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...that they may know Him Who is the Light of the World
Non-profit organization with the goal of introducing Christianity to the people of Cite de Soleil, Haiti through evangelism, church planting, medical treatment, education, and feeding.

Ministry Enhancement. Leon Dorleans, a national pastor and graduate of Ozark Bible College and Cincinnati Bible Seminary, is responsible for the spiritual aspect of ministries of Cite Soleil Christian Church. Worship services, preaching, teaching Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, leadership training and Bible study groups are available through the church. Leon is also an instructor at Port- au-Prince Christian College, helping to train students who will then carry the Gospel to their respective churches. HOM provides personnel for short-term educational, medical, and building teams. These groups are designed to encourage and support the ongoing ministries of Cite Soleil Christian Church. In early 2000, over 2000 worshippers regularly attend one of the worship services-one on Saturday night, two on Sunday morning, and one on Sunday night. In addition, the mother church in Cite Soleil has started 3 satellite churches in other locations in Haiti, which are supervised by Leon and led by pastors trained in the Cite Soleil Church under Leon.

Education - The Sponsorship Program. Support of $20/month provides quality education in academic and Christian subjects, nutritional hot meals, medical care, school uniforms, books and school supplies. The school offers education from pre-school through 6th grade. The administrator (Jacky Dorleans) and teachers are Haitian nationals who have completed the appropriate training and education and are committed to the goals of the program. As of the 1999-2000 school year there were over 365 students enrolled. -Continuing Education Program. After graduating from the 6th grade, most of our students thus far are continuing their education in the Haitian school system (both public and private). This Continuing Education Program supports our graduates through high school (which may include academic or trade courses). The cost to support a Continuing Ed child is $40 a month. Most often a sponsor will continue to support our graduates in whole or in part through the Continuing Education Program. As of the 1999 school year, there are 42 students in this program.

Nutrition - The Feeding Program. Having found that many of the students come to school hungry, HOM has begun a program to supplement the lunch and snack provided during the school day. This supplemental feeding program provides breakfast and other nourishment in an effort to alleviate the children’s hunger at the beginning of the day. In addition to all of the students, the program is open to other children of Cite Soleil, as resources permit. $100 underwrites one day of this effort.

Health Care - The Medical Clinic. Due to the lack of basic sanitation systems and nutritious food, residents of Cite Solcil are in need of health care. There is only one hospital in the city, and the price for a trip to a doctor’s office or clinic is prohibitive. Volunteer medical teams conduct periodic on-site clinics while a Haitian doctor provides part-time care on a regular basis of a nominal fee. A pharmacy is maintained through donations of various U.S. organizations. Since March 1999, an on-site medical lab has been operating in order to improve the quality and timeliness of care. In February, 2000, a new medical facility was built and is now providing improved medical care.

Facilities - Construction and Building Program. HOM provides facilities that are essential for the ministry’s work. The buildings are safe, functional, and maintainable.. .not monuments.. .just solid buildings. Construction is quality, combining American engineering knowledge and Haitian skilled and unskilled labor. Through this program Haitians are educated in construction methods and develop an appreciation for well-constructed buildings. In February, 2000, the sanctuary was expanded to accommodate 600 more worshippers. As well, in 2000, another wing of classrooms was added. A long-term plan (by 2006) is to build a sanctuary for 3500-4000 worshippers.

About Cite Soleil

Cite Soleil is commonly known as the worst slum area in the Western Hemisphere. Over 300,000 residents live in this unsanitary and crowded area. They are certainly some of the most underprivileged people in the world.. .and are without a doubt the poorest Haitians in the country.

Most people live in one-room huts; 95% do not have running water.. .the most fortunate families have tin roofs above their heads for protection from the elements. The roads are mainly dirt. Jobs, food, and money are very scarce.

The people of Cite Soleil desire to work, learn, study about God, and have Him as an active participant in their lives. You can fulfill their needs with your prayers and financial support through HOM. Should you want to make a contribution or become involved, please contact David Armistead, 8066 Elliott Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23111, (804) 746-3023, 74022.2455@compuserve. If you would like to sponsor a child, please contact Linda Glass, 201 Braehead Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22401, haitioutreach@earthlink.net, or visit our new web site at http://home.earthlink.net/~glassjl/index.html

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