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NWO CENTRAL- Are You 4 Life?

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Hello all of you Nwo lovers. Wait for this site to download, it is well worth the wait and I have to add that the nWo is just tooo SWEET!!! January 4, 1999... the day of the reunion of the original nWo members Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. They are now the Wolfpac though. I will keep profiles up of the members of the new wolfpack and of the NWO. This Page Was Last Updated March 4, 1999. SORRY ALL MY COMPUTER WAS BROKEN AND JUST GOT FIXED... UPDATES WILL COME SOON!!! THE CYBER LEAGUE IS UP AND RUNNING!!! FIND THE LINK ABOVE AND GO NOW!!!!

You want to see the how the nWo started? Click on the nWo Icon below.

Now click below to see the individual profiles of the members of the nWo and vote on the NWO Poll at the bottom of the members page!!!
If You Are 4 Life, You Will Sign the Guestbook!

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