Editorial: July 25, 2000
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Editorial: July 25, 2000

What's Going On?

Updates have been sparse lately, I know. But I plan on trying to update more often, even though my job seems to take up a lot of my time. I have, though, been updating the Top Games sections every week, but that's obviously not enough. Look for at least one update, other than the Top Games sections, each week from now on.

Oh yeah, today is the fourth anniversary of KNP. Just four years ago (Just?), I created this page. I hope that the information, although some of it is now outdated, has been useful to most of you. Thanks for all of your support over the last four years. And look for at least one editorial every one or two months, just to give you little info on what's up in the Nintendo world and what's up with KNP.

See you then.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.