My Poems
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My Poems

This is my newest poem written for my boyfriend!

I often sit and dream at night
And even during the day
That everything will work out well
And good things will come my way

The happiness that floods my dreams
Can put a smile on my face
The hope that these dreams might come true
Gives my heart a warm embrace

Recently all the thoughts I've had
Have actually pertained to you
I thought about this and realized
That you are my dream come true

This poem was written for an ex-boyfriend...but it's still my favorite, the poem that is!

My Star
To fly, to soar, to set my wings free
Would be the greatest thing
there ever could be

And if I got those wings, and learned to fly
I'd fly to my star
Way up in the sky

My star in the sky would be my soul mate
He'd give me advice
And help me fly straight

Then if I had a wish, my wish would be
To give my star wings
And have him fly with me

But my friend in the sky is not really far
My friend is right here
And you are my star

Fading Away

Every time
God lights a wick
A child is born
And the clock starts to tick

As candles are different sizes
Not every person lives the same
Fate decides how long you live
How long God sees your flame

As time goes on, the wax will melt
A little every day
As everything does, life will end
And God's flame will fade away.


First a clap of thunder strikes
Then the lightning hits
The rain then starts to come on down
In drops and tiny bits

Then the storm progresses on
Outside it starts to pour
The rain then comes down even harder
Than it ever did before

But in this storm, there can not be
Any person's fears
For all the rain drops in this storm
Are just my angry tears


Little bubbles would describe
The way I feel inside
For bubbles go many places
Where my thoughts can then reside

Little bubbles can be blown away
When taken by gusts of air
My thoughts are like that bubble
They can travel anywhere

A bubble could be sailing on
Until the wind decides to shift
This describes the way I feel
When my thoughts begin to drift

But when the bubbles drift
They sometimes pop while they're in flight
My thoughts are like that bubble
They seem to go then leave my sight

There is one special happy thought
That won't pop like others do
I love to think about it all the time
And that thought just happens to be you

Brightest in the Sky

I talked once
To a little star
Who shone brighter than
The others by far

I didn't know why
He seeemed to be more
But I wanted to know
So I went to explore

I went to him
And asked him why
"Why are you the
Brightest in the sky?"

"It's only because
Inner beauty shines through
Since I respect myself
I look beautiful to you"

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If you like my poetry, please let me know! The animated smiley faces were created by Andy Evans.

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