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manoj's home

Hi I come from the capital of the land of 900 million people i.e. INDIA. I did my undergraduation long ago in 1985 in Agricultural Engineering. Then sold some pressurized irrigation equipment before joining a research organisation INDIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, NEW DELHI as SCIENTIST. We were working on ON FARM WATER MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES. I completed my masters in WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING from INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI in 1992 after taking study leave from job. Again, fortunate to get leave to join University of Melbourne for Ph.D. in AUGUST, 1997. Here, we are planning to work on SIMULATION MODEL FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOW IN CONTOUR BASIN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. My supervisor is Hector Malano. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE PARKVILLE, VICTORIA 3052 PHONE: 61 3 9347 4760 (H) 61 3 9344 0193 (W) FAX: 61 3 9344 6868
