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Meghan's Little Dent on the Web

Hey, you've somehow gotten to my page! Well aren't you a lucky duck!! Well, my name is Meghan Wire and I am currently a Junior(99-2000) at Indiana University.Click here to see some pictures of me! So far, I'm majoring in Health Information Administration and I have a minor in Music. I used to be a Computer Science major and a Bio major, buuuuuut let's not go into that. As for hobbies, I snow-ski, snowboard(yes both), and I also play cello, piano, violin, guitar, and I compose. This page will probably be updated periodically, so come back if you want! Also, feel free to mail me if you have any suggestions! Click here to see my Spring Break pics from 1998!
Serious update time. Well, I'm finally a Junior, YEE HAW! Not graduating next year though, I think i'm on the 10 year plan, hee hee. Anyway, I now work for UITS as a computer consultant, yep, I actually have to HELP people. For those of you who know me are probably saying,"yeah right!", but it's true! For some reason I really like it. Strange eh, me liking a job. And yes, I still have my bird Ozzie :o)Here is her web page. She's my wittle baby. :o) Well that's about it for right now. If you're ever bored you can find me online on AIM (Lunaci3) or ICQ (3941702)... LATER!
NEW PAGES!!! Check em out!Click Here!
!KUNG....Your meat is worthless!!
Tori Amos (my idol)
Scary eh?
Shakey, the robot from A201Die Shakey, DIE!!!!!!

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My Snazzy List of Links
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Talkcity - A great chat community.
Pirch - It's a pIRCh download site, a chat client.
Indiana University - It's my school's homepage.
Straight No Chaser - It's a GREAT a cappella group from I.U. Nice page too!
My hometown's web page. Nothing too spectacular, I just had to mention it somewhere!
Delusions of Grandeur's webpage, another a cappella group at IU. A great webpage in general.
My friend Heather's page.
My friend Tommy's page.
My friend Darcy's webpage, email her about the chihuahua!

Can you count this high?
