Editorial: March 10, 1999
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Editorial: March 10, 1999

Tetris-Mania Gets Reborn

Everyone talks about Zelda, Mario, and Pokémon so much that it seems that that's all there is. Has everyone forgotton about one of the greatest games of all time? It's Tetris. And it has had many different incarnations on the different Nintendo systems.

Tetris was first introduced on the NES back in 1989. Tetris 2 followed the original Tetris on the NES in 1994 (five years later). The "tetrads" (Tetris pieces) in Tetris became so widely known that they were used in the game Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II for the NES in 1994.

Super NES has had its share of Tetris games also: Blastris in 1992, Tetris 2 in 1994, and Tetris & Dr. Mario in 1995. Although Tetris Attack (1996) didn't use Tetris-type pieces, it did have the word Tetris in the title.

In Japan, Nintendo released V-Tetris for Virtual Boy. This was basically regular Tetris for Virtual Boy. And (only) in North America, Nintendo released 3-D Tetris (1996) for Virtual Boy. This game was the very first full 3-D Tetris game, hence the title.

Game Boy's first game just happened to be Tetris. (Maybe that's why Game Boy sold so well.) Other Tetris games to hit Game Boy were: Tetris 2 in 1993, Tetris Attack in 1996, and Tetris Plus in 1997. Tetris DX was the first Game Boy Color game, as well as the first and (so far) only Tetris game for Game Boy Color.

Nintendo 64's first Tetris game was Tetrisphere, in 1997. Capcom decided to bring a Disney version of Tetris to the Nintendo 64 in January 1999 as the game Magical Tetris Challenge. Seta has released Tetris 64 (used be called Bio Tetris) in Japan. And although it looks as if this game may never be released in America, Nintendo is making sure that there will definitely be another Tetris game for the N64 this year: Tetris 64 (sometimes called The New Tetris).

So, there you have it. A general overview of the history of Tetris, the single greatest puzzle game around.

For more information on Tetris games, check out the Tetris website at www.tetris.com.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.