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The New School & other stuff

This page is for the people who live out of town and have not been home for some time. We will attempt to keep up to date on the construction of the new school and the destruction of the old. We will also include some pictures from time to time of anything new taking place in the area that may or may not be of interest. The page is graphic intensive with rather large pictures (and will only get worse) so while the page loads, go get something to drink and come back and see what’s happening.

View From the East side of the front lawn {04-11-99}
View From the East side of the front lawn {05-29-99}

From the North side looking at the former site of Wolford's Greenhouse {04-11-99}
From the North side looking at the former site of Wolford's Greenhouse {05-29-99}

Taken from the West side in front of the old Red Monier Store
Soon to be a parking lot for the New School {04-11-99}

North Main and 'H' St. {05-29-99)


The new Football field & Track {05-29-99}

Part of the old enterance installed on the new building {08-25-99}

The New City Hall, North West of the Post Office {4-11-99}

ACTION shot taken on South Main

ACTION shot taken on North Main

These two classrooms are located where the rear balcony was in the auditorium of the old High School (4-10-00)

Librarians desk in the old high school. {4-10-00}

Librarians desk in the new high school. {4-10-00}

New Band Room {4-10-00}

Choir room in the new school {4-10-00}

The old clock from the old school has been moved to the new trophy case {4-10-00}

A small portion of the new Home Economics room {4-10-00}

Another Lab classroom (Forgot which one) {4-10-00}

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Reunion ‘98’ pics
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