Editorial: September 26, 1998
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Editorial: September 26, 1998

Where Have Our RPG's Gone?

People in Nintendo Land, please note that I don't count "Action" RPG's such as the The Legend of Zelda series as RPG's. Well, guys, we, Nintendo freaks, have a wide variety of video game types. We have lots of action/adventure games, lots of fighting games, lots of racing, even lots of shooting games! There is one genre that we don't have much of. That is... the RPG series. Some good RPG's we've gotten include the Final Fantasy series, the Dragon Warrior series, and the Lufia series. Even Harvest Moon can count as a good RPG. However, we have not gotten a very good RPG (notice I said a "Very" good RPG) since Chrono Trigger! I'll admit we can have our appetites filled with "boring" RPG's such as Super Mario RPG or a "sort of" good RPG such as Harvest Moon while waiting, but we haven't gotten a good one for over 2 years! What happened to them? One word... Squaresoft.

Squaresoft, as you probably know, left early in 1996 for Sony. We all know that Square has good reasons, but really, since then, we haven't had ANY RPG's that can be considered "great!" So we have four choices.

  1. We can forget about RPG's.
  2. We can have our appitites filled with "boring" RPG's such as Quest 64.
  3. We can go to Sony.
  4. We can go crazy with petitions to bring Squaresoft back.

Although I personally am doing number 2, you can do any you want. However, my point to Nintendo is, "We need more good RPG's."

If you have any comments or question about the topic of this editorial, just e-mail me at cfetters@willinet.net. Thanks.