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This Week's Orleans Christian Church Bulletin

August 23, 2009 Bulletin

Fall Kick-off for YAC, Zing and Shine is here!

Wed., August 26th at 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Come with your swimming suit on and prepare to go 
home wet!  There will be water slides and water gun 
wars, games, prizes, snack and much more!

Classes begin Wednesday, September 2nd!


Sunday Night Small Groups

All small groups will meet this week at their designated locations; Sunday night services at OCC 
will be at 5:30 pm; the teens will be meet at the Mathers’ house from 7:30 to 9:00 pm.


Sunday Night Kids Program

Come check out our program for grades 1 thru 6 Sunday night at 5:30—7:00 p.m. called FUEL, an evening filled 
with worship, fun and fellowship.  Meets in Unity Hall at 5:30 p.m.


Senior Adult Trip

The Senior Adults will be travelling together to the Senior Citizens Fair at the Orange County Community 
Building, Friday, August 28th.  They will leave the church at 8:30 am and return around 12:30 pm.  The 
fair includes free health screenings for balance, blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure, as 
well as door prizes, bingo, and free subway sandwich coupons for the first 100 seniors in attendance at the fair. 


Work Week August 24th-29th

This week come be a part of “Work Week”, a week set aside to complete some needed projects here at the 
church property.  See the sign-up lists in the lower foyer for you to say which days and projects of which 
you are willing to be a part.  Projects include work that can include men, women and children!


Church News:     
If you have news for the Progress-
Examiner church article, call Belinda Bradley.





I Peter Series

“Just a Taste”

I Peter 2:1-3


1. This is what you are doing—________________________




2. This is what you work toward—_____________________




3. “Just a taste…”


(There is a Nursery provided for all morning services—see us on the 2nd floor)
 8:00 A.M.      1st service 

 9:15 A.M.      Sunday School for all ages

10:15 A.M.      2nd service

10:15 A.M.      Wee Worship, 2nd  floor (2yr, olds-K)

10:15 A.M.      Junior Worship, blue house (1st-6th gr.)

 5:30 P.M.      FUEL, for 1st thru 6th grade

 5:30 P.M.      Evening Service

 6:00 P.M.      Small Groups

 7:30 P.M.      Teen House-to-House at Mathers’


 7:00 P.M.      BAMS in Unity Hall


6:30-8:00 P.M.  YAC, ZING, & SHINE “KICK-OFF”


6:30 P.M.       Crusaders Men’s Gathering at Scenic Hills Camp


6:30 A.M.       Men’s Study and Fellowship Breakfast in

Unity Hall


“Holy Is The Lord” used by permission CCLI license number 390173

We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He

And together we sing


Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory


It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown

Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark...

  • ONE: Don't miss the boat.
  • TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat.
  • THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
  • FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
  • FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
  • SIX: Build your future on high ground.
  • SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
  • EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
  • NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile.
  • TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
  • ELEVEN: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.

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