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June 15, 2001

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Shooters Section

Welcome to the Shooters Section. Ever since GoldenEye 007 was released two years ago, people have become more interested in first-person shooter games. In this section, you can check on upcoming and released shooters. NOTE: Remember that most shooters are either rated Teen or Mature. Children below the age of 13 should have someone AT LEAST 13 (or higher) with them when playing one of these games. Enjoy.

New Shooters Coming
New first-person shooters have been announced for both Game Boy Advance and Nintendo Gamecube. Check below to see what they are.

Most Favorite and Most Wanted Shooter Games

(According to the Top Games Section)

Perfect Dark (N64) Metroid Prime (GCN)

Recent Releases
These are new shooter games that have been released over the past six months.
Game System Company Release Date Rating
None, at this time.

Future Releases
These are shooter games that will be released sometime in the future.
Game System Company Release Date Rating
Dark Arena GBA Majesco Fall 2001 [UNKNOWN]
Doom GBA Activision October 31, 2001 [UNKNOWN]
Metroid Prime GCN Nintendo / Retro Studios 2002 [UNKNOWN]
Perfect Dark GCN Rare [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN]

Rumored Releases
These are shooter games that are rumored, at this point, to be released in the future. If there is any solid evidence that these games are actually going to be released in the future, then they will be moved onto the Future Releases list.
Game System Company Release Date Rating
None, at this time.

Japanese Releases
These are shooter games that have been or will be released in Japan, and there is no chance that they will come to North America.
Game System Company Release Date
Insmouse VB IMAX 1996

Recent Re-releases
These are shooter games that have been re-released over the last six months.
Game System Company Re-release Date Rating
Perfect Dark (4MB Pak) N64 Rare December 2000 M

Shooter Games Links
This is a new part of the Shooters Section. Here there is a list of shooter games-related links.
Rarewhere: GoldenEye 007
Rarewhere: Perfect Dark

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