is the form that is filed to have the IRS decide if
you are an "independent contractor" or an "employee". Almost all HMO's that "deny care", claim that their doctors are "independent contractors"(30)
. There by skirting litigation issue's (20). This "method" does violate RICCO (33, 39, 40) .

The FBI's Health Care Fraud Unit (32) has this "Mission Statement -

MISSION ; One of the primary missions of the Health Care Fraud Unit, established in 1992 as a separate unit within the Financial Crimes Section of the Criminal Investigative Division, is to insure the success of investigations which have a national impact on the health care fraud crime problem. We endeavor to accomplish this by concentrating our investigative resources on multi-district investigations of large health care corporations suspected of committing fraud against both public and private payers of health care benefits, and by coordinating these investigations with other law enforcement and regulatory agencies.

But they refuse to investigate "Denial of Medical Care" (20a, 20b) as a type fraud or as a crime ? Complaints that I have sent in about Sutter Hospital of Santa Rosa, CA. have gone with out a response, from them. Sutter was found to have repeatedly violated the Emergency Medical Treatment And Labor Act by the Department of Health (50, A, B, *C*, D ). The simple fact is that it is cheaper for Sutter to pay the fine, than to provide the care. This is generally accomplished by "slanting" the medical records of the patient. As I have documented and filed complaints about March 23, 1999. When I was turned away from their Emergency Department. This has resulted in a questionable number of suicide (including a few suicide's by cop), murders and police shootings. I can not help but think of the couple of dozen individuals as the "UnGrateful Dead" of Sonoma County.

And as John Robbins book "Reclaiming Our Health" shows, "it is all about the money". The book documents some of the multi-million dollar salaries that many of the CEO's of the medical insurance industry and HMO's receive. His Pulitzer prize winning "Diet for a new America" (written in 1986) is another example.

And these Red Collar (infidel) Crimes are killing far more of US than these "terrorists". And when you consider the "conduct" of these "Corporate Criminals" here (26, 24, 25    pdf file), does it not make you wonder exactly what they might be up to in Third World Countries?

What I do know is that we can hardly expect justice, while we allow our government to use and abuse our soldiers, as we do. Silence does equal consent. If and when you are ready to fight this, go to The Gulf War Vets Association - Many of them (300,00) are still sick with "Gulf War Syndrome" (34).

And it's always "about the money", even if it's in the form of oil (38).

Timothy McVeigh did "his cause" far more damage than good with the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing. And by "they", I do refer to Bin Laden and / or whom ever is doing this "anthrax thing".

Misguided and as wrong as I believe they are (were), I am also very aware that there have been others and there will be more. But at least "their" numbers can be reduced if we attempt to remove as much of the corruption that offers such fertile "soil" for their development. The Check must be returned to the balance of justice. Criminal charges and prosecution for these Red Collar Crimes (committed in our own land or in foreign lands by Americans) is what I believe is needed. The riches and most powerful men in America, are not the only ones (1) that are responsible. In fact, our Vice President is suffering from a heart condition that has required him to change his diet. He too, is a victim of this. It is also my belief that Dupont, of whom "lost it" and killed a wrestler that had been living on his estate back in the 1980's, was also a victim of this. The point being that the "useless eaters" report seems to be slanted. Another factor to consider is how many of the Elite of our society had driven or road in a car with defective Firestone tires on it ? They are also victims of this mentality that I call Red Collar Crime, or Roulette American Style.

So how could it all be the fault of "Corporate America" ? Not that they are innocent, themselves.

Tom Krohmer ET, PO Box 391, Guerneville, California 95446 E-mail:

Reference material