Editorial: October 2, 1999
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Editorial: October 2, 1999

Future of KNP -- PART II

Okay, it's been about three months since my last editorial. But it won't be that way anymore. I'll try to have at least one new editorial every month, and maybe more.

Also, if you haven't noticed, updates have been lacking lately. There's a reason. I just started a new job last week, and I'll be working 9 to 5 on weekdays. So, if there are any new updates at all, they'll be at night, definitely. But on Saturday, they could be at any time. In fact, Saturday will probably be the day when most things are updated. The Top Games and Top Games Hall of Fame sections will still be updated every Friday. (In the first few months of KNP's existance the Top Games section was updated on Saturday.)

As I have said in the last editorial, updates will decrease. This week, I only got to update once, last week twice. News updates don't take very long to put on the page, so you'll probably be seeing more of those and less of Readers Section sections and genre sections being updated.

You can still e-mail me. And I will try to keep KNP going throughout all of this time.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.