Last: 9 April 2024

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Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts

Jonna and Eric MacDougall

9 April 2024
2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops
Jonna & Eric MacDougall
Greetings From Tournament Central,
2024 comes to an end with a repeat champion and on the same day the championship started. I was pleased with an 11:20 PM finish. Congrats to UCON and Coach Dan Hurley. A confident man. I watched more UCON games this year than any other team. Just a well-coached team, running a great system. I felt pretty sure they would do it again but knew there would be many folks on them so decided to lose a different way.
The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts is happy to announce our 2024 Nosta Damus of Hoops champions, Jonna & Eric MacDougall. They were near the top the whole way and came in with a solid 300 points to crush a name I will now mention, Bart Smith. Eric is the younger brother of Sandy MacDougall (2000, 222) and with Jonna join him in the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions,
Bart had a great run, but alas, he was an 0-40 big-headed albatross the Boilermakers could not overcome. Coach Painter had a cold chill as the first tournament games started. He didn’t know why. But we do. 0-41. A good big-headed man would not have picked his beloved team.
The archives show the Hoopcats are class acts having joined their first quest in 2021. Respecting tradition and protocol! Their names shall never be cursed unlike, SHANE!!! (Always said with the fervor of Shatner saying Khan).
I will be reaching out to Jonna and Eric to discuss the trophy presentation. They are local so hopefully we can get together for the presentation.
For those of you confused by the giraffe thing this explains...
The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this year’s quest.
For all but Jonna & Eric I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year!
look forward to joining you all again in 2025 for 41th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title.
Best Wishes and Regards,
Jeffrey S. Austin
Secretary, M.P.B.E
7 April 2024

Greetings from Tournament Central, No surprises last night. The two best teams continued their roll to the end of the Dance. Other than 32 points added to our two leaders it is still Jonna and Eric MacDougall’s Hoopcats leading the name I still shall not mention 236 to 234. We’ll find out who has the honor of the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops title Monday. Or early Tuesday more likely. This assumes the Eclipse Madness doesn’t over take us all. Things in our area are batpo crazy with everything closed tomorrow, hotels booked at 800 at night, Walmart parking lots prepped with Port o Johns, and Bill Shatner making an appearance in Bloomington. Who could ask for more other than nice weather. I’m just hoping for a well-played, competitive game. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary MPBE

31 March 2024
Greeting from Tournament Central, And then there were TWO. The Hoopcats, Jonna and Eric MacDougall and the name I still won’t say. The 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops will be a first-time winner. A tale of two halves. A lid on the hoop for NC State in the first which stayed in place for Duke in the second continuing NC States magical run. Shane, Gamble-Shane Gamble(2003-200, 2018-248) was standing just outside the Giraffe Club door, listening to the sobs of the Bull Giraffe from the other side. Snickers from the other member Terry Austin – (1990-230, 2014-156, 2015-276). But NC State snatched the key from his hand. Taking us to two to continue the quest for the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops. The possibilities…
Possibilities for first place possibilities in the money
Entry Name number percent number percent
Hoopcats 6 75.00% 6 75.00%
BLS40 2 25.00% 2 25.00%
Best of luck to both. For the rest of us, there’s always next year. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.
31 March 2024
Greetings from Tournament Central,
UCON did their thing looking every bit like a team that can complete the rare back-to-back. Bama ended NC States great run with 3’s and D. The latter game had no impact on the Quest for the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The first game saw two quest quashed. The Big O (elite feline)-Andy Graham and Ferris Bueller-Dallas Hamm dreams of a title have ended. Nice run folks. Time to drop the traditional line I know oh so well… There’s always next year.
The possibilities…
possibilities for first place possibilities in the money
Entry Name number percent number percent
14 43.75% 14 43.75%
Let's Dance
8 25.00% 8 25.00%
5 15.62% 5 15.62%
4 12.50% 4 12.50%
4 12.50% 4 12.50%
The Lowly Bruins
4 12.50% 4 12.50%
2 6.25% 2 6.25%
2 6.25% 2 6.25%
1 3.12% 1 3.12%
The needs of those still standing are clear. The former champions are…
Gamble-Shane Gamble(2003-200, 2018-248)
Let’s Dance- Mike Graves(2009-288)
APB-Tony Bayt(1985-N/A, 2007-340)
SMS-Bull Giraffe, (don’t have time. 5*)
JDF-Jimmy Fowler(1991-276, 2022-228)
Those seeking their first title are…
Hoopcats-Jonna and Eric MacDougall
The Lowly Bruins-Kenny Fox
BLS40-Bart Smith
brassiole-Ron Ippoito
What is sure, when the clock strikes 2:00 EST, both groups will be the proverbial cats in a room full of rocking chairs. Best of luck. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E. * Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions -

30 March 2024
Greetings from Tournament Central,
Another late night. Another visit from the Asterisk Reaper. She came in force last night as was expected. What she left was a bunch of selfish little giraffes and most selfish of all Bull Giraffe. Of the eleven still on the glorious quest for the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops title only six are pure of heart and short of neck. The selfish in order listed below…
Gamble-Shane Gamble(2003-200, 2018-248)
Let’s Dance*- Mike Graves(2009-288)
APB-Tony Bayt(1985-N/A, 2007-340**)
SMS-Bull Giraffe, (don’t have time. 5***)
JDF-Jimmy Fowler(1991-276, 2022-228)
Entry Name number percent number percent
Hoopcats 32 25.00% 32 25.00%
The Big O (elite feline) 28 21.88% 28 21.88%
Gamble 16 12.50% 16 12.50%
Let's Dance 16 12.50% 16 12.50%
Ferris Bueller 16 12.50% 16 12.50%
The Lowly Bruins 16 12.50% 16 12.50%
BLS40 8 6.25% 8 6.25%
APB 8 6.25% 8 6.25%
SMS 8 6.25% 8 6.25%
JDF 8 6.25% 8 6.25%
brassiole 4 3.12% 4 3.12%
Good Luck to…
Hoopcats-Jonna and Eric MacDougall
The Big O (elite feline)-Andy Graham
Ferris Bueller-Dallas Hamm
The Lowly Bruins-Kenny Fox
BLS40-Bart Smith
brassiole-Ron Ippoito
For the above I mention the Dynamic Status report which allows you to enter scenarios to see exactly how you need the games to fall for a title. Nostradamus would have loved it. Seems a bit satanic to me. Something a giraffe would do.
Enjoy today’s games.
Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E
*Thanks for putting the catching David Bowie tune in my head for the month. A pleasure.
** The record score which will stand another year
*** Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions -
**** Clearly an older brother as he is ignoring the unwritten rule. No FIRST time winners. I’m guessing he will gladly join Mr. HasNoShame Gamble.

29 March 2024
Greeting Again from… I failed to send the Probabilities chart this morning. Before adding I do want to comment on words and punctuation. A few weeks ago, a X was sent by an unsufferable bore which was used to make the point on punctuation. He USED the all-important comma when commenting on the Cowboy’s, “All in, my ass!” Comma very important here! One of our entry names struck me on the importance of one letter. Guy With No Hair Just Eyebrows. Without the S the visual is much different! possibilities for first place possibilities in the money Entry Name number percent number percent
The Big O (elite feline) 410 20.02% 410 20.02%
Rookie Dawg 228 11.13% 228 11.13%
BLS40 210 10.25% 210 10.25%
Hoopcats 180 8.79% 180 8.79%
The Lowly Bruins 144 7.03% 144 7.03%
Spencer2930 132 6.45% 132 6.45%
Another Crapshoot 116 5.66% 116 5.66%
Balls Away 116 5.66% 116 5.66%
Ferris Bueller 116 5.66% 116 5.66%
Whisper in the wind 96 4.69% 96 4.69%
Let's Dance 82 4.00% 82 4.00%
SERR 70 3.42% 70 3.42%
APB 66 3.22% 66 3.22%
SMS 60 2.93% 60 2.93%
Gamble 44 2.15% 44 2.15%
Dennis Hartzler 40 1.95% 40 1.95%
BREWINGBRUINS 34 1.66% 34 1.66%
Boom Baby! 32 1.56% 32 1.56%
Pat and Carl 32 1.56% 32 1.56%
JDF 30 1.46% 30 1.46%
Phil Barnes 24 1.17% 24 1.17%
Maggie 24 1.17% 24 1.17%
JOE CHADWICK 22 1.07% 22 1.07%
stew 16 0.78% 16 0.78%
Frank Isenthal 8 0.39% 8 0.39%
GLW 8 0.39% 8 0.39%
brassiole 8 0.39% 8 0.39%
steve sandler 8 0.39% 8 0.39%
BabyMaker10 4 0.20% 4 0.20%
Guy With No Hair Just Eye Brows 4 0.20% 4 0.20%

29 March 2024
Good Morning from Tournament Central, The Asterisk Reaper retuned but still lacking its usual thirst. We still have thirty on the Quest for the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. A couple who had to be dressed down for the egregious crime of whining of their fate when they are still in the hunt. Even if they may be Python’s Knight on the bridge, to Zero and Forty. Four games, three upsets. The Dance is just a jewel. UCON made their case for a repeat. I would be remiss if I did not open my yearly bottle of whine over the late end of the second set of games. Sure, West Coast folks. But they are busy surfing in the morning and snow skiing in the afternoon! Hoopcats have replaced Eeyore Smith in 1st. Eeyore “UNC kills me again” Smith in 2nd still holding the highest possible score. Four are tied for 3rd place including Eeyore’s youngest “boy” who can pick me up and toss me around like a rag doll. There are nine former champions, including the Bull Giraffe, still alive. Looking for big game hunters! Good luck folks. Enjoy tonight’s action. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E

25 March 2024
Greetings from Tournament Central, Sixteen teams survive to determine the 2024 NCAA basketball champion. For the Nostra Damus title we have an unprecedanted number of questor remaining. The Asterisk Reaper only claimed five this early Monday morning. This includes two former champions, Robbie Graham (1989-198 pts, 2016-272 pts) and Darryl Frakes (1994-238 pts). The Bull Giraffe mentioned this is the first time in many years the one and two seeds all made the Sweet Sixteen. This explains the small number eliminated.This being said there was much head stratching and double checking numbers be believe the small number no longer alive. Our top three remain the same. Still not saying the name leads with 106, Nick Gilpin 104, and Hoopcats at 100. Well done. We still have 9 with there final 8 intact, and 23 including the * folk with 7 of 8. The number who could tie or break the 340 point record has dropped to dropped to 26 to12. The Possibilities report is wild… possibilities for first place possibilities in the money
Entry Name number percent number percent
Nick Gilpin 3099 9.46% 3099 9.46%
The Big O (elite feline) 3092 9.44% 3092 9.44%
The Lowly Bruins 2925 8.93% 2925 8.93%
Spencer2930 2862 8.73% 2862 8.73%
Rookie Dawg 2505 7.64% 2505 7.64%
BLS40 2309 7.05% 2309 7.05%
Balls Away 1947 5.94% 1947 5.94%
brassiole 1653 5.04% 1653 5.04%
SMS 1359 4.15% 1359 4.15%
steve sandler 1204 3.67% 1204 3.67%
JDF 1095 3.34% 1095 3.34%
Ferris Bueller 908 2.77% 908 2.77%
Another Crapshoot 796 2.43% 796 2.43%
Maggie 783 2.39% 783 2.39%
Dennis Hartzler 634 1.93% 634 1.93%
PHW 631 1.93% 631 1.93%
Guy With No Hair Just Eye Brows 560 1.71% 560 1.71%
SERR 521 1.59% 521 1.59%
BoilersToThePromiseLand 503 1.54% 503 1.54%
Pat and Carl 478 1.46% 478 1.46%
12 year olds know too 469 1.43% 469 1.43%
Hoopcats 466 1.42% 466 1.42%
Whisper in the wind 421 1.28% 421 1.28%
BREWINGBRUINS 372 1.14% 372 1.14%
Let's Dance 364 1.11% 364 1.11%
Gamble 345 1.05% 345 1.05%
Ippy's Time 328 1.00% 328 1.00%
Boom Baby! 317 0.97% 317 0.97%
Nancy 257 0.78% 257 0.78%
JSA 247 0.75% 247 0.75%
APB 201 0.61% 201 0.61%
Frank Isenthal 198 0.60% 198 0.60%
Phil Barnes 194 0.59% 194 0.59%
GLW 170 0.52% 170 0.52%
GWB 166 0.51% 166 0.51%
JOE CHADWICK 160 0.49% 160 0.49%
FURRS FANATICS 145 0.44% 145 0.44%
BabyMaker10 136 0.42% 136 0.42%
stew 134 0.41% 134 0.41%
HST's Gonzo Bracket 110 0.34% 110 0.34%
Snap Crackle POP!!! 92 0.28% 92 0.28%
KAF 91 0.28% 91 0.28%
Ken Tucker 88 0.27% 88 0.27%
Alex Anderson 58 0.18% 58 0.18%
wta 58 0.18% 58 0.18%
Bristol Ramos 58 0.18% 58 0.18%
The Doctor 58 0.18% 58 0.18%
Peyton Tucker 12 0.04% 12 0.04%
Brennan 2 0.01% 2 0.01%
The above can be found here,, select the second option, Possibilites. Enjoy the break until Thursday starts the next round. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

24 March 2024
Good Morning from Tournament Central, The Sweet Sixteen will be set today. The foggy path to the 2024 NDH title quest is clearing. The illusion of viability will be crushed by the appearance of the dark Dreaded Asterisk at the end of todays last game. You folks are tearing it up. We still have 10 with the final 8 intact. And another 29 with 7 0f 8! Kentucky (Evil laugh), the common team sullying most of the 29 from a perfect 8. There are 26 who could tie or break the record points set by our first NDH champ and two-time winner Tony Bayt, (1985- N/A , 2007- 340). This data can be found on the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions, Of course, you will not see my name on this hallowed page. A name which shall not pass my lips is alone in 1st with 78 points, three tied for second, Nick Gilpin (a *pseudonym), Hoopcats( Eric and Jonna), and Ferris Bueller( Dallas, elder sister of the shifty eyed Drew) with 76. Well done folks. Very good play yesterday. Creighton’s thrilling 2 OT win over the Ducks topping the day followed with the gutsy effort of little Oakland whose Dance Dreams were crushed by NC State a close second. UCON made a statement in their quest for two in a row. Hopefully, the action today will top what is the most exciting and enjoyable four days in sports. The M.P.B.E is continuing its lobbying effort for this to be a national holiday. Alas our lobbying war chest is $3.50. A correction if I may. It was pointed out to me yesterday by the 1966 Westfield elementary school spelling bee champion, NDH Two-Time winner Tony Bayt, (1985-N/A , 2007-340), who won despite having his index finger up his nose to the knuckle. That I used the Japanese Sudo* instead of pseudonym while emphasizing Nick Gilpin, which seems like a good name for a Wunderkind, is actually a pseudonym. Well, Excuse Me! While Tony was mining boogers and winning SB titles, I was working my first job as a weasel sorter having graduated from third grade. Pardon me, my train of thought seems to have derailed. I believe I was saying you folks are rocking it this year. Good luck today. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E * Which as we all know is written 須藤 'necessary' and 'wisteria' the original form of the name in eastern Japan. In Kyūshū the first element is written 首 'neck'. Both first elements are apparently phonetic and the reference to wisteria fuji in Japanese could indicate Fujiwara origins.

23 March 2024
Greetings from Tournament Central, I confess I could not make the late games last night. Five hours sleep the first night left me drained and short tempered. Auburn, of the OVERRATED SEC, also sent me into a spiral of despair. Beware smart left-handed kids and Bruce Pearl couched teams. Grand Canyon looked pretty in control when I wondered to bed after a broken glass incident. There was one clean glass left. I reached for it but Mr. Shaffer, the Bull Giraffe, snatched it from my hand squealing, “ you need 5 Trophies for clean glasses!” Tony and Rob managed to pull me off him. But not before he was “accidentally” cut by the broken glass. Rumors of paring knife involvement are untrue. No reason to google Cloverdale 911 calls. At any rate, once I cleaned up the glass and blood I was worn out and headed to bed. After two rounds Ferris Bueller, the elder Frakes girl, continues her reign at the top with an impressive 26 of 32. Of the 15 in the top 4 spots 3 have their final 8 intact. Including Nick Gilpin (which oddly enough is a sudo name for Nick Gilpin. I dropped him on his head when he was a wee baby, several times). A name I shall not mention to avoid a curse, and the little shifty eyed Frakes girl, Drew. In total there are still 13 on the quest with their final 8 untouched. Based on Possible Points this contest is still wide open. We are all still technically in the hunt until the ever-feared Sunday, Night of the Dreaded Asterisk. Big tip of the hat to 2006 NDH Champion Bob Wade, 216 points, for his impression call of the smart kids upset of overrated Auburn. Well done Sir. Good Luck today. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E

22 March 2024
Good Morning From Tournament Central, Seems like I just went to bed! Probably as it was this morning when I did. Thanks to Kansas for keeping us up an extra 40 minutes. And to the Kansas grads on the referee team. An egregious call on the last play snatched a glorious upset chance from the jaws of the Bulldogs. But we humans be fallible, especially it seems when sporting the poor fashion option of striped shirts. I feel pretty sure you will see the play on a loop today. But back to far more important matters. Congrats to Ferris Bueller (Dallas) and Bristol Ramos (Adam) the first-round leaders with a fine 14 of 16 selections. Four others snuggled closely behind with 13 of 16. Well done folks. We’ll see if they can build on this fine start today. I sent what might have seemed an odd message (are there any other kind from me?) with song lyrics noting Dallas’s fine upset call of Oakland over Kentucky. I received a bounce back from quite a few emails. Basically, lyrics about flying into Dallas. The song popped into mind after the upset called by Ferris Bueller, AKA Dallas. Always fond of the tune, particularly the Joe Ely version. I mention this, partly as I do love to rumble, but also to point out the Nostra Damus of Hoops Home page where I do paste the email data, For the new folks, especially a young man from Texas who KNOWS TOO and ask to his dad, “ what kind of ‘old ass font’ is this”? Wait till he sees the 1920’s home page website! For the record Brevin, it’s Arial Rounded MT Bold. I did appreciate your wisdom of English by using TOO in your entry name, not TO. Another sign of hope for the future. Clearly, he was born with his mother’s smarts! On the NAME subject and more boring history Brevin. I updated an entry name this morning. This is Jerri Patrick’s entry. Its name now shows as SERR. I am confident Jerri meant for the entry to show as such. When we first started branching out from our original 7 questors Pat Patrick was our first outside of Indiana. As Pat was from Virgina I designated him SERR, SouthEastern Regional Representative. Oh, so many years ago, from Indiana to now coast to coast. Alas, we lost Pat far too soon. Jerri, his beloved wife, has continued in his stead. So, no shenanigans, just tradition. Good luck today and enjoy day two. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E *1988 NDH Champion Albert “Pat” Patrick SERR*

21 March 2024
Well Dallas is a jewel, oh yeah, Dallas is a beautiful sight. And Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light. Did you ever see Dallas from a DC-9 at night? Or Dallas pickin’ Oakland over Kentucky tonight! Well Done Dallas. Hat tip to Jimmie Dale Gilmore.
21 March 2024
I’m sorry to report we have caught someone trying to game the system. Drew Frakes, whose father always refers to her as the daughter with shifty eyes, attempted to sneak in a 2nd entry*. On one of my hourly audits, I spoiled her plans! I deleted the second entry, and she is officially on probation. So, we have 54 on the quest. Which is still a new record. Thanks, Scott Austin Security M.P.B.E. *It is possible some of the above was exaggerated. Drew may have reached out to me to let me , one was accident and could I delete it. I checked and informed her it was there. She replied later it was. Clearly, I need a new auditor. So, this is why we are at 54. Drew is innocent of the scurrilous charges Steve Shaffer made about her. The part about her dad is true.

21 March 2024
Good Day Folks, We have 55 on the quest with visions of Trophies and Titles dancing in our heads. This is a new record for entries which saddens Bart and I. Though we couldn’t win it when there was only seven so guess doesn’t really matter. The breakdown is… UCONN 21 Houston 6 Purdue 6 Arizona 6 UNC 4 Tennessee 3 Marquette 2 Auburn 2 ISU 2 Illinois 2 Kentucky 1 Good Luck to all but Giraffes, Scott Austin Secretary M.P.B.E

17 March 2024

The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Greetings All, I hope you’re well. Holy cow it’s the 40th annual Nostra Damus of Hoops. Seems like only 30! I welcome you to join the 40th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title in the year of 2024. As I ponder where I am in life and all the experiences I have been blessed to have, both good and bad. I can’t imagine the reaction the 10-year-old Lil ME would have if I visited and told him he would start an NCAA college basketball pool which would still be going 40 years later. What the hell, let’s give it a try. (Feel free to skip the blathering) Me: Scott, I am you from the future. Listen well to the words coming out my mouth. Lil Me: What happened?? I look terrible! Mom and Dad have aged well so far! Are you eighty? Is it the boloney sandwiches? Momma says I eat to many boloney sandwiches. Do they stop allowing exercise in the future? Are you here to tell me how to avoid all the vices that have led you to this frightful appearance?? Me: Wow, Mom and Dad were right. You are an obnoxious ass. I know the attention span thing will be a constant battle but please focus. I have something important to tell you. At the age of 25 you will have somehow, despite the fact you are an obnoxious ass, have gathered a group of smart caring friends. Though your brother will claim this is because Dad paid a monthly stipend, the truth is the folks will never had that kind of money. These friends will inspire you to create an event which will bring you great pleasure. A basketball pool called Nostra Damus of Hoops with the goal of selecting the winning teams in the Men’s NCAA College Basketball tournament. Lil Me: That’s a dumb name and why is it spelled wrong? Do I have a brain accident? Does the brain injury explain your frightful appearance and seeming slow wit? Me: No wonder your brother beats you! I want to slap you right now. Focus! There was NO brain injury. Though you might want to listen to mom’s “Uncle Johnny” stories and avoid some of his vices. Lil Me: Those stories are scary!!! I do listen to them! Though my mind wonders. Me: I don’t have much time! The Andy Griffith episode with Barney and the dogs is on in 15 minutes in my time. Barney was wise in the traits of animals. I just wanted to let you know how important this will be to you. So much so it will still be going 40 years later and involve champions from multiple generations. Lil Me: So, we have a child and you both won? Me: We don’t have two legged kids. Focus! Lil Me: So, you’re saying I will still be living at home like Uncle Johnny when I’m 65?? So, I never grow up? No wonder you look like you do. At least I can keep eating boloney sandwiches. Me: Damn, I never had a chance! You’re clearly missing the bigger picture. Lil Me: I live to be a 65-year-old loser with a drinking problem. I believe I am seeing the bigger picture!! I’m only 10 but I think this is why you shouldn’t be allowed to go back in time! Me: I was allowed one trip back in time and I chose visiting an obnoxious ass. Should have done the dinosaur thing. Lil Me: Do you at least have a flying car? Does Pistol Pete still have the scoring record? When did we land on Mars?? If I have run this stupid thing for 40 years how many titles have I won?? How many titles does Purdue have? Me: Oh boy, look at the time! I have to go! Some things are best left unknown. Me: One last thing. In 2 years, you will find magazines hidden around the basement that belong to your brother. Do NOT collect them all together in one place where mom can easily find them. Wait, I seem to have lost my focus. Oh yes, 40 years of Nostra Damus of Hoops. Would not have seen this coming. But what a wonderful journey it has been. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to join the quest for the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you accept the challenge, please see the details below. No rule changes, winner take all. Details on scoring are located on the Hoopness site, Entries are due at tipoff of the first (real, 64 team) game. Entry fee remains $50.00. One entry per person. Do not coordinate your entries with others. Please send checks to: Jeffrey S. Austin 12140 Shortcut Rd. Cloverdale, In. 46120 317 201 3065 Paypal = Please use my phone number to search for PayPal account, 317 201 3065. Do NOT use this email address. Zelle = Entries may be completed on: Select login (upper left of screen) and then Pool Players. Pool Id is NDH Password = bob The Nostra Damus of Hoops home page is located at: This site includes the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions, photos, and various ramblings from yours truly. Best of luck to you all in this year’s title quest. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

25 June 2023

Greeting from Tournament Central, This truly closes the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops quest. We had a pleasant dinner with this year’s champ and one of the two 2022 champs. There were 10 championships represented. Unfortunately, five were Mr. Shaffer’s. Peyton (2023 NDH) picked up tab his dad Kenny (2004, 2013 NDH) and I. Classy young man. Jimmy (1991, 2022 NDH) picked up Bart’s. Crickets were heard when Steve ask who was picking up his. As part of my Treasurer duties the 2024-2033 model of the trophy’s were unveiled. I took a special interest in the design for the next series. In the past I trusted the professionals. The giraffe announced he liked them and looked forward to adding a couple to his collection. Simply can’t take him anywhere. I have attached the photos. You can also view them here… 2022 Champion Jim Fowler (Note Chad declined to send a photo with his trophy. He advised he is to pretty to post photos on the web and the traffic tends to crash sites) 2023 Champion Peyton Tucker Bart, Me, Jim and Peyton with Bart and I clutching the 2024-2033 model. Our last best chance! Trophy Trophies I meant to get a shot of Kenny and Peyton together but just forgot in all the excitement. Thanks again for your participation. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.
3 April 2023
Greetings From Tournament Central, 2023 comes to an end with two champions. Congrats to UCONN and Coach Dan Hurley. A dominate run to the NCAA Championship. More importantly, the Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts is happy to announce our 2023 Nosta Damus of Hoops champion, Peyton Tucker. Peyton used his laser rocket brain and like his namesake good genes to secure his first NDH title. Peyton rode the Huskies and a birdie with attitude to 230 points. Though 3 others joined Peyton with a Bluejay’s to the 8 selection, Peyton’s 4 of 8 in the Elite 8 bested us all and gave him the separation he needed to secure the 2023 NDH crown. A check of the archives confirmed this is Peyton’s 4th NDH quest. His first in 2019 ended tied with his dad Kenny(2004/306, 2013/270) for 11th, 2021 tied for 7th ,and 2022 26th. So smart AND someone who respects tradition and protocol. Thanks again Ian and Jake. We appreciate you doing the same. Your names shall never be cursed. SHANE!!! (Always said with the fervor of Shatner saying Khan). I will be reaching out to Peyton to discuss the trophy presentation. As Peyton is local, hopefully we can get together for the presentation. Perhaps we can have last year’s co-champion Jimbo Fowler who has yet to accept his 2022 trophy join us. I fear investing his winnings in FTX may have been ill advised. But this quest is all about the title and the trophy, NOT the money. For those of you confused by the giraffe thing this explains... The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this year’s quest. For all but Peyton I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year! I look forward to joining you all again in 2024 for 39th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

17 March 2024 The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Greetings All, I hope you’re well. Holy cow it’s the 40th annual Nostra Damus of Hoops. Seems like only 30! I welcome you to join the 40th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title in the year of 2024. As I ponder where I am in life and all the experiences I have been blessed to have, both good and bad. I can’t imagine the reaction the 10-year-old Lil ME would have if I visited and told him he would start an NCAA college basketball pool which would still be going 40 years later. What the hell, let’s give it a try. (Feel free to skip the blathering) Me: Scott, I am you from the future. Listen well to the words coming out my mouth. Lil Me: What happened?? I look terrible! Mom and Dad have aged well so far! Are you eighty? Is it the boloney sandwiches? Momma says I eat to many boloney sandwiches. Do they stop allowing exercise in the future? Are you here to tell me how to avoid all the vices that have led you to this frightful appearance?? Me: Wow, Mom and Dad were right. You are an obnoxious ass. I know the attention span thing will be a constant battle but please focus. I have something important to tell you. At the age of 25 you will have somehow, despite the fact you are an obnoxious ass, have gathered a group of smart caring friends. Though your brother will claim this is because Dad paid a monthly stipend, the truth is the folks will never had that kind of money. These friends will inspire you to create an event which will bring you great pleasure. A basketball pool called Nostra Damus of Hoops with the goal of selecting the winning teams in the Men’s NCAA College Basketball tournament. Lil Me: That’s a dumb name and why is it spelled wrong? Do I have a brain accident? Does the brain injury explain your frightful appearance and seeming slow wit? Me: No wonder your brother beats you! I want to slap you right now. Focus! There was NO brain injury. Though you might want to listen to mom’s “Uncle Johnny” stories and avoid some of his vices. Lil Me: Those stories are scary!!! I do listen to them! Though my mind wonders. Me: I don’t have much time! The Andy Griffith episode with Barney and the dogs is on in 15 minutes in my time. Barney was wise in the traits of animals. I just wanted to let you know how important this will be to you. So much so it will still be going 40 years later and involve champions from multiple generations. Lil Me: So, we have a child and you both won? Me: We don’t have two legged kids. Focus! Lil Me: So, you’re saying I will still be living at home like Uncle Johnny when I’m 65?? So, I never grow up? No wonder you look like you do. At least I can keep eating boloney sandwiches. Me: Damn, I never had a chance! You’re clearly missing the bigger picture. Lil Me: I live to be a 65-year-old loser with a drinking problem. I believe I am seeing the bigger picture!! I’m only 10 but I think this is why you shouldn’t be allowed to go back in time! Me: I was allowed one trip back in time and I chose visiting an obnoxious ass. Should have done the dinosaur thing. Lil Me: Do you at least have a flying car? Does Pistol Pete still have the scoring record? When did we land on Mars?? If I have run this stupid thing for 40 years how many titles have I won?? How many titles does Purdue have? Me: Oh boy, look at the time! I have to go! Some things are best left unknown. Me: One last thing. In 2 years, you will find magazines hidden around the basement that belong to your brother. Do NOT collect them all together in one place where mom can easily find them. Wait, I seem to have lost my focus. Oh yes, 40 years of Nostra Damus of Hoops. Would not have seen this coming. But what a wonderful journey it has been. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to join the quest for the 2024 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you accept the challenge, please see the details below. No rule changes, winner take all. Details on scoring are located on the Hoopness site, Entries are due at tipoff of the first (real, 64 team) game. Entry fee remains $50.00. One entry per person. Do not coordinate your entries with others. Please send checks to: Jeffrey S. Austin 12140 Shortcut Rd. Cloverdale, In. 46120 317 201 3065 Paypal = Please use my phone number to search for PayPal account, 317 201 3065. Do NOT use this email address. Zelle = Entries may be completed on: Select login (upper left of screen) and then Pool Players. Pool Id is NDH Password = bob The Nostra Damus of Hoops home page is located at: This site includes the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions, photos, and various ramblings from yours truly. Best of luck to you all in this year’s title quest. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.
26 March 2023
Greetings from Tournament Central, We have our 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops champion. Congratulations to Peyton Tucker for dominating the 2023 NDH title quest. I will blather on and on tomorrow on the feats of strength Peyton enlisted to secure the title.* Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary/Treasurer M.P.B.E. *No, there is not a “click here to NOT get more blathering” button.

26 March 2023
Greetings From Tournament Central, Today’s games will decide the Final Four, but we have our current Final Four. Todays Texas/Miami game could decide our Champion. We have one former champion in our surviving Giraffe WTA (1990, 230. 2014, 156. 2015, 276). Peyton, Pat and Carl, and Andy are seeking their first Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Alas, after stating earlier this month the odds we would have another tie were unlikely, just proves how bad I am at seeing the future. We do have a chance for a tie for a second year in a row. What are the odds? Clearly better than two people enduring 38 years of futility. Great run for Florida Atlantic. We have contestants representing Florida. How were you not all over this obvious Final Four team?? Today another improbable team will join FAt in the Final Four. Creighton and San Diego State will battle for the South Region. The Winner or Florida Atlantic WILL be in the Final game. Surprising though all three are single digit seeds. Our research department produced this. No. 9 Florida Atlantic defeated No. 3 Kansas State in the Elite Eight, but it didn't become the lowest seed to make a Final Four in the process. That title is shared by five schools that made a Cinderella run to the Final Four as an 11-seed. It was first done by LSU in 1986 followed by George Mason in 2006, VCU in 2011, Loyola Chicago in 2018 and UCLA in 2021. History could be made by Florida Atlantic. Many of us remember well the current lowest seed to win. The No. 8-seeded 1985 Villanova Wildcats are the lowest seed to ever win the NCAA Tournament. Nova and Pat Ewings Georgetown championship game is one of the great sports upsets. Good Luck to our Final Four. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

25 March 2023
Good Morning from Tournament Central, I have sad news to report. A semi traveling west on I-70 near the Cloverdale exit in Indiana transporting two Giraffe’s was involved in an accident. The older, smarter giraffe had followed instructions and kept its head in the truck enjoying an orange soda. The larger, obnoxious giraffe did not. The cab and trailer easily cleared the 14 foot overpass. One giraffe did not. Dax Repartee, a local who witnessed the accident, had this to say. “I was standin’ by the highway wavin’ at cars when I seen the strangest thing. From a distance I could see a tractor trailer with something sticking up above the trailer. As it got closer, I could see it was one of them there long necked horses! It was just ah squealing away swinging its head back and forth. Was grinning’ and singin’ something about I am the champion, no time for losers? Well, apparently long necked horses can’t read so good as it missed the 14’ clearance sign on the overpass. There is not enough moonshine in the county to worsh away what I seen a second later. That there long necked horses head, with its purple tongue ah flappin’, flying through the air. The truck never slowed down, but I swear I heard something roaring with laughter from inside the trailer as it continued west.” Most stories have a moral, I would suggest this one is, If you have a long neck and a big mouth keep your head down. Another wild night for this year’s NCAA. Houston, Bama, and Tennessee going down was enough, but the fact they struggled from the beginning was surprising. By the end of the evening, we arrived at our own Final Eight. The final 8 still in the hunt breakdown includes 3 title holders, Darryl (1994, 238), Surviving Giraffe Terry (1990, 230. 2014, 156. 2015, 276) Rob (1989, 198. 2016, 272). Five others are looking for the elusive first Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Peyton, Pat and Carl, George, Fred, and Andy. Of this group Pat and Carl have seniority by a pretty good number of years. Of course, Bart and I can testify NDH is not a union shop. Darryl refuses to relinquish the number 1 spot with 122. Peyton the same with 2nd, 118. PnC 112, Ippy 110, Fred and Terry 108, Robbie 104, Andy 102. Pat and Carl have the highest possible score at 240. The Possibilities show Peyton is in a dominate position with 31.25%. Doff of the chapeau to Bob Wade for selecting San Deigo State to the Final 8. Kenny(2004 2013 NDH) and Peyton Tucker, Alex Graham, and Darryl for calling Creighton to the Final 8. Peyton as the only contestant with 4 of the final 8. Well done gentlemen. Good luck to our final 8 as they continue their quest for the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

24 March 2023
Good Morning from Tournament Central, After an evening with three stellar games and one dog the path to the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title is littered with more Asterisk stamped contestants. I entered the evening focused on the needed Zags victory. It was halfway through the States game (Michigan and Kansas) it hit me. I need EVERYTHING. When Kansas St put the dagger to MSU I felt sure I felt it as well. I waited about 10 minutes before going to the reports page. Instead, I found myself in a black room. Dark as a dungeon, damp as the dew. Dangers are many, pleasures are few. Out of the darkness I heard a familiar voice. “There’s always next year. Welcome to 0-38 brother.” Bart then stepped away from the picture window allowing in the light. * By the end of the evening 15 others were felled by the Asterisk. Twenty will continue the Quest for the 2023 NDH title this evening. Congrats. The twenty breakdown leaves us with ten former champions with a total of TWENTY titles. Clearly this means our two Giraffe Club members, Steve and Terry, are involved. Darryl continues his hold on first place with 106 points. Pat and Carl are tied with someone else in second with 104. Peyton Tucker (blessed by his folks with the sainted first name of the “Bringer of Title”). Peyton used his Laser Rocket Brain to correctly select six of the final eight. Impressive indeed. George Ippolito joins Peyton in 4th. The thrill of his alma mater St Peters improbable run in the 2022 NCAA to a chance at his first title in 2023. No further speculation on what comes tonight. Clearly, I and Bart would be the last you would request predictions from. But we do have the Possibilities Report, Thanks to our two first time questors, Jake and Ian. Unlike some, SHANE, your respect for Nostra Damus unspoken rules is much appreciated and we hope you will dust yourselves off and join the 2024 quest. For the twenty enjoy the rest of the day as the Asterisk will undoubtedly be waiting like the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog to humble folk on their perilous quest for the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E 0-38 *Show me another NCAA contest which is full of authentic frontier gibberish, Big Head jokes and requires Google to decipher what the hell he is speaking of. And at no charge.

20 March 2023
Good Morning Folks, Tournament Central has the look of a hotel on the last day of spring break. The Secretary is a bit bleary eyed. For someone who is consistently asleep by 11 the four days of post-midnight days takes a toll. This continues to be one of the best extended weekends of the year. The NCAA came through with upsets galore and several surprise teams standing in the 16. A treat indeed for Princeton, Florida Atlantic, Creighton and to a lessor degree Michigan State and Arkansas. The Asterisk claimed 20 early this morning including six previous title holders. Darryl continues to hold on to the top spot with 98 points, 11-16 for the second round. Alex Graham follows in second with 92 points also 11-16. Well done gentlemen. Shane rounds out the top 3 with 90. Shout out to Peyton and Laurie as the only two with their Final Four intact. Peyton is alone with 7 of his final 8. Our two newcomers continue on their first quest ignoring the jeers from the old guard to get off our lawn and don’t be a Shane! Hopefully greeted with an eye roll toward the boomers. Sorry to say Bart continues his winless streak moving to 0-38 with his partner hanging by a thread and likely to join him soon. It was a pleasant surprise to be sans asterisk. Time to recharge and prepare for the quest to continue Thursday evening. Good Luck to all as the Quest for the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title continues. Scott Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

19 March 2023
Good Morning From Tournament Central, Late nights and upsets continue to be the theme for the 2023 NCAA Tournament. We shed another number 1 seed as the Jayhawks could not hold off a determined Razorback squad. The cruel taunts from Razorback faithful regarding name appropriation proved to biting and confusing for the young Jayhawk squad. As did their shirtless coach to postgame interviewers. I’m comfortable blaming the French for both. Tennessee used brute force to set a tone the young Duke team struggled to deal with. Major pearl clutching in Bristol followed the Blue Devil demise. The Tigers of Princeton added another kitty to their mantle and an 8 seed to go with the 2 from Thursday. These Tigers are double B’ers baby, brains and brawn. Darryl sits alone at the top with a solid 78 points. He was joined with 6 of 8 in the 3rd round, by SMS, Ramblin’ Bill and the Big Waves and Peyton Tucker. Though Peyton was bumped from second place by Kelly’s got2luvMarch squad. Peyton holds the impressive distinction of being the only person with their final 8 intact. Well done, Peyton. The Doctor advised he is strategically holding a striking cobra position at 55. So, look out below. The dreaded asterisk loom large as the night draws nigh. Or to put another way, All our times have come. Here but now they’re gone. Seasons don’t fear the reaper. Nor the wind the sun or the rain. We can be like they are. This said. I be sweating the reaper! Enjoy today’s action. Scott Austin Secretary M.P.B.E

18 March 2023
Good Morning Folks, Feels like a couple hours ago the Hoosiers wrapped up their first-round game with a victory over Kent St. After so many years wait UVA became the first 1 seed to lose to a 16. A short 5 years, 4 NCAA tournaments later, the Boilermakers join the Cavaliers with this most dubious of honors. Inexplicable to watch a team who dominated the Big Ten this year sleepwalk through their opening and only game. The second guessing of Matt Painter is in full swing. Clearly Purdue will NOT want to see another New Jersy team in their bracket next year. Major hit tip to Drew Frakes, her study of Nostradamus quatrains lead her to see the Fairleigh Dickerson Knights smiting of the mighty Boilers. She will ride those Knights one more time in their matchup with Florida Atlanta. Well done, Drew. Drew shares 1st place with her dad with 27 out of 32 for 54 points. Good luck to all as we begin the second-round games. Scott Austin Secretary M.P.B.E

17 March 2023
Greetings from Tournament Central, Day two has begun. Hat tip To Got2luvMarch Kelly who rest at the top of the list based on 14-16 first day. A reminder as there is lose talk about “eliminated” folk. NO ONE IS ELIMINATED until after the last game Sunday. We don’t need anyone using super computers to cipher things out and ruin a nice four days of dreams. For some of us history shows dreams are all we have. Enjoy today’s action. Thanks, Scott

16 March 2023
Greetings Folks, We begin the quest for the 38th Nostra Damus of Hoops title with 55. Breaking last year’s 53. Welcome to Jake and Ian on their first title run. Gentlefolk generally feel it gracious to lose the first attempt. We’ll discuss to repercussions of the ungracious if necessary. Our champion breakdown… # of PLAYERS who chose team to: Team Win it all Make Final Final 4 Great 8 Sweet 16 Round of 32 Win no games ALABAMA 16 12 6 16 5 0 0 TEXAS 7 7 14 11 10 6 0 KANSAS 6 5 5 19 19 1 0 GONZAGA 6 3 9 16 19 2 0 HOUSTON 6 2 11 25 5 6 0 PURDUE 4 3 16 4 21 6 1 UCLA 3 3 4 11 32 2 0 ARIZONA 2 7 4 23 17 2 0 U CONN 2 3 6 9 28 7 0 BAYLOR 1 3 3 7 20 21 0 MARQUETTE 1 1 8 31 12 2 0 INDIANA 1 0 1 4 31 12 6 Two upsets in the first set of games a great way to start the 2023 NDH. A very early hat tip to Spencer and Kelly for starting 2-0. Enjoy, Scott,

12 March 2023
The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Greetings All, I hope you’re well.; Just a few more hours before the dance floor is full. Come Thursday the fun begins though for 63 teams it will unfold more in line with “They kill horses, don’t they?” (vague movie reference). There can only be one team standing when the music stops. The same most likely can be said for the Quest for the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Of course, last year after 37 years for the first time it was two. I’ll play the odds on it being a few years before we see a recurrence. The Robbie Graham (89, 16 NDHer) NDH scoring system has served us well. Many questions will be answered shortly as we see who the 4th number 1 seed is. Kansas, Houton, and Bama are set. I would think with UCLA’s loss Purdue would be a lock win or lose. Of course, Texas folk might disagree. Enjoy the three weeks of one and done nail biters as we advance to the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to join the quest for the 2023 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you accept the challenge, please see the details below. No rule changes, winner take all. Details on scoring are located on the Hoopness site, Entries are due at tipoff of the first (real, 64 team) game. Entry fee remains $50.00. One entry per person. No Coordinating with others on Entries Please send checks to: Jeffrey S. Austin 12140 Shortcut Rd. Cloverdale, In. 46120 317 201 3065 Paypal = Please use my phone number to search for PayPal account, 317 201 3065. Do NOT use this email address. Entries may be completed on: Select login (upper left of screen) and then Pool Players. Pool Id is NDH Password = bob The Nostra Damus of Hoops home page is located at: This site includes the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions, photos, and various ramblings from yours truly. Best of luck to you all in this year’s title quest. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

05 April 2022
2022 Nostra Damus Of Hoops James D. Fowler AND Joe Chadwick
Greetings, I hope you’re all well and the ones I’ve wronged will forgive me. Last night was a stress-free finale for our champions having wrapped things up Saturday. It was not for UNC and Kansas. Kansas came roaring back from 15 down at half to capture their 4th NCAA title setting an NCAA title game record. It started at 9:25 PM EST. On a school night. Pony pummeled. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts is happy to announce our 2022 Nosta Damus of Hoops championS. The 2022 quest ended in an unprecedented fashion with our first tie in NDH history. Two trophies will be engraved. Congratulations to Jim Fowler (1991, 2022) and Joe Chadwick (2022). Welcome to the club Joe. Don’t worry, I’m not allowed in. I am officially proclaiming Joe to be our first Badger to join the TBMHOC. Well done Sir. Jim sent a nice note. He pointed out it had been so long since his first title he forgot what it felt like. I was stuck by this thought of the plight burdens horrors multi title holders must deal with. I’m sure Bart will agree. He also sent along this famous moment in history. I was touched by both offerings. The winner’s total was 228 points. Tony Bayt (85, 07) holds the high score of 340 in his second title run. Terry Austin (90,15,16) the low at 156 in his second title run. They claimed their titles despite only selecting two of the final four teams. Only two others selected two final four teams. Rough year for the quest. Jim and Joe have been added to the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions. I’ll send along a trophy presentation note in the shortly. For those of you confused by the giraffe thing this explains... The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this year’s quest. I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year! I look forward to joining you all again in 2023 for 38th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

03 April 2022
Good Afternoon Folks, I will hold with the official announcement until Tuesday. Though we have our winnerS we do not have the final score. For the first time in 37 years, we have a tie. I was on a conference call with the architect of our scoring system, Rob Graham, until about 4 am this morning. It was not pleasant conversation. Hours of grilling him over this colossal failure. His sorry best answer to the failure of his system was “Shit Happens”! With this in mind, I am looking at completely revamping the NDH. New scoring system, possibly paying 15 positions, and granting a bye to the final four for anyone who is 0-37 are all on the table. Of course, I kid. A credit to Robbie’s genius scoring system we have waited 37 years for our first tie. So far, I have not heard any complaints from Joe or Jim. They shall both receive trophies and be listed in the Tillie Bayt Hall of Champions, Jim for the second time. One other note which came up Friday in the monthly poker game. The question about the odds of UG winning 5 titles in around 25 years came up last year. Generally followed by many conspiracy theories. But an equally curious odds query. Forget the odds of one person going 0-37, how about two?? The one theory on this one is Bart and I are idiots. Looks like we have a great matchup Monday evening. Enjoy the championship game. For those gambling my figurative money is on UNC so bet the house on Kansas. Expect the wrap up email Tuesday Evening. For those who have not paid expect an email from the treasurer soon. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

02 April 2022
Good Evening, I will use far more words than are needed tomorrow. Congrats to first time Nostra Damus of Hoops Joe Chadwick and Jim Fowler (91) for his second tile. They ripped the guts out of a sweet young lady with a mean older sister. Well done, Gentlemen. Jeffrey Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

27 March 2022
Good Afternoon, Boy, tail of two half time speeches or just the fact Kansas looks like a Champion. Nothing has changed other than all three competitors Forgot to hit Send on the above. Good Evening, What a run by the Peacocks. For a good number of people, especially the team itself, magical memories. This is one of the reasons the NCAA Tournament is so special. No changes other than we have our Final Four. Final Four. One wonders if CBS made a deal with the devil. Duke meets UNC in Coach K’s final run. Nova/Kansas, two premiere Programs and champions. I did not even notice the Duke/UNC potential matchup. Staring right at me like a rabbit in a mailbox. The only number other than 3 heading to next weekend is only FIVE had 2 Final Four teams. 5 out of 53. Congrats Drew, Joe, Jimmy, Robbie, Jonna/Eric. Congrats to Drew, Joe and Jimmy for making the Nostra Damus of Hoops Final Four. Good luck to you. I would be lying if I told you I know how you feel. Been way to long. For the new folks welcome. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first NDH challenge. You join a group who to many times have read this line. There is always next year. Until next week. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

26 March 2022
Howdy, One Final four spot is set. Congrats to Villanova. Jay Weight has built an impressive program carry on Rollie’s foundation. Houston had jumped to favorite status according to Vegas but their impressive run has ended taking a few Questors with them. One game this late is impact to these young men we are watching but also NDH. With Nova’s victory we are down to three with the title in reach. Drew maintains her lead with 132. She has done this with Baylor as her champ. Jimmy wants another title. He’s pitiful. Hangs outside the Giraffe club door all the time. Tells Steve and Terry the are ever so smart and ever so pretty. Unseemly or not he’s close to adding a second title to advance his dream. He and Joe Chadwick are tied for second with 116. The numbers… 3 Continue their quest. I literally can’t imagine how they feel 16 Point differential between 1st and 13rd (didn’t even need the calculator) 1 Drew Frakes who is all in on Nova and understand…Youngest siblings are ALWAYS the smartest. Right Bart? 0 Possibilities for a new Giraffe Club member!!!! The Possibilities report click on Entry Name to see first place possibilities possibilities for first place possibilities in the money Entry Name number percent number percent Drew Frakes 48 75.00% 48 75.00% Go Team 16 25.00% 16 25.00% JDF 16 25.00% 16 25.00%

26 March 2022
Good Day Folks, Busy day as I travelled to the big city today. Stopped and picked up a half-baked pizza from my favorite pizzeria in Indianapolis. I am sated and settled in for tonight’s games. I feel it’s important to make a point on how NDH handles cheating in the NCAA. We do not demand the return of trophies or prize money if the Championship team is later penalized for violations. Please do not read into this anything to do with the two teams playing in the first game this evening. Not sure I can top Bob’s visual in his reply concerning his beloved Bruin’s. Tough loss but the folks out West should be heartened as it looks like UCLA may be on the right path to being a factor in the Dance every year. There are folks around here who are hoping the same for the Hoosiers. The herd of questors has been further culled after yesterday. Then there were SIX. But there wasn’t much change at the top. Hat Tip to Peyton Tucker and Jimbo Fowler for selecting Houston to the Great 8. For some reason the Choice Distribution report is not indicating this. Well done gentlemen. Peyton also has them in the Final. Drew and George “St. Peters Grad” Ippolito continue to hold the lead with 116 points. Dave Henderson holds at second with 110 his first title within reach. The numbers… 6 Continue their quest. They have visions of hugging a trophy dancing in their heads. 20 Point differential between 1st and 13rd 2 Second!! (Sorry Drew, Dallas made me leave you off the list. The guilt is eating me up) generation players in top six this late in DREW FRAKES and Peyton Tucker. 0 Possibilities for a new Giraffe Club member!!!! The Possibilities report was available earlier than it has been in the past, but I thought it was a little early to mention. At this point I think we can roll it out. Plus it spotlights the aforementioned Second Gen Questors … click on Entry Name to see first place possibilities possibilities for first place possibilities in the money Entry Name number percent number percent Drew Frakes 64 50.00% 64 50.00% Peyton Tucker 32 25.00% 32 25.00% Go Team 16 12.50% 16 12.50% JDF 16 12.50% 16 12.50% Dave H 16 12.50% 16 12.50% Ippy Finally 16 12.50% 16 12.50% Enjoy tonight’s games. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

25 March 2022
Greetings from Nostra Damus of Hoops headquarters, I just finished sweeping up the fallen number 1 seeds from the floor. Kansas is over in the corner looking a bit nervous for some reason. I did not make it to the end of the Houston/Arizona game. Though it was pretty much over. It looked pretty well over after the first 5 minutes. I had a dental appointment this afternoon and busy at work so just pulled up the status report. As I suspected carnage greeted me. Losing three number 1’s will do this. Texas Tech gave Duke all they wanted but the Blue Devils made the big plays when they needed them. This leaves CBS dream of a Coach K final game intact. Ratings gold. For you folks who bet on games listen closely…I don’t see it happening. Put the house on Duke baby! As the Boilers have started their game which will lead to their FIRST championship I’ll hop to the numbers (see what I did there). The Young lady what can’t spell, Drew Frakes, and George “St. Peters Grad” Ippolito lead the list with 108 points. Is George there in person? (I must stop using Drew’s older sisters’ scripts!) Dave Henderson drops to second with 102 still hoping for his first. The Numbers… 13 Continue their quest. Wind in their hair and despair in their rearview 30 Point differential between 1st and 13rd 4 Former NDH Champions look for another title 2 Possibilities for a new Giraffe Club member. Mike Bowling (99,11) Ken Tucker (04,13) 1 Adonis who can focus on a mirror 1 query. Did I mention the Big Ugly Giraffe is OUT?? Enjoy tonight’s games. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

24 March 2022
Greetings All, Quick update. As this is a school night don’t expect a second set recap. I will moving quickly to bed. Look for the update tomorrow pre game. Nova played like a 2 seed against Michigan to advance but the big news is the number one seed going down. Though tied with Arizona with 16 each. Gonzaga pulled 18 final game picks to Arizona’s 12. No surprise with a number 1 going down the top of the leader board has changed significantly. Long suffering Dave Henderson, not far behind Bart and I, has taken a 2 point lead over 1991 NDH Jimbo Fowler. A return of the numbers… 23 Continue the quest 158 Point differential between first and 23rd 7 Former NDH Champions look for another title 4 Possibilities for a new Giraffe Club member. Robbie Graham (89,16) Nancy Schuch (96,98) Mike Bowling (99,11) Ken Tucker (04,13) 1 Remains whose Wife did NOT choose his entry name 1 Who just got the When you’re Hot You’re Hot commercial 1 Who provides solace to the other 15 Gonzaga folks. A Big Ugly, not gettin’ 6 nor threepeat, Giraffe Enjoy the second set and good luck to the remaining 23. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E. * *Remember the P in MPBE stands for Panel. It certainly isn’t me who is a basketball expert!

21 March 2022
Good Asterisk Monday, There was a time I enjoyed the Asterisk. An exciting indicator there was bonus information at the bottom of the page. Alas it has become an indicator for the agony of defeat. Twenty others have joined me on this fateful morning. Our quest is over for the 2022 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The list of defeated include eight former champs, a rookie fulfilling his duty, and he knows all about duty, to not offend the NDH committee with a first-year title. Two other rookies also joined him. It’s called CLASS Shane! Of course, what NDH would be complete without Bart and I continuing our harpculean* losing streak which is now 0-37. But life and Nostra Damus is about winning. Thirty-two who continue their quest for the 2022 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The Fightin’ Foxes hold the top spot with 94 points. Kenny rode a 12 point weekend to grab the top spot. Kenny is part of our West Coast contingent originally seeded by our dear Vaughn Nic Nichols. St. Peter’s proud alum George Ippolito and Drew Frakws, she can’t spell her last name, but she can pick NCAA winners, with 92. Hat tip to Greg, Dave H., Pat, Nancy (96, 98 NDH), Peggy, Dr. John, and Darryl (94 NDH) for having their Final Four still intact. Though Darryl is in the dreaded BLOCKED state as he has been ASTERISKED. Second Tip of the Chapeau to Kenny, Pat and Phil for selecting Iowa State into the 16. Well done, Gentlemen! Dave H sits alone with the Highest Possible Score of 326 points. The top 11 listed have NOT won a title. Ten former NDH title holders are looking to add another. On a personal note, it was nice after three years of disruptions to the NCAA tournament to enjoy a return to normalcy. The inexplicable masked cheerleaders being about the only sign of the darks days which are hopefully behind us for good. Get some rest while we await the start of the next round Thursday. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E. *Harpcules: Hercules weak, slow witted younger brother

19 March 2022
Good Afternoon, A long day at tournament central. Head on pillow early this morning. The fading memory is disconcerting in many ways. However last night was an example of the minor benefits. It’s comforting to know in a few weeks the carnage of IU’s loss will fade. As bad as it was the NCAA doctors prescribed the perfect balm for the loss. Just apply a bit of Hoosier hatred of Kentucky to the open wounds of a 30 point loss and spirits soared to the heavens! Congrats to the Fightin’ Foxes and Frank for a very solid 13-16 first day. Sorry to those who were riding the Kentucky horse. As I told my Godson, NDH is a cruel mistress! Good luck today! Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

15 March 2022
DEFENDING NOSTRA DAMUS Big Ugly Giraffe The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Greetings All, I hope you’re well. I hope you’re ready for the 37th Mostly Annual Nostra Damus of Hoops. I welcome you to join this year’s quest for the 2022 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The Year of the GIRAFFE SLAYER. I hope you’ll forgive me for a bit of poetic waxing. For so many years many from Indiana have been lost in the cold dark wilderness. Wandering from one disappointing year to another of, plain and simple, bad basketball at the home of the Hurrying Hoosiers. We were spoiled by a Beast who was followed by clowns. I would begin each year tuning in to see how the current squad looked. It wasn’t long before my dismay in the product left me uninterested. The last 5 years were particularly difficult to watch. A coach who apparently hated kids who could put it in the hole from the perimeter. High crimes and misdemeanors in a State known for pure shooter. This time every year we see Indiana kids making a difference in the NCAA tournament. None in an Indiana uniform. But all this changed on the fateful day it was announced a man born in Indianapolis, played his High School basketball at Board Ripple High where I had the pleasure of seeing him play. He attended Indiana becoming one of Indiana’s favorite players. Mike Woodson came home! Watching the first game was a breath of fresh air. I actually understood what the point of the Offense AND Defense was. Ball movement and screens. On ball pressure defense. I felt like a kid again though I still groan when I get out of a chair. Though frustrating at times, primarily because of the lack of shooters, I enjoyed watching the Hoosiers again. With a wonderful run in the B10 tournament folks like myself are extra excited for Selection Sunday. The future of Indiana Basketball is bright. Woody will recruit some shooters (makers!)! Adding to this my, and several others in this quest, were treated to our Westfield Shamrock High School winning their first Sectional title in their history. Defeating the Richy Richers from Carmel by the Highway snooty Greyhounds. Alas they lost the regional finals in a game which mirrored the IU/Iowa game earlier in the day. There are many solid teams atop the field this year. Perhaps we’ll produce a record number of teams selected as champion this year. We’ll know Thursday Afternoon. Enjoy the three weeks of one and done nail biters as we advance to the 2022 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to join the quest for the 2022 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you accept the challenge, please see the details below. No rule changes, winner take all. Details on scoring are located on the Hoopness site, Entries are due at tipoff of the first (real, 64 team) game. Entry fee remains $50.00. One entry per person. Jeffrey S. Austin 12140 Shortcut Rd. Cloverdale, In. 46120

16 May 2021
Good Morning Questors, I’m sure this was not an email most of you were looking forward to. I assure you it was no joy being involved in the distasteful event. In what is becoming a very unfortunate tradition our monthly poker game once again was utilized to feed the massive ego of one Steve Shaffer. Of the ten poker players eight are NDH members, five hold titles, two are Giraffe Club members. Needless to say this is somewhat awkward for Bart and I. As I could not quite stomach beginning the evening with the HORROR we waited until 2 hours into the night. During this time Humble Steve thrilled us with thoughts of poses he was considering. “Will they understand me holding my thumb up means one for the thumb”? “Should Bart and Scott join me with awe struck faces looking upon me from their knees”? “Where should the Giraffe Key be displayed in the photo”? The last question was the only one answered with Bart offering a very good suggestion. Steve declined. It was a long two hours, though not nearly as long as the last 3… Please see first attachment or click HERE I included a close up of this year’s plate engraving. See second attachment or click HERE. In a difficult gracious gesture on my part, I requested they add 5 Giraffes to the plate. Of course, Steve couldn’t help complaining about this generous thought. Something about the location of the fifth giraffe. Even after assuring him I did not provide guidance to the engraver where to place the fifth giraffe he took exception. Something about the appearance of the giraffe defecating on his last name. Pure coincidence!! Steve remained humble post presentation though some questioned his very detailed hour-long recap of how he made each pick this year. There was also the eyebrow raising comment to Bart, “You should try picking the right winners next year”. But I believe the third photo attached (or HERE) will truly give you an idea of just how HUMBLE Steve can be. It was a long three hours made all the better by my 182-dollar loss for the night which was my worse in many years. Surely another coincidence unrelated to any of the evening’s activities. The NDH home page is up to date awaiting the 2022 Nostra Damus of Hoops quest. Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

6 April 2021
201921 Nostra Damus Of Hoops Steve Shaffer As it is groundhog day I thought we might as well repeat the 2019 closing...

Greetings, The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts announces Steve Shaffer secured his 4th 5th Nostra Damus of Hoops title ( 01, 08, 10, 19, 21). Steve (cheated) does not need the final game which should be a good one. Steve’s final score will be determined Monday. Steve’s name will be added to the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions for a 4th 5thtime. Steve was gracious as usual. His first comment was, “You know I’ve only been in NDH for 20 of the 35 years. This really is easy.” He followed this with, “I assume there will be a new 4 time winner club. May I suggest NDH Mensa Members Club”? He continued, “And after 2020 we can have the Steve Shaffer Club, cause I will be the only member, EVER”.* We are required to have a trophy presentation, it’s in the bylaws. I checked twice. My guess is Steve will insist on bringing his other three four trophies for the photo.**This is also in the bylaws. I did set him straight. There will be no other clubs.The Giraffe Club is the top level. You can’t be more selfish than a giraffe. So, three, four, five, all selfish. I was debating how to start this update. Numerous thoughts, most falling in line with one of my favorite quotes, “I'm not bitter. I'm just consumed by a gnawing hate that's eating away at my gut until I can taste the bile in my mouth.” Woody Boyd. I point to the above recap as a reminder. Five titles in twenty years, unprecedented just doesn’t cover it. Maybe appropriate for the first to reach three and founded the Giraffe Club. A stretch to cover number four. Incredible doesn’t do FIVE justice but will have to do. Congratulations to Steve for this amazing run. His 268 points was below his average, 279.6( minimum FIVE games). Steve rode the Baylor Bears on their own impressive run as Scott Drew brought a program from the ashes to the glory of Baylor’s first NCAA Title in his home state. Steve would expect me to insert he has 5 NDH titles. The victory left the Indiana Hoosiers 76 championship team as the last undefeated champion. Also, the modern eras best team. This was Indiana’s third of five total title, the same number of NDH titles Steve now holds. This picture appeared in my text machine at 4:37 this morning. I smiled around 7:15 am. Credit literal HOFer Andy Graham (Steve would like me to point out, but he has ZERO NDH titles) Steve was gracious as always at poker Friday. He didn’t drop a one “ one for the thumb line” (more like six) or mention he planned to name this year’s title PA. We were all tickled to know he has named all his FIVE championships. The PA was pulled from an earlier correct observation I made which begun with Pompous. No one ask for the others. Of course, with every “thrill of victory” there is “the agony of defeat” . Kelly had a great run topping the leader board most of the way. She also experienced the thrill of Saturday. The only positive Monday is she likely knew within 5 minutes it wasn’t going to be Gonzaga’s or her night. A stunning opening five-minute domination of a very good Gonzaga team. A tough end for those young men. Just before I started this update, I received an email from Wyoming/Colorado represented John. He came across the attached ancient artifacts. A reminder of olden days when you received your updates via phone calls, invites and recap via USPS and of course the Big Board for tracking results. So many changes apart from my ham-handed writing skills! Also 5-6 names who are 0-32 or so. Which just adds to 5 in 20. Rob text last night noting the odds must be in the billions. I pointed out I had to use a calculator to get .250 winning percentage so we both agreed we wouldn’t be the ones figuring out those odds. Indiana and Indianapolis pulled it of as they always do. We can do us some hostin’! Thanks for all the kind words. The treasures John sent are a reminder of how long we’ve been going. How easy it is to take things for granted. After last year it was very comforting to bring this old gang together again and new folks who have paid their dues. Hopefully, you’ll return for the 2022 quest. For those of you confused by the giraffe thing this explains... The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this year’s quest. I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year! I look forward to joining you all again in 2021for 37th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

4 April 2021
Good Morning from NDH Headquarters, Congratulations to Kelly and Steve for reaching the final game in their quest for the 2021 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Two titles will be settled about 11:30 PM EST tomorrow evening. Congrats to Gonzaga and Baylor as well. They were preseason 1 and 2 and mostly remained there for most of the year. Very fitting one shall be crowned. Baylor destroyed Houston in a mostly unwatchable game unless schadenfreude is your thing. It is for me as Petty and Snide is an Austin male default trait. One I fight but happily released for this matchup. The night cap truly was a classic! Both teams brought their best efforts. Great D and beautiful team offense. The last shot! For a brief flash , things seemed to freeze, I wasn’t sure the shot went in. My brain didn’t seem to trust my eyes. Then pandemonium. The best line of the night came post game from Clark Kellogg on Gonzaga’s D, “It was snug, like me in an airplane bathroom”! A LOL for me. I am 5’8” 210. I have always thought of how the world is designed more for my size than truly large folks. Airplane seats always bring this home. But I never thought about the bathroom. Hell, I struggle fitting in airplane bathrooms. How does a 6’8” person manage it?? Good luck to Kelly and Steve tomorrow. Emotions will be high for the final step of their quest. Here’s to another game like last night. I wanted to mention I had not updated the Nostra Damus of Hoops Homepage (see second link below) due to problems getting to the admin page. I was able to complete the updates this morning, so the historical rambling of these updates is in place. Though I have yet to be contacted, I assume these records will be enshrined in the Library of Congress at some point. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

31 March 2021
Greetings from NDH headquarters, Then there were three. Kelly, George, and Steve and four Gonzaga, UCLA, Baylor, and Houston. Though the early rounds were somewhat chaotic in the end the committee did a good job. Two 1’s, a 2 and those peaky Bruins at 11. Quite the run by the storied Bruins. First time a first four team makes the Final Four. Likely be quite some time before this is matched. UCLA hired the right guy in Cronin who wisely added two assistants with southern Indiana roots. This is only the 4th time in NCAA history an 11 seed has made it to the Final Four. Loyola, Louisiana St, George Mason, and Virginia Commonwealth are the others. Great job by our three finalists. All three have been near the top of the standings from the start. Best of luck to all three. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

30 March 2021
Greetings from NDH Headquarters, I hope you’re all well. Our Final Four is set! We now await 1 am Wednesday morning for the NCAA to settle theirs. I know you love when I whine and complain, and I love to please so here we go! I do not understand (and I actually do, 7 PM PST) why it seemed we had close to an hour between games last night. I won’t make the 2nd half of tonight’s Mich/UCLA game either. Hold on, there’s a couple of kids on the lawn I need to holler at! Where was I, oh yes, I was talking about Shane Gamble. I really feel bad. I keep popping off on subjects and ruining people’s day. I had to praise our West Coast members. Next day it was like California slides into the ocean, like the mystics and statistic say it will. All singing the old refrain “if you’ll be my Dixie Chicken, I’ll”. Wait, I mean, There’s always next year. Then I went and mentioned the Rookie not winning rule thing. Well, it’s clear Drew requested the Razorbacks throw the game as the thought of her name being associated with Shane’s was more than she could handle. Kelly and Darryl raised one good daughter! Nice first time run Drew and a classy thing to do! So, we have two seeking their first title, the aforementioned Kelly with Gonzaga, George with Michigan. Our two former champs, Jay Doty (1986, 178) basically looking for USC to win it all. And another person who has long legs, neck, and a purple tongue with Baylor. I wish the best of luck to you all and officially throw ALL my support behind Steve!! click on Entry Name to see first place possibilities possibilities for first place possibilities in the money Entry Name number percent number percent GLW 14 43.75% 14 43.75% Kelly Frakes 10 31.25% 10 31.25% SMS 8 25.00% 8 25.00% Doty 2 6.25% 2 6.25% Enjoy tonight’s action. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

29 March 2021
Greetings from NDH Headquarters, Short update this evening. The culling of the herd has started in earnest in the NCAA and NDH. Tonight promises to continue the trend. My praise of our West Coast contingent proved to be a kiss of death as they were all eliminated after last nights games. Sorry folks. We have five contenders left including two former champions in Jay Doty (1986, 178), Steve Shaffer( Founding member of the Giraffe Club, First to 4 titles, Pompous Arse, (2001, 310 & 2008, 316 & 2010, 214 & 2019). Three vying for their first, Kelly still with a death grip on the number 1 spot, George in 2nd and Drew, a second-generation contestant aiming to take a tile in her first try. Darryl and Kelly apparently forgot to mention our “rule” concerning first timers winning. Shane Gamble will testify it didn’t bother him at all and guessing Drew would get over it as well. No numbers today other than FIVE mentioned. Here is the Possibilities report… possibilities for first place possibilities in the money Entry Name number percent number percent GLW 40 31.25% 40 31.25% Kelly Frakes 29 22.66% 29 22.66% DEF 29 22.66% 29 22.66% Doty 18 14.06% 18 14.06% SMS 16 12.50% 16 12.50% Enjoy tonight’s action. Good luck to the Five as we enter the stretch run. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

28 March 2021
Good Morning from NDH Headquarters, I hope you all well. I've got the brains you've got the looks, let's make lots of money. You've got the brawn I've got the brains. Let's make lots of... Wow, sorry. No idea where this came from. Very odd as this is a sentence construct I would never use as it could not possibly apply to me. Let me try to refocus. Oral Roberts gave Arkansas a bit of a scare in the game of the day. Oregon St continues their great run form the 12th seed by ending Sister Jean and Loyola’s championship dreams in another wonderful run for Loyola. OSU may rightly have been offended by the aforementioned seed. Baylor did their job as a number 1 by handling Villanova who represented the Big East well as they always seem to do. The game of the day was Arkansas’s victory over a very solid Oral Robert’s squad. ORU gave the Hogs all they could handle. And finally, 1 AM could not come fast enough for the night cap to end. I’ll avoid any editorial comments and just say a number 2 seed advanced. Our first 4 of the final 8 have been determined. We’ll know the final 8 about 1 am this morning. I will know about 7:15 AM Monday. We will then take a quick breath and move to Monday and Tuesday to find out who our Final Four will be. Numbers… 2 – Pac12 teams who can join the final 8. One is assured with Oregon and USC, 6 and 7 seed, set to decide one of the spots. UCLA, 11 seed, could make it 3 Pac12 teams in Final Eight. Perhaps this explains the dominance by NDH West Coast contingent. 1 – Mystery solved. On this subject, the Mike Pence mystery has been solved. Mike is a friend of Bob’s (2006 NDH winner, 216 points). We sorted out the email issues. Unfortunately for Mike he is now recieving these updates. With the number of Cali based questors the title may be returning west. 17 – Happy, happy questors remaining. 4 – Still have Final Four intact. Kelly (our leader), Peggy, George, and Drew. Well done. 7-6-8 – 7 with 6 of Final 8 intact. Kelly, Peggy( who I missed in the last update), Bob, Mike P., Nick, Alex (Who is NOT from Cali though his entry, Walton and the Big Waves, has a Cali feel), Kenny and Jimbo (only one in this group who cannot win). 3-1 - 3 number 1 seeds still alive for Final 4. As wacky as this year’s tournament has been, we still have a solid chance at Three #1’s and a 2 in the Final Four. 5 – Former Nostra Damus of Hoops champions with a chance to add another title. Bob Wade (2006, 216 points), Jay Doty (1986, 178), Shane Gamble (2003, 200 & 2018, 248. Shane’s note on his paypal payment was “Deposit on Giraffe Club membership” ), Steve Shaffer( Founding member of the Giraffe Club, First to 4 titles, Pompous Arse, (2001, 310 & 2008, 316 & 2010, 214 & 2019, 290), Steve Sandler (2002, 262) 1 – 0-36 person with chance to remove King Kong from his shoulders. Bart Smith 36 - Members in “There’s always next year” mode. ZERO – News on Indiana’s next basketball coach. Does this mean they are still leading their current team or other options lack of interest? Enjoy today’s action, Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

23 March 2021
Greetings from NDH Headquarters, I hope you’re all well and enjoyed the close of the first weekend. Not a stellar closing night of basketball but overall, pleasing action for the first two rounds. My comment about the potential for strange events has certainly come to fruition. Pretty sure the 2021 first two rounds top all others in upsets of high seeds. Hat tip to our West Coast contingent, Bob, Peggy, and Kenny. Peggy is in 2nd, Bob 3rd, and Kenny 17th. They and the Pac12 are demanding their due respect. Vaughn is tickled. Numbers… 4 - Final 4 intact. Kelly, Peggy, George, Drew, and Laurie * 6-8 – 6 of Final 8 remain. Nick, Kelly, Michael, Kenny, Bob and Jimbo* 23 – Happy people 30 – Hoping there’s always next year 1 -remaining 0-35 who can shake the gorilla off his back. Bart 1 – Person who I don’t know, and email is bouncing back. And is still in the hunt. Who is Michael Pence??!! We have the odd schedule again this week with Friday kicking off the 3rd round. The next update will be Saturday morning. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

22 March 2021
Good Morning from NDH Headquarters, It’s very interesting how moving the tournament one day has left me completely discombobulated. This does not feel like a Monday. I fear tomorrow when faced with work it will feel extra Mondayee. This is the last day before we will be officially eliminating folks. The dreaded Asterisks will appear in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. At this point I have no idea who will still be standing. Another day of chaos could leave many surprises come tomorrow. Yesterday brought the exit of three highly seeded teams, 1st, 3rd, and 4th . The number 1 also being NDH number 1, Illinois. A quote from someone’s Facepalm page summed up the mood… “The moral of the story is never count on a team from the Big 10 to win your bracket, Period, ever, Period.” . Numbers… 5 4 – 5 with Final Four intact. Kelly, Peggy, Drew, Maggie, and George. Unusually small number this early but losing a 1, 2, two 3’s, three 4’s will do this! Note 4 of the 5 listed do not have a Y chromosome. Girl Power! 3 7 8 – 3 with 7 of 8 Final Four remaining. Kelly, Nick, Jimbo. 1 – Selected Loyola over Illinois. Nancy. Tomorrow’s update will be later in the day as I shall be returning to cold reality of work. Good luck today as we wrap up the first 2 rounds, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

21 March 2021
Greetings from NDH Headquarters, Clarification on yesterday’s update. The 8 4 8 was final 8 intact, not Final 4. Congrats to our leader Peyton Tucker. Peyton closed out the first round alone with 25-7 record in the first round followed by six at 24-8. He has not led from the start but took over early. Considering all the upsets pretty good scores atop the leaderboard. Peyton does not care for the Sorted by Possible points view as he drops to 24th place. Kelly Frakes leads this group with 350 possible points. With the start of the second round our points per game jump to 4. For those of us looking up at the leaders it’s time to make our move up the board. Numbers… 3 4 8 – Three still have their Final 8 intact. Inviable indeed. 1 – 14 seed over 3 and 13 over 4 3 – Selected Lil Ole Abilene to upset Texas. Well done, Kelly Frakes, Gray Brown, Michael Pence. Well done! If someone can advise who Michael is it would be appreciated. Pretty sure it’s not the former VP but for all I know it is. Either way his email is bouncing back. 14 – Selected Ohio over Virginia. 8 – Also selected Ohio in the next game. 53 – “Technically” still alive. Reality not so much. But until the official Asterisk we can sail the D-Nile. Enjoy today’s action, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

19 March 2121
Good Afternoon All, So nice to have the return of NCAA Tournament and our NDH tradition. I appreciate your continued enthusiasm. Numbers… 53 - total entries. 3 – Atop the leader board after the first day with 13-16 records. Dallas, Peyton and Stewart. Dallas is starting her first NDH in style. Well done folks! 8 4 8 – only 8 of the 53 still have their Final Four intact. I have observed this is key to winning a Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Obviously not from experience. 7 – Champion selections lost. 2 – People who called the major upset of a 4 seed over a team I shall not mention. Well done Dallas (show off) and Ippy. 13.5 – hours of viewing pleasure 40 – stripes of bacon fresh off the gridle Of course, the cruel nature of our endeavor includes the horror of losing your winner in the first day. Though no one will have the dreaded ASTERICK until after Mondays last game it is still NOT where you want to be after day one. Did I mention Purdue was the no 4seed who was upset or was I taking the high road? On this subject and apologies to the impacted, hat tip to Oral Roberts and North Texas for stunning upsets over top four seeds. But as one of the coaches pointed out. They are only human. Enjoy todays games and good luck. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

20 March 2021
Greetings All from NDH Headquarters, The quest has begun. The path to the 36th NDH title will be more difficult than ever as we have hit a new record with 53 entries. The previous high of 51 was before the fancy technology so was still tracked on the “Big Board”. This was what prompted the move from $25 to $50 entry fee. Here’s the champion selection breakdown… Illinois 21 Gonzaga 18 Ohio St. 6 Baylor 3 Arkansas 2 Alabama 1 Michigan 1 Purdue 1 Very happy many of our new competitors are adding to our growing list of next generation Questors. This includes my Godson. The fun begins! Good luck to all, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

14 March 2021
The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Greetings All, I hope you are all healthy and happy. After a break in the Nostra Damus of Hoops 35 run year run it pleases me to welcome you back to the 36th Mostly Annual Nostra Damus of Hoops. One more step toward normalcy as we prepare for this year’s quest for the 2021 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. In a bit of bitter irony, our first member of the Giraffe Club and first with 4 titles, Steve Shaffer, becomes the first and hopefully last to hold a single title for 2 years. It sticks in my throat to say but one more congrats offered to 2019 NDH Champion Mr. Steven M. Shaffer. Steve became the first person to win 4 NDH titles, (01,08,10,19). On the opposite spectrum, Bart and I continue to seek our first title. Zero and 35. We do stand alone in futility. I fear our quest mirrors Brave Sir Robin of Monty Python Holy Grail fame. To our credit we are NOT running away. I am proud the Hoosier state will be hosting the entire tournament. I can confidently state we will do a great job. Of course, this does not mean each of us may find our dreams dashed in an unusual manner. The journey for this year’s champion may prove to be the most unique in NCAA and NDH history. You put all your eggs in a number 1 seed, and they make the finals with only 5 players. Many unknowns ahead. I have a treat for you all. During a remodel of the basement, I came across the long, lost photo of 2006 NDH champ Bob Wade and our beloved Vaughn “Nic” Nichols. The photo can be viewed HERE. Vaughn, brother to our Dear Tillie Bayt, was our first West Coast representative. The enthusiasm those two had for this little venture kept me going in the early days. Hard to believe it was 2006 Bob won his title. Enjoy the three weeks of one and done nail biters as we advance to the 2021 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to try for the 36th Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you except the challenge, please see the details below. No rule changes, winner take all. Details on scoring are located on the Hoopness site, Entries are due at tipoff of the first (real, 64 team) game (Friday this year). Entry fee remains $50.00. One entry per person. If you have someone you believe will appreciate our little gathering feel free to invite them. Just give me a heads up. Please send checks to: Jeffrey S. Austin 12140 Shortcut Rd. Cloverdale, In. 46120 317 201 3065 Paypal = Entries may be completed on: Select login (upper left of screen) and then Pool Players. Pool Id is NDH Password = bob The Nostra Damus of Hoops home page is located at: This site includes the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions, photos, and various ramblings from yours truly. Best of luck to you all in this year’s title quest. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

2019 Nostra Damus Of Hoops
Steve Shaffer
Greetings, The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts announces (VA) Steve Shaffer secured his 4th Nostra Damus of Hoops title ( 01, 08, 10, 19). Steve (cheated) does not need the final game which should be a good one. Steve’s final score will be determined Monday. Steve’s name will be added to the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions for a 4th time. Steve was gracious as usual. His first comment was, “You know I’ve only been in NDH for 20 of the 35 years. This really is easy.” He followed this with, “I assume there will be a new 4 time winner club. May I suggest NDH Mensa Members Club”? He continued, “And after 2020 we can have the Steve Shaffer Club, cause I will be the only member, EVER”.* We are required to have a trophy presentation, it’s in the bylaws. I checked twice. My guess is Steve will insist on bringing his other three trophies for the photo.**This is also in the bylaws. I did set him straight. There will be no other clubs.The Giraffe Club is the top level. You can’t be more selfish than a giraffe. So, three, four, all selfish. For those of you confused by the giraffe thing this explains... Hat tip to Mike E. for his faith in the Texas Tech squad. Though it would be bittersweet I hope they get the win. The Auburn lose was an absolute gut punch. I referenced in an earlier note the sometimes cruel nature of NDH. She was on full display in the last few seconds of last nights opener. Looking forward to tomorrows game. Both teams have played well. I believe the NCAA is looking at the one and done. I hope it is changed. I believe a reason the final four was particularly good this year is all four teams have been together for a few years. I believe the longer a group plays together the better the basketball. Bart and I now move to 0-35. Obviously we would take care of the trembly one (above link explains this reference as well). The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this years quest. I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year! I look forward to joining you all again in 2020 for 36th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E *This may have been an abuse of “” as the comments could just be the embellishments of a bitter, bitter man. Mr. Shaffer deserves kudos for a very impressive achievement. ** 2018 winner Shane failed to send a picture. He is on super secret probation.

1 April 2019 Good Evening, The big dance started with a slow waltz but has warped into a disco frenzy. The action both on court and in the NDH quest was exhilarating this weekend. When Sunday evening closed we had an interesting and different Final Four and a NDH final three heavy on hardware. The end of the quest is near. The path to a 35th Nostra Damus of Hoops title is clear. For the 35th year we will not end in a tie. Thanks Robbie Graham for the scoring system. I think it is one of the more endearing features of NDH. The scoring record will stay with Tony Bayt, 340 in 2007. Congratulations to Steve Shaffer, Mike Bowling, and Mike Eggleton for making this years Final Four. An impressive feat in a year like this. Two teams who have not been there before (and one NDHer). One team, Texas Tech, was only selected by three to make the Final Four (Hat Tip to Brad Stark for joining the two Mikes). I believe I mentioned hardware. Steve Shaffer (01, 08, 10) sits in 1st place with 194 points. Mike Bowling ( 99, 11) holds second with 182 points. He would love to join the Giraffe Club. And Mike Eggleton in the 3rd spot with 128 points. Mike E. has been our Texas rep for several years now though he would not be our first trophy in Texas. Mike Graves our 2008 winner migrated to the great state of Texas a few years ago. Here are the paths to the 35th Annual Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Steve VA beats MSU Auburn beats MSU TT beats VA (a killer) VA beats TT Auburn beats TT Mikey MSU beats VA MSU beats Auburn Don’t Mess with TEXAS Texas Tech beats Auburn Or another way to put it... Steve 62.5% Mikey 25% Mike E 12.5% Mike, if it helps your 12.5 is 12.5 better than 44 others. Sorry to those who joined us this weekend. The closer you get the more it stings or so I’ve been told. But...there’s always next year! Good luck to the final three this coming weekend. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

31 March 2019 Good Morning All, We cannot have ask for better games yesterday. The Purdue/Va game was a fantastic back and fourth affair. There are two people who can witness to the cruel nature of Nostra Damus of Hoops. A cruel mistress much of the time. She comes with great highs and painful lows. This was on perfect display yesterday. Our fifteen have been culled to seven and a new sole leader in Brad Stark with a 14 point lead over Jim Fowler and Mike Bowling. Brad selected both games yesterday as did Mike. Well done gentlemen. Steve Shaffer sits in fourth. Peggy Wade, filling the Cali void Kenny left in the Zags loss, sits in Fifth. Rounding out the seven is Steve Sandler (02) in sixth and Mike Eggleton in seventh. The path to victory is becoming more clear. A few begin todays games knowing their ticket to the next round is already punched. Others will white knuckle through the two games today. Our current seven has tipped the scale toward a repeat champion with only three of the seven seeking their first coveted NDH title. I do not take sides in the quest though I will tell you there are new bylaws in the works relating to sanctions against anyone with 4 titles. Nothing is firm yet but apparently shady auditing is involved and this could lead to certain results being overturned. Hopefully a true and honorable champion will prevail (6 to 1 chance) and these draconian measures will not be required. There is also a call for a thirty dollar tax per championship over two. For 5 of the 7(sorry Mikey, but you have two damn titles!) remaining I have started a GoFundMe page, NDH_Stop_Giraffes. Good Luck to the deserving seven*, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary/Chief Compliance Officer/Executive VP, Human Resources (this is the one to remember as HR always works for The Man), M.P.B.E *Seven may not reflect the actual number luck is being offered to

30 March 2019 Good Afternoon Folks, I have burned through the small budget the Game of Thrones promotion folks gave me so no more GoT references. Congrats to the NCAA Final 8 and Nostra Damus of Hoops Final 15. We have three 1’s, two 2’s, two 3’s and a 5 seed remaining. So not chalk but not exactly shocking either. Acc/B10/Sec have 6 of the 8 spots. This makes odds fairly good the rich will get richer. But Tech and Gonzaga have a shot to break the usual trend. Hat tip to the often maligned Boilers. Their effort against a solid Tennessee squad deserves note. Hat Tip to Mr. Bruin Kenny Fox for maintaining his lead with a 3-4 night. This set Kenny apart from everyone else with a fine 7-8 in the final 8 securing his number 1 spot. Pat Sandler, Jimbo Fowler (91), and Brad Stark hold solo control of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th spots. The top 5 is rounded out with Jim Brennan and Steve Shaffer sharing 5th. The good news is 4 of the top 6 are trying secure their first NDH title. The bad news is a giraffe (Steve Shaffer, 01, 08, 10) stalks the top five and another lurks in the top 15 (Terry Austin, 90, 14, 15). Mike Bowling ( 99, 11) has a shot to join the Giraffe club. Overall we have 10 who seek their first title and 5 who are just selfish, greedy narcissist. More will lose there way this evening and by the end of tomorrow night we should have a few deserving potential champions with their paths clearly defined. Good Luck to the fifteen in the quest for the 2019 Nostra Damus of hoops title. Go Big Ten. Enjoy the action, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

29 March 2019 Good Evening Folks, To continue with the GoT theme, last nights episode was particularly gruesome. Many had their quest for the title thwarted. We did get an idea on how to survive dragons though, perfection. Dreamy Jon Snow, er sorry, Ken Fox rode a 4 for 4 night to sole procession of 1st place. Ken is part of our strong Cali contingent which began with our dear departed but never forgotten Vaughn Nichols. Ken was the only one to have a perfect evening. Ken will try to strengthen his position with another 4-4 run tonight. Ken also holds the highest possible points with an impressive 362. But many are lurking close behind ready to pounce. Good luck to all who still have a chance. The end of this evening should bring things much more in focus. For the poor souls who did not survive there is always next year. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

28 March 2019 Good Evening Folks, Well we have officially entered the Game of Thrones portion of Nostra Damus of Hoops. There will be a lot of action and one or many will not make it to the end of the episode. So as we near the start of game time just watch out for dragons and enjoy the show. Good Luck to those still in the quest. Take care, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

25 March 2019 Good Morning Questers, Well my whining did produce a few bits of excitement yesterday. The opener was exciting and at the time I felt important personally. But the big draw involved 21 folks nerves and an obvious criminal conspiracy. Some might argue the asterisk was spared through questionable officiating. Others would state this as FACT. But this is just another silly conspiracy theory. This was a simple matter of the team the NCAA wanted to advance doing so. Nothing to see here. We shall await the FBI to deliver the final justice to Coach K. Shane Gamble continues on his quest for the Giraffe Club sharing the lead with 108 points. Shane shares the 1st spot with Pat Sandler. Pat used a 15-16 second round to claim his part of 1st place. Greg Poff joined Pat as the only other person to have 15-16 to share the 4th spot. Well done. My foreshadowing of the Asterisk monster became a reality for 5 poor souls early this morning. Six who shall have to await the 36th NDH for glory and treasure. As with all natural things in the world, like the daily rising of the sun in the east, Bart and Scott are 0-35. I’ll feign a hardy good luck to all but know my current bitterness makes them shallow words with little heart behind them. Experience tells me this will fade before the beginning of the next set of games. Congrats to the 41 who continue their quest for the 35th Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Enjoy the quiet before the dark clouds bringing the Asterisk monster gather again Thursday. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

24 March 2019 Greetings from Nostra Damus of Hoops Tournament Central, The morning brings bleary eyes and discontent. We are three days in yet no overtimes and very few close games. Yesterday was a blow out fest with only the opening game close. Let’s hope todays drive to fill the Sweet Sixteen produces better action. This being said it did not stop some of our participates from sizzlin’ pickin’. Shane and George flipped their 1st and 2nd spots with Shane using an 8-8 day to hop over George. Shane was joined in perfection by Coleen Austin, Brad Stark, and Greg Poff. The spread between first and last is 28 points but Mike has his final 8 and a unique final game which could still carry him to a title. At some point, likely very early Monday morning, Hoopness will apply the dreaded asterisk to many of our names. But for now we can all still dream*. Enjoy today's action which will hopefully bring a tad more excitement. Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B,E. *This statement does not imply all dreams come true nor we all still have a shot at this years title. Just noting nothing is official yet so we may still kid ourselves.

23 March 2019 Greetings all, We are starting the second round games today. I struggled mightily to make it through the last game this morning but awoke still alive both literally and in NDH. Both good things. A fine start to the day with IU in the NIT on one TV, Maryland/LSU on the second and Indiana AA state championship game on the third. Our NDH breakdown was somewhat predictable, Champions leaning ACC heavy with 21 Dukes, 10 UNC, 6 Virginia (experienced their first tense game for a champ), 4 Gonzaga, 3 Mich St., 1 KY, 1 Ten, 1 Texas Tech (our Texas member Mike representing the home state well). Not a sterling start to the tournament, no overtime games, only a couple of big upsets. As usual our little group covered the upsets well. We had 4 on Liberty, 5 were all over UC Irvine, 22 selected Oregon, 21 with the Racers over Marquette. Really hard to count 9th place Ohio State over Iowa State as you would expect the 8th place time Big Ten team to beat the Big 12 tournament champ. Kudos to the NDH crowd for solid coverage of the upsets. Bart and I are still alive in our quest to break the 0-34 streak. Tip of the hat to George Walker as he sits alone after the first round with a solid 28-32, 56 points and two games ahead of Shane Gamble in second. As far as we know all are still alive and I shall do nothing to dissuade this illusion as Hoopness will break the painful news after Sundays games. The PayPal option is a stunning success. Ken Tucker and Shane Gamble have tabled their '”Who will pay last” challenge. They were both in the paid column before the opening game. No hurry at all as payout is still weeks away but address is 12140 Short Cut Rd Cloverdale, In 46120 Enjoy the action and Good luck, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

17 March 2019 Greetings Folks, I hope everyone is well. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes all to this years quest for the 2019 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. One more congrats offered to last years NDH champion Mr. Shane Gamble. Shane captured his second title (2003) and now has dreams of joining the Giraffe club. An odd year in college basketball. This could be very surprising final four. Indiana is well represented in this years tournament, sadly it’s the NIT. For the big dance the 64 will be announced shortly. Tough decisions will follow over the next couple of days beginning with the Duke call. The rules are the same as the previous 34 years, one entry per person. Winner takes all the glory, trophy and cash. Welcome to the first timers. The MPBE’s would like you to know we discourage rookie winners. Only one has dared, our defending champ and 2003 NDH Shane. He is frequently shamed though he doesn’t seem to care. Fill out your winning entry HERE. Nostra Damus of Hoops homepage HERE. I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. So for you convenience you may pay by check, cash or Paypal, . Good luck in this years quest for the 2019 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

03 April 2018 Greetings, The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers a warm congrats to Shane Gamble for securing his 2nd Nostra Damus of Hoops title (2003). Also a tip of the hat to Jay and Nova. He has them in an enviable position with the future looking bright. Shane battled through the largest selected group (for a reason) in the 12 Villanova. Shane came in with a respectable 248 points to secure the 2018 Nostra Danus of Hoops title. Tony Bayt holds the scoring title with his 340 2007 total . Shane’s name has been added again to the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions and is yet another who is knocking on the exclusive Giraffe Club door. We will be arranging a trophy presentation in the near future. I’ll pass along photos when available. Congrats to Larry Bowen for making the final game. It’s been a long time since I was in his place. Not sure if it’s better to have a close game or one such as last night. Michigan started well but it just didn’t feel like it would end well. Bart and I now move to 0-34. Just really not much else to say on this subject. I know we have several who are in the 0-30ish club, however Bart and I have set a very sad, inexplicable standard with no end in sight. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this years quest. I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year! I look forward to joining you all again in 2019 for 35th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. RIP Clarence and Pat Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

01 April 2018 Good Morning All, Two remain in the quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Shane Gamble (03) and Larry Bowen who is looking for his first title after rightly paying his dues. As I have pointed out, Shane is our only rookie winner. Though still ruthlessly shamed he continues to smile and gaze contentedly upon his 2003 trophy. Makes me wonder if the whole shaming thing is worth it as it rather exhausting. I am considering dropping shaming and focusing on my grudge holding skills. Shane is local boy haling from Carmel by the Highway here in Indiana. Larry is a fellow Westfield High grad who has lived throughout our fare land, currently residing in the Tar Heel state. This should be an interesting championship. Michigan is playing well but Nova looks unstoppable. Will an opponent outside the Big 12 provide more of a challenge for the defending champions? I had not noticed Kansas was their third Big 12 team in a row. Peaked into Giraffe Club lounge this morning. Complete disarray. Damage estimates will be forth coming but I predict will be high. I have not reviewed the security video yet but I did verify Mr. Shaffer’s badge is the only one scanned in after the Kansas game. It would appear giraffes are not only selfish but also sore losers (I have noted other examples of this). Good luck to Larry and Shane and let us hope for a competitive game. For the rest of my fellow NDH’ers... We’ll get em next year! Thanks, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

31 March 2018, And then there were THREE. Ups and downs indeed! And oddly from the regional standpoint, we are left with Indiana and North Carolina representing. I‘ve heard tell they play them some basketball down them ways. I shall offer no further observations concerning our final three survivors in the quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops championship. Oh and Hey, go Michigan. Big Ten was a tad under rated this year so nice to see Wolverine's representing. Such a great run for Loyal, sorry the ride is over. Good luck to the Tenacious Three(sorry, just phoned that one in), JWB Human Resources, M.P.B.E.

31 March 2018 Good Evening, From sea to shining sea and the paradise in between seven souls feel nerves are a tightening. If there was a way I could have you all win, well I believe I’d just grant Bart I the title. So no reason going there. But I do wish you the best and envy the ups and downs you are soon to experience. Enjoy the ride folks. Sigh...for the rest of us, there’s always next year! Regards, Jeffrey S Austin Secretary , M.P.B.E.

26 March 2018 Good Afternoon Folks, We are now down to 4 teams chasing their NCAA Championship dreams and 7 NDH challengers for the coveted 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Two have a 25% chance and five 12.5% chance. Two former champs just won’t go away, Steve Shaffer (01,08,10) and Shane Gamble (03). Here is the breakdown of possibilities starting with the two with 25% chance. Listed as Final 4 with winner and runner up list first and second respectively. SMS (Shaffer) (so below indicates Steve wins with Kan/Loyal or Kan/Mic final game, Kansas win) Kan LyI Mic Vil Kan Mic LyI Vil Ib1Knobe (Larry Bowen) Mic Vil LyI Kan Mic Kan LyI Vil Gamble (Shane) Vil Mic LyI Kan Carl and Pat Vil LyI Mic Kan Bristol Ramos (Adam Ramos) LyI Vil Mic Kan jjsouthport (Jim Fowler) LyI Vil Mic Kan PHW (Peggy Wade) LyI Kan Mic Vil As we see those pesky Ramblers are playing a prominent role five of the seven scenarios. I envy the seven still on the quest and offer good luck to all. For the rest of us... There’s always next year. Thanks, Jeffrey S Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

25 March 2018 Just can’t seem remember all the highlights! Apologies for not mentioning our current leader. Carl and Pat have moved into first with 130 points. They are one of two(Coleen Austin) who have their champion and two other teams in the final four. Not surprisingly Coleen is currently second with 128. Thanks,

25 March 2018 Good Morning Folks, Loyola in the final four! What a great story and as I’ve mentioned several times a fun team to watch. Though the game was in hand early it was still compelling. The night cap was much more competitive but Michigan continues to carry the B10 banner forward. Michigan’s victory proved costly to four in the title quest. We are now down to nine for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Eight of the nine are the only folks who selected Michigan to the Final Four. The odds also swing to a first time champion as there are only three former champs ( Shaffer (01, 08, 10) Southport Jimbo (91) and our only rookie winner Mr. Gamble, I still won’t say his first name, (03) in the hunt. Todays slate should provide a clear picture of who remains and the path they need to achieve the goal of the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Good luck to the nimble nine,

24 March 2018 Good Morning Folks, The games were not really as exciting last night but we have a Great 8. Only 4 of the 8 teams are covered by our NDH questers. Two of those will meet tomorrow(Duke/Kansas) so we have the chance the NCAA champ will not have been selected by one of us. This has been a trend the last few years. Thirteen continue the quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Six of the thirteen are former champs. We also have a nice regional representation. Two west coast (BLUEBEAR, PHW), three east coast(Bristol Ramos, Ib1knobe, SERR), one south (CWAcja) and of course the heartland (Jim Brennan, RGG, Carl and Pat, Ippy second again, JJsouthport, SMS and Gamble). Jim Brennan is our current leader with 120 points. To view the Possibilities report go to View Reports/Possibilities. Good luck to the surviving 13. Next year for the rest of us. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

23 March 2018 Good Morning Folks, So the first four teams to advance to the great 8 are 3, 9, 9, 11 seeds. Gee, this NCAA thing is so easy. How are we all not perfect? With the exception of Gonzaga we had really good games last night. The Loyal/Nevada was a particularly enjoyable game to watch. I love Loyola's offense. Coleen Austin joined Jim Brennan for the lead at 96 points. Congrats to the 5 Michigan folks. The only points scored last night were via the Wolverines. We still have nineteen questers for the 2018 NDH title. Nine of nineteen are former champions including the two Giraffe Club members. Tonight should further cull the herd. Pleasure for sum, misery for others. Enjoy. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

22 March 2018 Greetings Folks, The action picks up again tonight. Two games which will add hope to some and asterisks to others. But on a non NDH subject (or not), Phil Edgar Barnes V exited his mom at 12:35 PM yesterday, 8lbs on the nose and 21 1/2 inches. Mom and Quinn are very well. Dad and everyone else are thrilled and relieved. Attached is Grandpa Tony (85, 07 NDH) and future quester Quinn. I pointed out to Tony he looks marvelous but not enough Quinn. So he sent the second attachment of young Quinn. Good luck tonight, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

19 March 2018 Good Afternoon, Three nights of staying up to 1 in the morning has taken it’s toll. I failed to mention our leader. Jim Brennan jumped to the top of the leader board with his lone 12-16 correct selections in the round. Very impressive for such a wild weekend. He also still has his champion alive(Duke). Well done Jim.

19 March 2018 Good Morning Folks, My guess is there are many surprised folks without asterisks this morning. Only 18 folks were eliminated in one of the oddest opening 4 days we have had. Appears no one will be getting points out of the South (have not verified this yet). I cannot recall a time we had so many folks with their champion gone still with a chance to win. The quote of the weekend was from Bart, who has moved to 0-34. He said next year he will just name his entry *BLS just to get it over with. Good luck to the remaining 28 in this years quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Now for three days of rest before we start up again. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

19 March 2018 Good Morning Folks, My guess is there are many surprised folks without asterisks this morning. Only 18 folks were eliminated in one of the oddest opening 4 days we have had. Appears no one will be getting points out of the South (have not verified this yet). I cannot recall a time we had so many folks with their champion gone still with a chance to win. The quote of the weekend was from Bart, who has moved to 0-34. He said next year he will just name his entry *BLS just to get it over with. Good luck to the remaining 28 in this years quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Now for three days of rest before we start up again. Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

18 March 2018 Good Morning Folks, Quick correction of an egregious omission from yesterday’s update. Rob (previously noted 2 time NDH) and Darryl (1994 NDH, sorry Darryl) tied for first. Congrats to the 8 of 46 with 7 of 8 picks yesterday. Phil Barnes VI used his 7 to vault into first place with a total 78 points. Phil is also working on a separate drama impacting many. Phil Barnes V (Quinn) was due last Wednesday. Phil and Tony requested and Chelsea has so far complied, to keep little Quinn in for a few more days. Soon to be grandparents Tony and Kim are ready to make the drive to Minnesota on news of Lil Quinn beginning his first life changing trip (again, for many). As Tony has spent the first 4 days of the tournament here at tournament central for 34 years and this is IV’s first NDH quest the request to keep legs crossed seemed very reasonable. Quinn’s been very comfortable where he is for over 9 months (I’ve been told you don’t even notice carrying a child inside your body, for NINE months). Everyone is content with the request so the least Chelsea can do is comply.So far so good! Thanks Chelsea! Well done Phil for first place and convincing the boss to carry on the name! The best 4 days of sport is coming to an end. At some point around 2 AM ( this will be the limit of my yearly CBS scheduling rant) Monday morning the dreaded Asterisks will appear behind some of our names prompting the NDH cry, There’s always next year! Enjoy the day!

17 March 2018 Good Afternoon Folks, Very good tournament so far. History was made in a painful manner. I questioned I would see a 1-16 upset but always assumed if it happened it would be a close game. Virginia just did not seem to be there. The phycology of sport is a major part of it’s appeal. Virginia’s complete collapse after such a dominate campaign seems inexplicable, yet when humans are involved in the equation the results are always unpredictable. Sorry to the Virginia folks. You never want to lose you champion in the first weekend. Rob and Darryl are leading after day two with 26-32. Pretty darn good when the upsets are factor in. Thanks again to CBS for the 2 single game start today. Still baffling to me. Let’s hope our champions survive and advance. Take care,

16 March 2018 Good Afternoon Folks, Hard to beat starting things off with a OT game. Unfortunately we ended with a stinker but overall a good day of hoops. Congrats to two time NDH champion Rob Graham (89, 16) for leading the first day with 15 correct selections and calling the Buffalo humiliation of Arizona. If you were riding Arizona very far witnessing their pitiful effort was painful. It shall be a long time before you see me take Arizona more than 2 games. Most people learn from the first time they’re kicked by a mule. We have several new folks this year. Welcome and hope you enjoy the experience. We also have a couple of entries with special names. Jerri Patrick is running with Pat’s SERR. He was one of the first non Indiana folks in the NDH. I granted the title SERR to Pat, South Eastern Regional Representative. It pleased me Pat stayed with it all those years. Very pleased to see it on the board! Coleen Austin modified the name Dad and her used for their entry CWACJA this year is CWAcja. Thanks ladies, I believe your guys would be pleased. I certainly am. Enjoy todays action.

03 March 2018 This years Quest is dedicated to the memory of Pat Patrick, SERR, our 1988 NDH and Clarence W. Austin, never a NDH winner but a champion father. Both are missed but will not be forgotten. Defending Nostra Damus of Hoops Mike Graves Greetings Folks, I hope everyone is well. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes all to this years quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. One more congrats offered to last years NDH champion Mr. Mike Graves. Mike captured his second title (2009) and now has dreams of joining the Giraffe club. The 64 will be announced shortly and our brackets may be pondered. The rules are the same as the previous 33 years, one entry per person. Winner takes all the glory, trophy and cash. Welcome to the first timers. The MPBE’s would like you to know we discourage rookie winners. Only one has dared, 2003 NDH Shane Gamble. He is frequently shamed though he doesn’t seem to care. Good luck in this years quest for the 2018 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary M.P.B.E.

05 April 2017 Greetings, The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers a warm congrats to Mike Graves for securing his 2nd Nostra Damus of Hoops title (2009). Mike was near the top of the field flag to flag. He went against the largest block of champions holding off Ippy and seven other UNC’s to complete his quest for the 2017 Nostra Danus of Hoops title with 242 points. Mike also ended a two year run which had the champion not being selected by anyone. A rarity for this contest. Mike’s name has been added again to the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions and is yet another who is knocking on the exclusive Giraffe Club door. Bart ended his amazing run as the only non UNC to finish in the top ten(4th). His 45-3 start will likely stand for some time. I ‘m doubtful this is much consolation. I saw an interview with Rick Pitino discussing the rather choppy nature of the game due to 47 fouls called, 27 in the second half. He related this is not a bad thing as it is by design. Apparently this is what the NBA did to increase scoring. Rick stated the college kids just haven’t adjusted yet. But soon the NCAA will be similar to the NBA. I was not aware of this effort. Sigh. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts offers thanks for your participation in this year quest. I look forward to you all joining again next year. I close with the ole refrain... There’s always next year! I look forward to joining you all again in 2018 for 34th quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Best Wishes and Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

03 April 2017 Good Evening Bart and Mike, I’m assuming no one else is as interested as you two are so unless my click bait on the Subject line works it’s likely just us. I can’t imagine how you guys are feeling. I sadly really, really cannot. I believe it would be a nice mix of excitement and nausea culminating with either joy or disgust. Mike has had two warm ups under his belt but it’s now or never time for you both. The Possibilities are a coin flip. Sometime late tonight or early tomorrow morning one of you will be the 33rd Nostra Damus of Hoops champion and Gonzaga or UNC will have their shining moment. My guess is the one on the wrong side this evening will not hear a single chord of the melodious signature song. I selected UNC but would love to see Gonzaga win as they have been a very enjoyable part of the NCAA tournament and I like Coach Pew loyalty. So basically you both have a Scott death jinx. In this case I would assume it’s offsetting jinx’s so it’s all on you. Good Luck Gentlemen. Enjoy the experience. If anyone else stayed with me click HERE to read about Larry Bird not even being able to buy a cheeseburger, you’ll be STUNNED! Regards, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E

01 April 2017 Good Evening Folks, We’re minutes away from the start of tonight’s games. Best of luck to Bart and Mike tonight. The second game has the potential to settle things. It’s still all about UNC. For all but B and M I hope we have two good ballgames. Take care,

26 March 2017 Good Evening, Well hokie smokes that was a hum dinger! Apparently it turned me into a 1880’s prospector. Excuse me while I gather myself. I believe we should take 6 days to catch our breaths. I would assume our two contenders had a nice cardio work out. They are assured of one more. I’m also confident both are feeling good about their coming opportunity to capture the 33rd Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Steve Shaffer just text to remind me how easy these titles are to accumulate. Good luck Mike and Bart. Enjoy the anticipation the coming week brings. For the rest of us may we have three more games similar to the last. Take care, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E. (It strikes me as I finish this I’m in theory a growed up man yet I’ve been carrying on this odd act for 33 years. Just an observation and the answer to the question...why does Scott live alone!)

25 March 2017 Good Morning Folks, The NCAA has a Elite Eight and we have a Nifty Nine (a little slack please, it’s early). After a great Thursday slate, last night was disappointing both from a competitive but also favorites standpoint. The big dogs (KY, UNC, FLA) stepped up and South Carolina. Well, not sure what to say about SC. A stunning run and great story along with X. Alas, Butler and Wisconsin came up short. And now that Stevie has declared his undying allegiance to the Bruin’s I now await X’s exit and Mack signing with the Hoosiers. Not part of the “family” but a winner. Though I have heard rumors of Billy Donavan’s wife’s dog being spotted at the Bloomington airport! The big dogs are also stepping up in NDH world as of the nine remaining four are former champions Darryl 1994 MikeG 2009 Giraffe1 2001, 2008, 2010 Gary 2005. We are bookended by Smith’s. Bart continues his stunning run moving to 51-5 (he took X to the elite 8!!) and lil Neil (6’5” 260ish). We have some clever entry names this year as we always do but Neil’s is my favorite, I GOT A JOB! Not funny nor clever but thankfully TRUE. God Bless the him for finally starting to pay into Social Security. Bart leads by an impressive 26 points but also is dominating the analytics side... click on name to see first place possibilities possibilities for first place possibilities in the money Name number percent number percent BLS 68 53.12% 68 53.12% Run the Picket Fence 20 15.62% 20 15.62% John 3 16 12 9.38% 12 9.38% 63 coin flips 8 6.25% 8 6.25% GLW 8 6.25% 8 6.25% I Got A Job 6 4.69% 6 4.69% sms 6 4.69% 6 4.69% Nels1 4 3.12% 4 3.12% GB 2 1.56% 2 1.56% Little rest for the 9 as we’ll be right back at it again this evening. Good luck to the nine as they continue their quest for the 33rd Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Take care,

24 March 2017 Greeting Folks, As I hoped we were blessed with good ball games. I imagine Their were some tense moments for some and much pain for others. NDH is a cruel mistress. The twenty eight went to fourteen in 6 hours. Continuing with the halving theme, of the fourteen remaining 7 are former champs, 7 still questing for their first title. This includes I believe one rookie who didn’t get the memo about first time winners. Though my guess is Devin will take the grief as it really never seemed to bother Shane. Of course Devin might have a conscience. We also have a Giraffe still alive (just puked in my mouth a little). . My guess is tonight shall cull the herd a tad more, perhaps by more than half. Good luck to the fourteen! For the rest, welcome to “We’ll get em next year” world. The bitterness will subside. When I don’t know but I felt a need to say it. Take care,

23 March 2017 Greetings From Tournament Central, As we prepare for the start of the third round some of us are just hoping for a few good ball games. There are twenty eight who are dreaming of much more. Considering three of the four games tonight include the majority of our selected champions this should make for a little tension for the twenty eight. Good luck to the twenty eight still chasing the 33rd Nostra Damus of Hoops title. IU will have to wait at least until tomorrow for the official announcement of their new coach (King James “I’m coming home” song is whirling through my head). To all enjoy the games.
23 March 2017 Greetings From Tournament Central, As we prepare for the start of the third round some of us are just hoping for a few good ball games. There are twenty eight who are dreaming of much more. Considering three of the four games tonight include the majority of our selected champions this should make for a little tension for the twenty eight. Good luck to the twenty eight still chasing the 33rd Nostra Damus of Hoops title. IU will have to wait at least until tomorrow for the official announcement of their new coach (King James “I’m coming home” song is whirling through my head). To all enjoy the games. Take care,

20 March 2017 Greetings From Tournament Central, A tired and slightly 0-33 grouchy NDH headquarters. After a chalk first round the send round opened with heartache and despair. It did not let up. After the toxic dust had cleared the NDH herd had been cleared by 17 contestants. For myself and the others we default to the ole refrain, we’ll get em next year. I fear it sticks in my throat after all these years. The carnage was equal opportunity with new folks, multiple champions and all in between. For the other 28 the quest continues. Bart ended his impression run with 45-3 opening weekend. No other way to spin this but the boy had a hell of a run. Unprecedented. Any other year I’d be praising Darryl and Mike but this year they’re just second and third place. Thursday we shall begin making a champion. 45-3! Best of luck to the 28 and best wishes to you all, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

18 March 2017 Greetings from Tournament Central. We topped last years number of entries by 2 bringing us to 45 for this years quest. The MPBE welcomes the new folks and hope you enjoy the experience. Hopefully you noted the small print addressing the crassness of winning in your first NDH quest. It’s only happened once (not counting the first NDH) and Shane still catches grief. He generally just points to his trophy and smiles in response. As I predicted we did not have a champion in double digits. UNC topped the group of 8 teams selected. I was incorrect on the total as I thought we might have as many as 11-12 different champions. The first two days have left us with quite a disparity in scoring aided by a sterling record setting(I think) 31-1 start for Bart. Very impressive for the long suffering Mr. Smith. We won’t discuss the other end of scoring. Thanks for your participation in this years title quest. The next two days will leave of with a clearer view of where this years contest will lead. Best of luck to you all, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

15 March 2017 The brackets are set One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep Greetings Folks, I hope everyone is well and ready for this years quest for the 2017 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. One more congrats offered to last years NDH champion Mr. Rob Graham. Rob alone predicted Villanova’s impression run through the field. A great call leading to Rob’s second NDH title (1989). His 272 points testify to solid picking in general. Apologies to Rob and all as I seemed to have lost the presentation photo. We’ll rectify this shortly with a recreation(still finalizing the casting). I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a record number of teams selected this year as I see no clear favorite. We could also see no team reach double digits as the selected champion. I believe this would be unprecedented. Perhaps someone will repeat Rob’s rare feat of sitting alone with the champion. Enjoy the three weeks of good basketball as we advance to the 2017 Nostra Damus of Hoops title.

13 March 2016 Greetings Folks, One last congrats offered up to last years NDH champion Mr. T. Austin who joined Steve Shaffer in the Giraffe Club as 3 time winners. The brackets are set for the 2016 NCAA Men’s basketball extravaganza. Once again we are ready for the quest of the Nostra Damus of Hoops title. The word on the street is this year should be as unpredictable as this years presidential race. So for God sake please let’s avoid selecting number one or two seeds. Seriously, let’s give this a try. No one except Bart and I can select ones and twos. This has the possibility of Bart and I breaking our pitiful streaks or be damn funny for the last of you when even this handicap does us no good. This request is year it main be mandatory! As usual the committee has made some interesting choices in selection and seedings with an overall lack of respect to the Big10. Though they did afford the Hoosiers a golden opportunity to defeat Kentucky and North Carolina on their way to their sixth championship. Mighty nice of them. I dedicated some time cleaning up the photo albums including the new GIRAFFE Club page on the NDH home page (the link is below). I apologize for allowing it to atrophy. Big apologies to 2002 Champ Steve Sandler as I didn’t realize I had not upload his photo. Also our UCLA loyalist and 2006 Champ Bob Wade. Peggy, I can’t find the photos so please send them along if you have them or make Bob pose for another. Enjoy the three weeks of good games as we advance to the 2016 NDH title. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to try for the 32nd Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you except the challenge please see the details below.

30 March 2015 Greetings all, After 4 days of some pretty exciting basketball the Quest for the 2015 Nostra Damus of Hoops title has been defined. We are down to two. I have my brother Terry with the chance to join Steve Shaffer as a 3 time champion, separating himself as the only back to back champion. On the opposite end of the spectrum another brother Bart who would win his first title breaking a 30 year losing streak. Well you just can’t get better than that can you...where’s that Woody Boyd quote...ahh there it is. “I'm not bitter. I'm just consumed by a gnawing hate that's eating away at my gut until I can taste the bile in my mouth.” Woody Boyd. Ha, there’s that wacky sense of humor again. Yeah, humor, that’s it. Sighhhh. Seriously. Congrats to both. They arrive at the gateway to a title sporting very impression brackets. Terry with his Whisky Badgers could tie Tony Bayt’s top NDH score of 340 points and Bart riding the cheatin, ahh the Wildcats, can claim the top scoring title outright with 344. Truly excellent runs to put them into the final match up. A suspenseful Monday night it will not be from a NDH standpoint. Our drama will unfold Saturday evening. Good luck to both worthy challengers. Darryl, I’m sure the KY/ND game was particularly thrilling and painful for you. And your better half is welcome next year. For the rest of us (John I got your note today and chuckled when you used the yearly line) there’s always next year. Thanks, Scott Secretary M.P.B.E.

23 March 2015 It was hard to top Thursday and we didn’t. But still a lot of good action and the weekend certainly brought major upsets. There was much confusion at tournament central as we had all missed the apparent NCAA rule change regarding intentional fouls. This was the only explanation for numerous odd coaching decisions as we watched clocks wind down with no attempts to extend the game at the free throw line. There was also more discussion relating to the new scheduling format. Why we only have 2 single games to open Sat/Sun is a mystery($$$$$) and the Sunday games ending so late is also baffling ($$$$$). After two days of so much action it was grueling having only two single games until evening Sat/Sun. Sadly, I do not foresee this changing($$$$$). The quest took its toll on 17 contestants, 9 of which are former champions who will have to wait till next year to repeat. The happy 26 will continue their quest Thursday evening. Good luck to the remaining 26.

20 March 2015 Greetings All, Forty Three folks have joined the quest for the 2015 NDH title in our 31st year. We have several new participates this year, Dave, Bill, Patrick and Peyton welcome. As I explained to Dave, as long as you understand you are not eligible to win the first year (we call it the Shane Gamble Rule) we wish you the best and hope you enjoy. All enter via connections with former NDH champions. A side bar on Peyton (or really Peyton’s dad, Ken Tucker). As mentioned previously a large deal was made of Ken finally paying his dues not only on time but early. He requested a note documenting this be sent and I complied. How perfect and I’m guessing planned Peyton joins this year. Is this a baton passing thing from Ken to keep the family tradition alive? A tear forms as I consider such a father/son bonding tradition beginning. Shane, you may have a challenger for last to pay after all. Just to be clear as we have new folks. Some of the folks who have been in the league for all 31 years don’t get my humor half the time(I run about 80/20). This is just joking around with the late pay stuff as Ken and Shane I’m pretty sure well know. We have fun with it. And there’s no hurry on getting dues in. We don’t payout for 3 more weeks. To the games themselves. Wow, great first day. So many buzzer beaters and odd end of game calls and chokes (I’m thinking of a college a tad north of Indianapolis as one example). Hopefully today will offer more of the same (and an easy Oklahoma victory). Hat tip to two time winner Nancy and my pops Clarence for 13 correct picks yesterday. Pretty impressive indeed and such an upset filled day. Plus Nancy seeing the Indiana connection and selecting Ron Hunter’s Georgia St. Squad over Baylor. Once more welcome to the new folks, pleased to have you. For the vets, always happy and honored you keep coming back. Especially my 0-31 buddy as I know how damn hard it is.

15 March 2015 One last congrats offered up to last years NDH champion Mr. T. Austin. I hope today finds you all well and ready to accept the challenge of this years quest for the 2015 Nostra Damus Of Hoops title. The theme for this year revolves around my birth place Kentucky. On a dark December night in 1959 my mother and father bundled myself and my brother in blankets and spirited us across the frozen Ohio river. As we climbed up the banks onto Hoosier soil my 5 year old brother was heard to say, “So this is paradise daddy”? My dad replied, “Once we get to Brookville son, once we get to Brookville, stop hitting your brother”. The point of this story is that’s how bad Kentucky was/is! You see here in Indiana we’re not cheating cheaters. When the father of a recruit request a job to secure his sons signature we point south and wish them luck. We understand a championship bought and paid for is not worth the paper it’s printed on (Right UConn, Syracuse, UNC). The ends don’t justify the means. My singular focus for this years tourney will be the 6 (hopefully less) games Kentucky plays. This should provide comfort to the 3/4’s of you who will be selecting the Wildcats as clearly I will not be among you. I also will likely be 0-31 come April. (The previous was written this morning. How ironic the selection committee decided to give every team in the state of Indiana a shot at stopping KY from making the final four!) All this being said here’s to 3 weeks of good games and the 2015 NDH coming down to the final game.

08 April 2014 2014 Nostra Damus Of Hoops William Terry Austin Greetings All, The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts is happy to offer a hardy congrats to this years Nostra Damus of Hoops champion. This years title belongs to Terry Austin. This is the second successful quest for Terry( 1990) which grants him a key to the exclusive Giraffe Room (multiple champs only) here at MPBE headquarters. Terry joins his other herd mates Tony Bayt( 85,07), Nancy Schuch( 96, 98), Mike Bowling (99, 11), Ken Tucker(04,13( and of course Kenny has not paid yet). There is also the Bull Giraffe, three time winner Steve Shaffer (01,08,10). Terry will be honored to join this elite (and insufferable) group who hold close to half of the total NDH titles. Giraffes indeed. Terry rode, well in a very odd year Terry really didn’t ride any one team. He utilized a part of the Survivor strategy, he outlasted the rest of us. But it was no less exciting and he needed every last game to fall into place to secure his second title. His 156 points is a new low score record knocking Rob Graham and his 198 from this throne he had held for 26 years. This is also only the third time in 30 years we did not have the championship team selected by someone. Tony in the inaugural NDH which was the near perfect Villanova over Georgetown game. The aforementioned Mr. Graham in 1990, Seton Hall/Michigan. Rob selected Seton Hall to win it all. After talking to Tony we’re fairly sure this is the second time neither semi final team was selected as Tony is sure he had the Hoosiers and someone other than Nova/Gtown). Terry was rather clear in having no issue with the low score as the trophy will look no less beautiful. I’ couldn’t make out the next mumbled statement delivered with a twinkle in his eye about 0-30. I didn’t ask him to repeat. I look forward to tonight’s game featuring two of the storied cheating schools in NCAA history. This will be like deciding who was a nicer fellow. Stalin or Hitler. Neither is the answer. Let’s hope it at least is an exciting ending at about 12:45 am EST. A shout out of thanks to the NCAA for thinking of the employed and kids with the 9:15 start time. For the rest of us we default to “There’s always next year” mode. Your participation in the Quest for the NDH title is always appreciated. I hope this little quest added to the over all experience which is the NCAA Basketball championship. We look forward to your continued participation in next years quest for the title. Well, I have to go hose out the Giraffe Room. Not only are they insufferable but they also are entitled and do not clean up after themselves.

16 March 2014 Greetings Folks, The brackets are set. One champ a crown shall adorn Bart and Scott shall weep One last congrats offered up to last years NDH champion Mr. Tucker. I have been pleased to hear more buzz concerning a change in the one and out situation. Though I do not fully understand how a league can deny a person access to their league I choose the hypocritical, parental fall back... It may not be right but it’s in their own best interest. I do feel both products (college and NBA) would benefit with a 2-3 year limit. I mention this as this years tourney should offer numerous matchups of seasoned teams verses young talented one and outers. Welcome to the 30th Nostra Damus of Hoops contest. That folks is a long time. From a completely manual process to todays wonderful websites such as Hoopness. From 4 games on a week on TV, to manually cranking the big satellite dish to pick up a Larry Bird Indiana State game, to now you can pretty well see every game you want and watch it on your phone. If an alien or sasquatch knocked on the door right now I could make a case I’ve seen it all! I mean the fire and wheel were impressive but look at us now!

09 April 2013 Greetings folks, I’d like to thank you all for your participation in this years Nostra Damus of Hoops quest. It was an curious tournament with upsets leaving most of our Final Fours looking much the worse for wear. This years worthy champion managed a difficult task in selecting the favorite Louisville knowing he would be in the largest group. He then backed this decision with the key move you need in this scenario, the surprising final opponent. Congratulations to Louisville and Ken Tucker, our 2013 Nostra Damus Of Hoops Champion who pulled it off with a wise Michigan Wolverine final game. This left Ken as the only one of us to call the final game correctly. The way this year played out I’d say a truly Nostradamus inspired feat. Poor Bart was the only one with three correct in the final four. Alas, to my brothers cruel delight, he still be 0-29. This is Ken’s second title, 2004, so he joins Steve Shaffer (2001, 2008, 2010), Tony Bayt (1985, 2007), Nancy Schuch (1996, 1998), and Mike Bowling (1999, 2011) as multi NDH champions. I will be making arrangements with Ken soon for a trophy presentation, photos will be coming. I will also begin the process of selecting the trophy design for the next decade, photos forthcoming as well. Thanks to all who contributed to the trophy fund. Once again thanks to all for joining in this years quest. To the winner goes the spoils (He never did send me a check!! Shaffer like cockiness.) to the rest..... There’s always next year!! Sincerely, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary/Treasurer M.P.B.E.

17 March 2013 Greetings Folks, Once more March Madness is upon us. The annual quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title may begin. The 29th year brings a wide open field and promises to be exciting. I can’t wait to see the bracket! I shall begin by relating a little story which dovetails nicely with a bit of business I need to mention. First let me set the cast of characters. Shane Gamble, 2003 NDH, who has the distinction of being the only rookie to win a title. He also competes each year for the “last to pay their entry” title. His main competitor, Ken Tucker, our 2004 NDH. Steve Shaffer, who may have won a title in his past. And finally James Garner, Emmy winning actor, avid golfer and racing enthusiast . During the course of our last monthly poker game (March 1st) Mr. Shaffer related a curious event he experienced at work that very day. It seems he was walking by the mailroom at work when something caught his eye (admitted concern here as I picture Steve rifling through everyone's mail at work on a routine basis. But I digress). Sure enough, upon a second look, there was an outgoing letter with my name and address! Odd and unexpected indeed. A closer glance showed Mr. Gamble as the return addressee. Steve correctly deduced Shane was just admitting defeat as he acknowledges Ken’s superior gifts in this competition. He was correct, Congrats Ken!! In a bitter moment of anti climax I did indeed have a letter in the mail a few days later. A pleasant note it was, with check enclosed. Ironically Shane still wasn't first as I had already collected several fees at this point. Shane letter also included a nice photo of his trophy with this sentence. “Sorry about the trophy picture, I guess that could be considered taunting, hope I don’t get sanctioned by the NDH committee”. Not only are there no forth coming sanctions the committee was pleased with the respect shown to the trophy. Taunting would be if you had won three of them, in two different designs, and brought them each month to the poker game. Which brings up a bit of news I need to mention (see how it all just wove itself nicely back to the main point). We have reached the end of the current trophy design. This will be the last of the 2004-2013 design, which has been my favorite of the three designs ( Sadly, that would be the 0-28 boys now). I will be commissioning the next, and feeling slightly optimistic, 10 year design after this years tournament. If, and please do not feel in anyway obligated, you would like to contribute to the 2014-2023(yikes!) trophy fund I will not be offended. Steve ( 2001, 2008 and 2010 NDH) is pleased as he says he’s a little bored with the two designs he currently has. Did I mention he’s an insufferable horses a...... but I digress. Ok, I lied. Obviously James Garner had nothing to do with the story. I just recognized it wasn’t a particularly good story and used a little Hollywood marketing. Also poetic license may have been taken concerning some of the quotes and actions attributed to Steve. Apologies.

03 April 2012 Greetings all, Congratulations to Roger Wise for his wise (I’m sure that ones never been used) choice of a Kentucky/Kansas final. Roger rode the young and talented Wildcats to the 2012 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Roger has taken his place in the Tillie Bayt Hall of Champions with a fine total score of 302 points. The youngsters made Roger and Pat sweat a little in the end but I felt it had the feel of a child taking the wings off a fly. They were just toying with the Hawks. I’ll be be scheduling a dinner in the near future for our trophy presentation. Roger paid his dues and he shall now reap his just rewards. FYI, the committee has met and already decided, when Kentucky is forced to vacate their title in a couple of years, Roger will retain his title. I’d like to thank everyone for their participation in this years quest. Without all of you I’d just be typing updates to myself, which would be a little sad. I’d probably still somehow be 0-28 as well. So for the remaining 27 we shall give it a go next year and hope for better results. An update on another little known contest in the NDH world. Shane, Kenny has conceded in the yearly “Who shall pay last” contest so you are the winner and can go ahead and forward some change my way! Once more great job Roger and thanks again to all. I hope everyone has a great summer and I look forward to next year. You can expect one last correspondence prior to next year with a photo of Roger and his NDH hardware. Best Wishes, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary/Treasurer M.P.B.E.
11 March 2012 This year’s NDH is dedicated to the memory of Vaughn “Nic” Nichols. I fear we have lost another beloved member of our little group. After a long, interesting and fruitful life Vaughn left us to join this beloved wife and siblings. I ask Tony for some basic information for my message and felt his response was worthy of quotation. With his permission I am including verbatim. I will offer some closing comments after. From Tony….. DOB: June 20, 1917. He and Maryann moved to CA after the war and he worked for Bell Telephone forever. In fact, I can remember his tales of putting in phones & lines for Walt Disney. I can’t remember if it was for Walt’s personal residence or Disney Land. Peggy would certainly know. He wrote many letters to politicians and was such a good writer that he often got many personal responses. If I know Uncle Vaughn he let them have it with both barrels blasting, but in a respectable way. Of course he loved his Dodgers and the Indy Colts. He followed IU religiously, as well. Anything to do with his home state of IN, he was interested in. Man, the memories are flooding back. He was always my favorite uncle. When I began this little event 28 years ago it was all done manually. I would print and mail the invitations, copy all the entries onto a common entry sheet and place on the “Big Board” (pictured in Photo Album1 on the home page). After every round I would call and talk to each participate and report the status of the quest. I know most of you are relieved you don’t have to endure this experience anymore. However it was also a blessing as I was able to enjoy the pleasure of many folks I had not met and get a chance to know them. Pat Patrick, our 1988 champion became one of our first out of state members and was dubbed SERR for South Eastern Regional Representative. The next year Vaughn joined us to represent the west coast. We are now represented all over the country but it began with Pat and Vaughn. I would call Vaughn three or four times during the tourney and talk with him for hours at a time. His passion for the NCAA and life in general was a pleasure to experience. He and Tillie would talk daily comparing brackets and enjoying their 60, 70, 80 year loving bond. Through Vaughn we now have a large contingent from Cali and his Son-in-law Bob is our 2006 champion. His sight failed him over the last few years but he and Bob would still get together, Vaughn would listen while Bob offered his eyes to fill in the gaps. As painful as my 0-27 streak has been I have rooted for Vaughn over myself (and obviously Bart) for the last 5-6 years. I can assure you if you were going up against Vaughn the last several years you did not have me on your side. His best run was a few years back when he had his shot to win in the championship game. Alas it was not meant to be. He didn’t win a title but he was a champion. Vaughn will be missed but not forgotten. Thanks for your patience. Time to focus on the present as Vaughn would certainly insist we do. Once more March Madness is upon us. The annual quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops title may begin. We will still select just the 64 team field. The sheet may list the two playin team’s vs the team they were slotted to but you should know who the winner of the playin game is prior to making that pick (Will there be a VCU this year?). The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to try for the 28th Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you accept the challenge please see the details below. No rule changes, winner takes all. Details on scoring are located on the Hoopness site. Entries are due at tipoff of the first (real, 64 team) game. Entry fee remains $50.00. One entry per person. If you have someone you believe will appreciate our little gathering feel free to invite them. Just give me a heads up. Please send checks to: Jeffrey S. Austin 12140 Shortcut Rd. Cloverdale, In. 46120 317 201 3065 Entries may be completed on: Select login (upper left of screen) and then Pool Players. Pool Id is NDH Password bob The Nostra Damus of Hoops home page is located at: This site includes the Tillie Bayt Memorial Hall of Champions, photos, and various ramblings from yours truly. Best of luck to you all in this year’s title quest.

12 May 2011 Greeting and best wishes everyone. Please see the attached photos from this year’s presentation dinner. Mike and I were joined by, Bart, Gary and Mr. ThreeTitle Shaffer. As Mike so graciously pointed out, Gee we have like 20% of the titles at this table. While accurate Bart and I didn’t see the humor. I rarely borrow others stories but I wanted to share this tale from Mikey. I thought this one worth sharing. This as we all know was Mike’s second title. His first was also collected as a result of a UCON win. It was UCON over Duke in the 1999 final. To refresh your memory Duke had the ball with seconds left and a chance for the win. Jayson Williams of Duke received a pass and dragged his pivot foot, whistle, travel, game over Mike WINS!! Flash forward 5-6 years. Mike and a buddy are at the Slippery Noodle INN, a small blues bar in INDY. Mike and his friend are playing a video game and notice a tall gentlemen close to them. He seems familiar. The gentleman takes note of their attention and introduces himself….. Hi, I’m Jayson Williams. Mike, filled to brim with joy announces excitedly, Wow, really! Man, when you travelled in that championship game I won $2000 dollars in my basketball pool!!! As Mike relates, Jayson’s head drops, smile evaporating and replies, Well I’m glad somebody got something out of it, It’s haunted me every since. I cannot get my perceived image of the look on Mr. Williams face out of my mind and can imagine his version of the same story. I imagine it starting….. Yeah I was in a bar in INDY when some Ahole……. Fate is truly a funny old bird! Best wishes till next year, Scott

01 April 2011 Congrats to Mike Bowling and UCON for their 2011 titles. Mike secured his second Nostra Damus of Hoops title with 202 points. Mike was the only one to see the huskies going all the way. Great job Mike.
28 FEBRUARY 2011 Greetings. Copy of email sent on this date. Greetings one and all. Nostra Damus time rapidly approaches. To aid the mood I’m sending out this little note to recap/close last year’s title hunt. As we all remember it was a VERY unsatisfying championship with Steve Shaffer winning his THIRD title. Frankly even his wife and kids weren’t happy with the results as he became even more of an oppressive bore than he usually is. Steve is part of a monthly poker game which includes several NDH alum. I arranged last year’s trophy presentation to occur at one of the games. Here is A version of what followed. All the other fellows had arrived and we were waiting for Steve. Gary, our gracious host and 2005 NDH winner, received a call. Steve was in the drive and requested Bart and I ( or the 0-26 boys as we are commonly known) come outside. Perplexed and mildly miffed we complied. When we arrived Steve pointed to the back seat. Dear god in heaven the pompous arse had brought his other two trophies!! He said he thought Bart and I would enjoy carrying them in for him! He felt it only fitting a picture of him with all three trophies be taken. The pose he insisted upon was both annoying and slightly disturbing. Please see the link. Steve was adamant I had to be in the photo and Bart had to take it, as this was all we were good for. As you can see I begrudgingly complied. Please note Steve's name is on the CC line. That's one step towards the exit! I will be sending out the official invites next week. Look forward to all but Steve participating for this year’s Nostra Damus of Hoops title.

06 APRIL 2010 Greeting all, Congratulations to Steve Shaffer and the Duke Blue Devils. Quite an end to an exciting NCAA. You have to go back quite a few years to top the interest this tournament provided. Duke proved to be just good enough to capture another championship. The Butler Bulldogs added a refreshing twist and a boost to the "mid majors". How many thought that last shot was going to drop? Really it was just so very good I would think we should change it. Maybe add another 32 teams. Because this just wasn't good enough and the answer as it always is would be to tinker. I'm comforted by the fact we will be doing it for the kids. Steve Shaffer rode his beloved Blue Devils to his unprecedented (and deeply, deeply resented) 3rd Nostra Damus of Hoops title. I really was hoping no one else would get a second title before I could steal one. I never considered someone getting a third. But Steve had different (he truly is a giraffe ( pardon the vague Andy Griffith show reference)) ideas and could not be denied. Though his total score was low, 214, it was not a record (198) and was plenty to get the job done in a year of scarce scoring. As I've mentioned before, Steve is a fine young man and a deserving champion but this does not change my feeling about his getting a third title compared to me being rather lite in the title category. I offer a quote from another old sitcom to sum up my feelings..... “I'm not bitter. I'm just consumed by a gnawing hate that's eating away at my gut until I can taste the bile in my mouth.” Woody Boyd. That being said I do take exception to some rather rude comments being made at Steve's expense. The most common sentiment I've been hearing concerns his scoring and while the stories vary the crux is.... If you took a drunken, blindfolded monkey and gave it a bracket with Duke preselected it could have scored better than Steve by simply flinging feces at the bracket to make it's picks (and yes I am considering this technique for next year). I'm sorry folks but that's really a little over the top. I request we all take the high road and honor Steve's dominance and ownership of the NDH. As always I very much appreciate everyone's participation in the 26th Nostra Damus title hunt. Hopefully I can find a way to make things work next year after the pointless, greed driven, changes are announced by the NCAA. Until then I wish the best to all. Thanks, Bart and Scott 0-26

04 APRIL 2010 Greetings all, Then there were two. Congratulations to Gary Brown for his chance at his 2nd NDH title. Also, with little sincerity, to Steve Shaffer for his shot at an unprecedented 3rd NDH title. After watching the Butler game last night the stunning nature of this victory/situation hit me. I was struck by the thought this is just the kind of shocking, unlikely event our tournaments namesake is famous for prophesying. I thought, Nostradamus would've been all over this one. So I poured over some of his later and more obscure quatrains and found this one from 1548..... Omnipresent, the devil blue free pass the gateway given mentored by a general comes to home of orb devoured by dogs.. Now the translation offered dealt with Hitler (but most quatrain translations do). I believe I see another translation and it relates to current circumstances. Well folks I hope you all enjoy Mondays game. Just for Steve I say.... Go Blue Devils!! We want Duke! I shall be behind Coach K's boys all the way!

29 March 2010 Greeting folks, Well as I noted in a previous message if the NCAA is thinking of the negotiations for their new television package they couldn't have picked a better year. After the brackets going pretty chalk the last couple years this one certainly falls into the "Bracket Buster" category. All things considered I suppose it's impressive we still have 2 people who have a chance to have the actual champion this year. Duke's not to surprising but the West Virginia selection is looking very prophetic. Needless to say the scoring record is safe (though the record for low score is not). We WILL have another repeat champion. 3 of the 4 remaining participates have a title in hand and can join the ranks of two time winners. Gary Brown (2005 NDH) can secure his second title with a Duke/ MSU or Butler matchup with Duke losing. Shane Gamble (2003 NDH) can take his second title with a MSU or Butler/WVU final and a WVU loss. Mike Bowling (1999 NDH) needs the Mountaineer victory. Finally we have Steve Shaffer who is really just being a horses ass. Steve (2001 and 2008 ) has the opportunity to become our first 3 time title holder with a Blue Devil victory. If Steve wasn't a very sweet man I'd boot him out of this thing. Instead I shall just announce that I am rooting heart and soul for the Duke Blue Devils to win next Monday. That should give Mr. Shaffer pause! What a great story for the Butler Bulldogs! Who would have thought they could actually make it to their home town for the Final Four (I can think of 37 that didn't). A wonderful story for Butler and Indy. Good luck to our final four. Hopefully we'll have 3 more great games. Oh, Bart and I have reached 0-26, the farce continues.

23 March 2010 Greetings, Apparently the NCAA is an entity acting as an individual. It sure appears it is playing for that new TV contract. CBS will have to pony up some serious green to keep this franchise. It was an exciting, compelling opening four days of hoops action. The only down side was the early exit of the number 1 Kansas Jayhawks. Nothing thins the herd quicker than the loss of the consensus #1. I have to confess I used the ole coin flip this year (a first). Basically it was heads Kansas, tails the field. Needless to say I'm happy with the coin at this point. We'll see if my sort through the rest of the field pans out. Good luck and enjoy this weekends games.

Greetings all, 13 MARCH 2010. Greetings folks, The time nears.......

Greetings all, 30 MARCH 2009. Greetings folks, Then there were three. I'm happy to say the 2009 NDH champion will be a first timer. The ugly trend of repeat champions comes to an end. At least for this year. The 3 gentlemen vying for this years titles are all very worthy potential champions. Each has paid his dues with tenures of 10 years or more. I believe Frank Isenthal is probably closer to 15-20 years (alas the older records were lost in the great Cloverdale fire of 2005). It would appear "The Coach", Mike Graves, has the most possibilities. This even though his picks are frighteningly similar to mine. It was Mike who had me locked out after the first weekends games. One would think this a kiss of death unless you consider the painful irony of me finishing second to Mike with us being the only two to select Villanova to the Final Four. Roger Wise has only one shot but it involves the two number 1 seeds meeting in the title game with a Tar Heels victory. If I had only one shot I wouldn't mind having that one. So as we head into the last weekend of this years quest keep these deserving gents in your thoughts. For the rest of us the battle cry remains..... we'll get 'em next year!!

14 MARCH 2009. Once more March Madness is upon us. The annual quest for the Nostra Damus of Hoops may begin. I just finished watching another potential number one seed go down to defeat as the Tar Heals couldn't close the deal over FSU! It doesn't seem as any of the power teams want those 4 number one's. Pitt, UCon, UNC seemed flawed, Memphis and Louisville's schedules suspect. The Pac 10, Big 12, SEC are a mess. And the Big 10 is young and well, the Big 10. It's going to be a tough bracket to fill out this year, especially that last selection. Steve Shaffer (2001, 2008) joined Tony Bayt (1985, 2007) and Nancy Schuch (1996, 1998) as two time NDH champions. This means we are fully into the period of time that folks begin winning their second titles while Bart Smith and I are riding our 0-24 streak. As my 50th birthday quickly approaches I was struck by the fact I've been running this little endeavor for half of my life (at a loss of course). Kind of amazing I'm divorced and single! It's a tribute to all of you folks loyalty and good will that we start our 25th year. I thank you for keeping me and the NDH going. The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts welcomes you all to try for the 25th Nostra Damus of Hoops title. If you except the challenge please see the details below. No rule changes, winner takes all. Entry remains $50.00. One entry per person.

08 April 2008. A shaky morning at the Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts headquarters. While we are very happy and extend our deepest congratulations to a very worthy champion in Mr. Steve Shaffer we cannot help to feel the pain for Vaughn Nichols. As ball games go this one will go down in the annals of hoopdom for it's back and forth nature and the incredible swing at the end of the game. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking it would be the Tigers cutting down the nets. I can only imagine the swing of emotions for both Steve and Vaughn. Not to mention the Kansas and Memphis teams. Over the years there have been some who have requested paying several positions. I have always been very much against this idea. I point to this years results. How unfair it would be to Vaughn to not only lose in such a painful way but then have the further injustice of not being in the money. Besides, of course, it's really all about the trophy. Once again congrats to Steve. He becomes our third two time champ (Nancy Schuch, Tony Bayt) . He followed his then record setting 2001 score of 310 points with a total of 316 this year. That gives him the second and third highest scores behind Tony Bayt's record score from last year of 340. One would think this achievement would garner the due respect earned at our future gatherings. Alas, this is doubtful as Steve well knows. My guess is he cares little as he gazes upon his two trophies. As always the Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts would like to thank everyone for their participation in this years title quest. We look forward to everyone returning next year for the 25th Nostra Damus of Hoops. Until then here's hoping heath and happiest to all.

Greetings all. 13 March 2008 Welcome to the 24th annual Nostra Damus of Hoops. Hope everyone is ready to make a run for this years title. Last years champ Tony Bayt has set the bar high with a record setting 340 point victory. Bart and I are attempting to shake our personal 0-23 year dry spells. Good luck to one and all and keep an eye on the site for updates and news.

Greetings all. Thanks to you all for your participation in the 2007 Nostra Damus of Hoops.

Congratulations to Tony Bayt for his impressive victory in this years quest for the title. Tony rode the strong Gator (with a little help from the Oregon Ducks along the way) run to secure a 2nd championship for both. Tony had dealt with the whispers (mainly from my brother and Tillie Bayt) concerning the fact his first title came in the first NDH tournament with only 9 competitors and an easier scoring format. He put up with cruel references to his previous 0-22 streak since his first win. Ah, but sweet victory cures all pain. Not only did Tony join Nancy Schuch(96, 98) as the only two time champs he did so with a record shattering 340 points. Surpassing Steve Shaffer's(another former champ known to make the passing derogatory comment about Tony's first title) 310 points in 2001. Now, with great satisfaction Tony may view his name bookended on the Hall of Champions page( ).

The Midwestern Panel of Basketball Experts bids you all ado till next year. Remember to bookmark the Hoopness site and note the Pool Id and Password as it will remain the same next year (w59, bob).

Best Wishes, Jeffrey S. Austin Secretary, M.P.B.E.

Greetings all, Then there were six. Looks like Steve Shaffer's scoring record(310 in 2001) will be shattered as well. Also odds are good we'll have our second 2 time champion joining Nancy Schuch. APB (Tony Bayt, our first champion), Kenny Tucker, Stew (Sandy MacDougall) and Skill (Ray Skillman) join Colleen Austin and Roger Wise who are going for their first title. I recently watched a cute cartoon about the colts win starring a sad "failure" monkey named BoBo. He was sad cause Peyton had left him behind. Of course his side gig has been at my place. I swore I saw him on the UNC bench late in their loss to Gtown. A choke job of monstrous proportions. Bart Smith and I have secured our 0-23 record for futility, though in fairness to Bart he has all four finals teams correct. Well good luck to the final 6. Thanks, Scott.

Greetings. Well another wonderful four days of NCAA hoops are in the books. The first two days were less dramatic than we've grown used to. Saturday's session more than made up for it though. Great day of basketball. I'm sure all the OSU fans are still unclenching their buttocks. Kudos to Peggy Wade for a great first round score and Drew Smith/Carl Lee-Pat Amour for 8-0 Saturdays. And for Carl-Pat following with a 7 of 8 Sunday. Impressive indeed. Good luck to the 36 still alive.

Greetings All. Welcome to the 2007 quest for the NDH title. From the ashes of the old headquarters the new MPBE home has been rebuilt. Hopefully it will serve our purposes for many years to come. Once again we're using site to administer the tournament. For signin info send me an email at One last congrats to our defending champ Bob Wade and good luck to all participates in this year title quest.

Greetings. Sorry for the delay in updating the page. This has been a hellava year. Congrats again to Bob Wade for his impressive run in a wild year. Bob's 216 points was more than enough to take this years NDH title. I appreciate your patience and your loyalty to the MPBE and the Nostra Damus Of Hoops tournament. Without your continued enthusiasm I would have probably folded the tent many years ago. Good luck to all till next year.

Greetings all. One last congrats to our 2005 NDH title winner, Gary Brown. We're now ready for the 2006 quest. Good luck to one and all. Let's hope for some exciting action.

The 2005 Nostra Damus of Hoops title is dedicated to the memory of Tony Bayt.

5 April 2005. Congrats to 2005 Nostra Damus of Hoops champion Gary Brown. Gary becomes only the third champion to surpass the 300 point barrier and our 20th overall champion.

13 March 2005. One last congrats to KEN TUCKER for his title run last year. Ken netted 306 points to capture the 2004 Nostra Damus of Hoops title. Ken is our first champion to use his position as a bully pulpit (see See Photo Album3). Ken may get his wish this year. Best of luck to all in this year's title quest. J.

5 April 2004. Congratulations to Ken Tucker for capturing his years coveted NDH title. Kenny called the final four, final game and the champ. Very impressive run for Mr. Tucker. Ken becomes our 19th different champion in our 20 years. His score of 306 is second to Steve Shaffers 310. A glance at the achieves indicates Ken began his NDH title hunt back in 1993. A tip of the cap to Tony Bayt, our first champ, who also had the Ucon/Ga Tech final. I will be contacting Ken shortly to set up a time for the trophy presentation. Keep watch at for a cheesy photo of Kenny coming soon. We had a couple folks who didn't get the email this year for one reason or another. Fortunately we corrected the oversight. Please note last years trophy was a new design and was the first of ten. So God willing we'll be doing this for quite a while. If you don't hear from me get in touch, the title hunt will continue. If you'd like to be dropped from the mailing list just let me know. I'd like to thank you all for your participation in this years Nostra Damus title quest. For all but Kenny let us hear that ole refrain, "we'll get 'em next year". Thanks, JSA.

23 March 2004. I must apologize to our 1988 Champion Pat Patrick. I missed his fine pick of Bama in my run down of upset picks. It's also interesting looking at the status report. There are some very odd possibilities amongst the remaining 24. Seems the slighted St. Joes is involved in quite a few. But for most of the 24 we need a lot of things to go right from here on out. Should be interesting. Good luck, JSA.
22 March 2004. Well that was certainly an eventful four days of hoops. I confess I don't watch as much college hoops as I once did, however the NCAA tournament continues to be one of the best sporting events. For me this was at least my 20th year of camping out for the four straight days of great college basketball action. The action in the 20th Nostra Damus contest isn't letting us down either. Their are still 24 of 38 folks with a shot at this years title. This is particularly surprising as we lost 18 champion selections (10 KY, 5 Stan, 2 Gon, 1 Wash). As a group we did a pretty good job of covering all the upsets. I believe we covered every first round upset and all but the UAB and BAMA upsets in the 2nd round. Obviously we all had an Alabama block going for some reason. For those eliminated, sorry, believe me I know your pain. Just remember my yearly refrain, there's always next year. For the rest good luck in the coming weeks action. Thanks, JSA.

Greetings from Hoops central,
15 March 2004, Twenty years. I would have never guessed twenty years ago we would still be going. I wasn't sure I'd still be going twenty years ago. But here we both are. We are using the Hoopness software again this year as it seemed to be greeted well last year. If you haven't received the link to the POOL let me know. Otherwise good luck to one and all. Looks like another tough year. Thanks, JSA.

Greetings Folks,
11 May 2003. I've split the photo page into three pages. Hopefully this will help with the download time. Photo Album2 is the location of three new shots. These include our 2003 champ Shane, 2001 Champ, Steve and a shot of the 0-19 boys holding the trophy model for the next decade. Photo Album1 holds the anwser to the movie trivia question, Where did Joe Dirt get his mullet wig? Take care, JSA.

Greetings Folks,
8 April 2003. Syracuse! Not very pleasing from my standpoint. But congrats to Shane Gamble, 2003 Nostra Damus of Hoops champion. Shane selected Kansas but did some good picking early to secure this years title. For the rest of us we'll look forward to next year.

Greetings Folks,

17 March 2003. It's that time of year, flowers are blooming and I'm preparing to make some BAD selections. As you know we're trying our third new site in three years. Hopefully the new site will provide much more data to each of you. As we move along this site is becoming a historical data base. Updates will be provided via the new service. Good luck to one and all. Thanks, JSA.

Greetings Folks,

19 April 2002. Congrats to Steve Sandler and Maryland for reaching that ultimate goal, a championship. Steve had a fine run and was able to hold of 6 other folks who also selected Mayland. Our first year partnering with CBSSportline was a limited success. We hope to improve on that next year. Thanks again for joining in this years quest. Till next year. Scott.

2 April 2001. Congrats to Steven Michael Shaffer and Duke for their impressive victory. Our streak of no ties continues. This is particularly tough as we generally only have one person disappointed. Sorry folks, it was a nice run. Quite a good ballgame considering the end wasn't close. Steve, congrats again, and now you don't have to be the errand boy (oh wait, you're still the youngest)! Thanks for everyone's participation again this year. If you haven't sent me an e-mail yet, please do so I can get you on the NDH list. Best Wishes to everyone. Thanks, JSA.

1 April 2001. Amazing news folks!! There was a problem in the software program. Seems it really is I who will win regardless of the outcome of the final game! Glory, Glory, after 18 years my torture is over. I await congrats from all. I now sadly refer you to the date at the top of the page. In the non-April fools world, I've updated the Tournament Scenario page. We're down to 4 folks who can be victorious. SMS with Duke, and CJA, BREN, AND SERR with Arizona. Will we have our first tie in 18 years or will Steve finally be able quiet the boorish comments from the group of former champions he often finds himself surrounded by. Should be interesting, I'm just hoping for a good ballgame. Good luck folks. JSA.

31 March 2001. Why would you have not picked Duke to at least make the final game?? For those of you who did, great job with the bloodly obvious. For the rest of us I repeat my opening statement. Oh, concerning the MSU game, quite a passing clinic guys. I've witnessed drunken sailors make better passes. The scenarios narrow. Check the Tournament Scenario page tomorrow. Good luck to you lucky few. JSA.

31 March 2001. Sorry RGG and the Big TEN. Good run nonetheless. I believe that takes us down to 2 tie scenarios. I'll update the Tournament Scenarios page tomorrow, though we know what it shall be depending on this next game. Good luck to those whom survive. JSA.

26 March 2001. I recieved LEE's entry today. Rest easy, his entry did not change the top. We have the Championship Scenario page on the Tournament Updates page. If you go to the bottom of the first page you can jump to each of the 8 scenarios we have left. Looks like there are 7 folks left who have a shot. We also have 3 chances out of 8 of ending in a tie. One of those being a 3 way tie(this might empty my trophy supply)! After 18 years we may have our first Co-champions. It's a nice mix of past winners and possible first timers. For those who have yet to send your membership fee it would be appreciated in the near future. To the lucky and worthly seven, best of luck to you this coming weekend. For the rest of us the ole refrain... we'll get 'em next year. Once more thanks to Steve for his ever appreciated assistance on the web page. I hope you've enjoyed the enhancements. Thanks, JSA.

25 March 2001. And then there were four. I'll be publishing the combinations for winning the title tomorrow. Gotta believe we're down to just a few folks now. Bren and CJA continue to hold on to a slight lead. Stay tuned. Thanks, JSA.

25 March 2001. A nice win for MSU and RGG. Should be a good one coming up. The boys I sent to visit GAM are apparently back on their way home. Our new leaders are LMG, BREN, and CJA. The reports I've recieved indicate GAM was gracious in understanding the protocol and should only miss a few days of work. Thanks, JSA.

24 March 2001. That's it for today. GAM continues to hold a slight lead. Be pulling for the Big Ten tomorrow. JSA.

24 March 2001. It seems that darn Lucy has pulled the football out from under me again. In character I guess I'll simply say "Good Grief!" Playing the reoccurring roll of Lucy this year, as they have the last couple, is Stanford. Though you have to love a team which has a student body chatting things at Cinn such as... What's your major? And, What's a Bearcat? Ya gotta love em, but I won't be picking them again for a LONG time. It seems GAM has not been told about not being allowed to win your first year in. He's currently leading. I'll be sending some boys from outta town to have a talk with him. Still haven't received LEE's pick's (see below for details). I'm starting to fear a special prosecutor if we don't get this cleared up soon. Congrats to my brother, guess I'm a Maryland fan now. Till Duke finishes off USC. Think I'll watch a movie.

24 March 2001. I live another day!!!! Now brings on the down side of our little game. The ugly specter of brother against brother. I have Stanford, Terry (WTA) has Maryland. We both have Illinois in the final. Somebody in the Austin clan will be unhappy today. I haven't rooted against Maryland up to now, this even though I cleverly picked them to lose to Wisconsin. I know the loser will be pulling for the victor. I'm just thrilled to still be there. It's been a while. Good luck today everyone. JSA.

23 March 2001. There's 6 minutes left in the Temple game but I'm racking it up. Temple??!! Come on Illinois!!!

23 March 2001. I know eight folks who are happy now. FSAN is showing bulldog tendencies. He continues to hold his lead.

23 March 2001. Well the first Big Ten team comes through. Hopefully that's a good sign for later. RGG had to be happy as the lone MICH St. person. Be honest, with the exception of a few Duke folks the rest of us would trade places with RGG in a second. Hopefully you had a chance to catch the Bobby show prior to tipoff of tonights games. As my buddy Rob would say, "Bobby's is what he is" We saw that tonight. Charming one moment, boorish the next. I wish him the best and will be watching those RED RAIDERS!

23 March 2001. Whooohoooo, I live another day. FSAN and IPPY hold on to their leads. Till tonight. JSA.

23 March 2001. Well Nic didn't get his USC/UCLA but the USC pick was sweet nonetheless. New leaders Fsan and Ippy with 106. Come on Stanford, keep me alive one more day!

22 March 2001. No change at the top after Maryland's victory. Nic leads and has cracked the 100 point barrier (at least it seems to be a barrier for me).

22 March 2001. Looks like we have a new leader. NIC's intuitive selection of USC over KY has volted him into the lead. Did he also see the UCLA over Duke game correctly. We'll soon see.

20 March 2001. Well it appears we will top out at 38 players this year. Received a call today from LEE, he had his entry returned. He didn't have the Box 465 on the address. It is still sealed and has the correct postmark. He is forwarding it on. As soon as it arrives I'll update the numbers. I do know he selected Duke and indicted he wasn't real happy with his results so far. I'll try to be pretty quick updating the Update page after each game this weekend so keep watching. Thanks, JSA.

18 March 2001 Well that was another wacky weekend of NCAA hoops. Ready for a couple days rest before ramping up for next Thursday. Be sure to check out the NEW Tournament Update page. With the aid of a new software program and Steve, the web page now provides about all the info you could ask for. The Player Summary page is busy, but provides everyones selection. The Tournament Summary page provides an interesting look at the breakdown of teams selected. I'll be updating the Current Standing page often, even during rounds, so keep checking it. Thanks and good luck, JSA.

14 March 2001 Hope you all had a good year. Welcome back for some more frustration. If you haven't received an invite yet, check your e-mail. Otherwise, you can e-mail me at this address: Good luck to one and all. It should be another interesting year. Several new pictures have been added to the Photo Album...go check 'em out. Be sure to visit this website often for more news and updates as the tourney moves along; Thanks, JSA

Ramblings from 2000 NDH season.
CONGRATULATIONS to Stewart A. MacDougall, our 2000 Nosta Damus of Hoops. STEW held off 12 other visionaries with the fore sight to select Michigan State. Stewart’s second round 10-16 for 40 points gave him a lead which he would not relinquish. Two fine champions to start a new millennium.

Well, the Spartans have made the final game, can they finish it out? Sandy's lead has not changed oddly enough, don't expect it to tonight. Needless to say he was a bit surprised to find out he was this years champion. The unofficial tag will be removed tomorrow. Now, let's go Spartans, carry the banner for the Big Ten.

Unofficially it’s over folks. In the 16-year history of the NDH hunt this is by far the earliest I’ve been able to announce a winner. Basically it came down to the MSU/ISU game. We had four potential winners. Scenario #1 saw SAND needing ISU to beat MSU, then lose the next game. Scenario #2 saw BUCK needing ISU to make the final game before losing. In scenario #3 GB needed ISU as champion. The final scenario was a MSU victory giving STEW a lead which can not be passed as MSU is the only team left for anyone to score points with. So, it appears (I still want to double-check everything) the NDH champion for the new millennium is Sandy MacDougall. Sandy has paid his dues well and is a very deserving champion. Sandy’s run of futility (0-14, now 1-15) was rivaled only by BLS and mine’s (0-16). So hat’s off to Sandy for a great run in a heck of a wacky year.

Well, its 0220 Saturday morning and I’ve missed my second day of games. Stinks!! Further, my 16-year run of futility continues. 0-16. Jeez, I’m starting to feel like the Red Sox or Cubs. I believe that makes Bart (BLS) also 0-16 of the original participates. He shares my pain, but at least he doesn’t have to do the work. LSU was my downfall this year, I needed them in the final four to have a chance. I’m currently in the middle of a shift rotation, working 7 straight 12 hour shifts, so I’m going to be a little behind in the updating process. I should have the page updated by Tuesday morning with scores and the list of who still has a chance. It’s already a pretty short list. This is starting to look like one of the strangest tournaments I can remember. Just look at the Elite Eight, out of 38 people no one had more than 2 of the 8 correct. That, my friends, is a record. This should be an all time low winning score…. but the trophy will look just as good….. in someone else’s house!!! Late, JSA.

Finally received the mail and former champion BUCK's entry was there. I believe that should be it, and the total entries is at 38. The final breakdown being: 13 Michigan St; 9 Stanford; 8 Duke; 6 Temple; 1 Arizona and 1 Iowa St. Good Luck the rest of the way, JSA.

Second Round scores have been posted. Mail has yet to arrive for today...will update later today if any new entries are received. There are a total of 37 entries as of now. Good Luck, JSA.

Saturday brings seven more entries. They have been added to the update page. As have the first round scores. Now I need to get back to the MSU game to see if my champion is going to get beyond the second round. Good luck, JSA.

Well, it's late Friday afternoon. My eyes are glazed over from hours of hoops. So far it's been a fine tournament. At this point I've received 30 entries, expect maybe 10 more. See the update page for breakdown of champions selected and final four information. The scoring has been high with Darryl Frakes going 16 of 16 Thursday. MSU has been the leader so far with 11 selections, followed by Stanford w/8, Temple 5, Duke 4, Arizona 1, and Iowa St. 1. As I stated earlier I'm expecting between 5-10 more. Keep checking and good luck. JSA.

Greetings folks. Hope you're geared up for another exciting run at the NDH title. I know Cincy lost some ground for the most selected team title this year. What a shame for the Bearcats. At this point I wouldn't even guess who will be the most selected team. Should be interesting to see. I know I don't have a clue who I like at this point. Though history has shown this doen't mean much anyway. Look forward to hearing from everybody real soon. Till then, good luck on those selections. JSA.
I've got some great photos of a couple of our previous champs, unfortunately I'm having trouble with my scanning software. I appreciate the effort some have made to get me the photos and I'll get them out there as soon as I can.

Please note an addition to our site. Steve (SMS) our web guru has setup a nice photo page (just click on Photo Album). A chance to see some of our past winners. Note, most of the photos show a winner and a loser. I think you can figure out who the 15 year loser is. Many thanks to Steve, great job.
