Due to many things going on right now, I will no longer be doing the award thing.
I hope to be able to restablish it in the future. Please stop back in and visit.

If you would like to apply for, or nominate someone for any of these awards, just follow my simple guidelines.

NOTE: I am in the process of making new awards and am very busy with show season.
Therefore if I do not get to you right away, please do not panick. I will get to them eventually.

1. Must be a safe surf site (acceptable for all ages)

2. Must not contain pornography (or links to such sites)

3. Must be well put together (not just a bunch of links)

4. Must not be hate related (racial slurs or anything such related)

5. Signing my guestbook would be in your favor!

6. Sites with WorDs LiKE tHIs will only be considered if they are creative & easy to navigate. (they are to hard on my eyes)

7. No broken links or graphics

8. If you have frames, please give me an escape route! I don't care much for frames, I always get stuck!!

After you are certain you/they meet these guidelines, email me with:

Their/your URL site

Their/your EMAIL Addy

Their/your Name (rank and serial #) (NOT)(the name is enough)

And the award you/they would like, should you/they win! Be SURE to tell me which award you are applying for!!!

NOTE: If it is for some one else, be sure to give their info not yours. Unless you want them to know you nominated them, then give me your name. I will let them know who they were nominated by!

So that I may take a peek at your site to see if you qualify.

After I have gone over your site and you pass my inspection, I will email you with the results and the code for the award.

In the event you get my award, I would appreciate a link back to my page along with it.

Please don't panic I'm not that hard to please. ~~GRIN~~

Good Luck and as always Happy SAFE Surfing!

Here are the "SAMPLES" of what my awards look like! Hope you don't have the urge to try and take them on your own!!!