D'oh! I'm Closing the Webring Down!

Sorry, folks, but I had kind of a revelation. I was bogged down with school over the last 4 months, and made no changes to the page for at least that long. When I finally realized that I had left my page high and dry, at 1:15am on 01/01/2000, I realized that I didn't miss administering the webring, and this page is meaningless to me. I am still a devoted Breath of Fire fan and all, but let's be real. There are several BOF pages out there, a lot of them more complete than mine. The webring itself has a lot of "competition," and there can only be so many webrings that someone can be a member of. If you are still looking for BOF information, may I suggest Mieu Sedai's Reality, a very well done and complete Breath of Fire webpage.

What's next on the horizon for me? Well, now I'm working on a webpage for a long distance company, Rightline Communications.

So, it was fun for a while, but in a nutshell, it's more like a grueling task than a hobby now. So, fellow BOF fans, I bid you farewell. I plan to take this page offline on around 02/01/2000.

~Jacob King, Creator and Ringmaster of the Breath of Fire Webring.
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