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Camelot Sunday Odd Couples
League Rules

2009 - 2010

This League shall be governed by the following rules: (Any questions not covered by them, shall be governed by the United States Bowling Congress Playing Rules & Commonly Asked Questions Book). The Secretary shall keep a copy of this book.

Management of the League shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall consist of the Officers and Team Captains, or Representatives, of whom a majority shall constitute a quorum.

An organizational meeting shall be held prior to the start of the League schedule to review all League rules, draw team numbers, and furnish the Secretary with team information. All Team Captains (or Representative) and League Officers will be notified and should attend. The General Membership may attend to review and discuss League Rules. Any other business, questions or suggestions will be discussed. Majority will rule.


The League will be sanctioned with United States Bowling Congress through United States Bowling Congress Women's Bowling Association through Lake Suburban Women's Bowling Association and Northwest Indiana United States Bowling Association. The League will consist of 10 teams with a playing strength of two (2) women and two (2) men. The league will bowl 35 weeks, with 5 position rounds, the last to be on the final night of the schedule.


All bowlers must pay a Sanction fee (or show proof of Sanction in another league for the current season), the first night they bowl, by the third game. Sanction fees are $18.00 for both men and women.

**RULE #3

League fees which MUST BE PAID EACH NIGHT, shall be thirteen dollars ( $14.00 ). $9.75 will cover the cost of the bowling lanes. $4.25 will cover League Expenses and Prize Fund. Secretary/Treasurer fee will be 45 cents per bowler for 35 weeks, to be paid at the end of the season.


Shortages: Bowling fees are to be paid EACH night. Any shortages are to be made up within three (3) weeks or the games will be forfeited. The Board will consider anything beyond this time. TEAM CAPTAINS are responsible for collecting the fees from their team members.


Returning bowlers will use their last years final averale in our league. New bowlers will use the highest book average. New bowlers without an established average last year will establish their averagle after the first night of bowling

**RULE #6

Handicap will be figured on the basis of 80% of the difference between a bowler's average and 200.


A list of roving subs will be maintained by the League Secretary. A Sub must be of same gender ( man for man, women for women). Subs are eligible to bowl on a position round, and prior to the final 4 weeks, at that time, to remain eligible, subs must have bowled 21 games in the League. NO subs can bowl on the last night of bowling.


Teams must have 2 legal bowlers ready to bowl by the end of the first frame or forfeit the game(s), The opposing team must bowl within 40 pins of their current average in order to win points by forfeiture. Points not won for failing the prescribed score will not be credited to either team.


Late bowlers must throw their first ball before the last bowler of the opposing team throw his last ball of the fifth frame. A bowler who arrives late may enter the game provided 5 frames have not been completed. Frames missed may be made up.

**RULE # 10

Prebowled games can be done on an individual, or team basis provided that you notify the Secretary, in advance, immediately if an emergency, or within 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to bowling, and if it is work purposed, vacation.

RULE # 11

Postponements: Should not be requested if 2 legal bowlers can be floored. Granted postponements must be made up before the Sunday after the actual bowling date. Team Captains should notify the Secretary of the postponement prior to bowling. Only emergencies will be allowed for the reason of postponing games. The option will be given to the opposing team to either bowl on the scheduled date or with the opposing team.

RULE # 12

Two weeks notice must be given to the Secretary before a bowler can quit and they are responsible for payment for those two (2) weeks, if not replaced within that period. The League is responsible for the fees, until a replacement is found, after that time.

RULE # 13

Drop - out teams. (making uneven teams in the League). The team playing a vacant team will be bowling against their own average minus 10 pins per game. This means that a team will have to beat a score of their averages added up, then minus 40 pins per game. Individual vacancy scores are: Women 120 and Men 150. A substitute bowler may not be used for a vacancy. Vacancy score cannot be counted toward legal lineup.

RULE # 14

A prize list, drawn up by a committee appointed by the League President, must be approved by the League Board of Directors within five weeks after the start of the schedule.

RULE # 15

Team standings will be determined on an 7 point system: 2 points per game won and 1 point for series won.

RULE # 16

Any games protested or disputed will be ruled on by the Board of Directors. Written complaints shall be filed with the Secretary within 15 days or 48 hours from the end of the season, or there is no complaint.

RULE # 17

In the event of a tie at the close of the season, the moneys will be put together and divided equally between the teams. If the tie involves a trophy, the money will still be handled in the same way, but a one game sudden bowl off, will determine the winner of the trophy.

RULE # 18
Bowlers must bowl 51% of the games to be eligible for individual prizes. Team or individual can receive only one prize. If qualified for more than one prize in the same category, highest handicap score will take precedence.

RULE # 19
Unopposed bowling scores will be qualified for League prizes only if bowled during League time. Prebowled games or postponements, bowled other than scheduled League time, will not qualify for League prizes.

RULE # 20
No bowler under the age of 17 years may bowl in our League. Any bowler who is under the age of 18 years must have a signed parental consent form on file.

RULE # 21
Any abusive conduct to or on the lanes or fighting will not be tolerated. On the first incident, the President shall be notified, of a friendly advisement, by the Sargent at arms. Second incident will be a formal warning. The third, and all other incidents will be subject to a fine of five dollar ($5.00) per incident. RULE #22
There will be no sponsor fees. Team members may have a sponsor, if they so desire.

RULE # 23
Hazardous weather will be determined by the President and the Secretary. They will notify the Bowling Center of the League cancellation, and Team Captains, who will in turn notify their team members. This week will be made up at the end of the season (unless the Bowling Center is closed, then we will not have to make up).

RULE # 24
Election of League Officers shall be made by The General Membership of the League. A three person committee, appointed by the president will conduct the election process.

RULE # 25
All non-bowlers ( including members children), are to stay out of the bowling area, and stay behind the concourse counter. On the first incident, the President shall be notified, of a friendly advisement, by the Sargent at arms. Second incident will be a formal warning. The third , and all other incidents will be subject to a fine of five dollar ($5.00) per incident.

RULE # 26
All Bowlers are to give Two (2) lane on each side Courtesy. If a bowler is in violation of the rule,on the first incident, the President shall be notified, of a friendly advisement, by the Sargent at arms. Second incident will be a formal warning. The third, and all other incidents will be subject to a fine of five dollar ($5.00) per incident.

RULE # 27
Prebowled scores are to be common knowledge to the League, and scores are to be entered in the computer.

** denotes 2009 - 2010 rule change