Editorial: June 22, 2001
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Editorial: June 22, 2001

More Updates

If you've noticed, I have actually updated all of the Future Releases lists and all of the genre sections in the Special Section. I was on vacation. Don't expect this to keep up. But, I'll be on vacation again in July. So expect some big updates then, too. But other than that, it's business as usual, so to speak.

I will also have that special feature I promised back in January sometime this summer. So look for that, too.

And another thing, check out the Top Games section at the end of June. Game Boy Advance will get its own Top 5 during that week. Also, please vote. You have no idea how useful your votes can be. They can make a huge difference in the charts. Thanks, and enjoy the website.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.