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Flower of Life Facilitator, Cranio Sacral Therapy and Haptonomie

  • Hello....My Name is Tom de Winter and I live in Oosterbeek, The Netherlands. I am working in the field of integrated (physical, emotional and spiritual) awareness on a one to one base. My daily work is consisting of personal sessions based on 'Haptonomie' and 'Cranio Sacral therapy'. After I experienced the far most better results of my sessions after participated a Flower of life workshop with Drunvalo Melchizedek. I decided to dedicate part of my time in facilitating the Flower of Life workshops. Recently I was facilitating workshops in Russia. My goal is spreading this wonderful work into world as much as I can. Everyone is capable, no matter in what kind of profession you are working in, to have the same blissful experience as I had. Flower of Life is empowerment of your life, job and you are able to set your personal goals in every field you desire.

    in Love and Light

    Tom De Winter
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