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Moreta's Lair


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Please read my Review on InfoInteractive's Internet Call Display.
Just click here and it will take you right to my review.
(I apologize to anyone that I may have referred the service to!)

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Some amazing photography taken by a friend, Chris Chiasson. Please check out the site, sign the guestbook or email either one of us.
I designed and created Chris' website.

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Please sign my guestbook at the bottom!


Since everyone and their dog now has a web page, I have decided that it was my turn. Please excuse the construction, I am sure this page will always be changing, especially since I intend to put many links to other areas, such an search engines, Real Audio sites and Games. For now you will only find the basics. I intend to "wow" you with my ability later. Please tell me what you think by signing my guest book or sending me an e-mail.

Razi...Purple Dragon 

(12688 bytes)                      Tiki...Golden Dragon(13199 bytes)

Tiki,and Razzi, my adopted Dragons!

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Personal Info (1155 bytes)
A little bit about me.


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The Links Cove


line.gif (1037 bytes)

Contact me!!
Note (541 bytes)

View My Guestbook

Sign My Guestbook
pooklinef (857 bytes)

Adopt a Dragon! (11345 bytes)

You are visitor since November 15, 1997
