Editorial: November 17, 1997
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Editorial: November 17, 1997

Big Changes

Hello. My page has been going for 1 1/4 years now and it has accumulated over 3,500 visitors since the time it was started. And during all that time, I was the only person updating the page. But, after careful thought, I have decided to add a small staff of people (this is just voluntary) to my page. The very first is Chris D. Expect Chris to add a few reviews of Nintendo 64 games before the end of the year. He might be doing other things as well. I also put a special link to his home page in the Virtual Boy Section. If you'd like to be part of my "staff" (you don't get paid), just e-mail me (a link is below) and tell me.

Nintendo World '97 is coming up soon, so I will put up a special section just for that. It'll be something like what I did for E3 in the summer.

I am thinking of deleting a few sections and starting new ones. In about a year, I probably won't be updating this page anymore, because I'm thinking of going to Ball State College (in Indiana). Right now I'm attending Ivy Tech State College (in Indiana). So, for the next six to twelve months I will continue to give you news, previews, and reviews on games from ALL Nintendo systems.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.