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This page is not intended to be a tutorial but instead it will only give some ideas about programming, particularly object-oriented programming.
As I notice it... there are lots of object-oriented programming applications in the market nowadays. And this is because object-oriented programming has become an advantage in the creation of large systems for use by big businesses as well as the small ones... maybe this is because the need for program coding and debugging is minimized making their work a lot faster and easier.
Object-Oriented Programming?
In my own idea, when we say object-oriented programming... as the word implies... we are dealing with objects here and each Object contains behaviors and characteristics. In this way each object in an application is a self-contained module which could mean that they can be totally independent from other objects in the application. In some applications this behaviors and characteristics are represented as properties, events, and functions.
Event-Driven Programming?
I don't know if this can be called a characteristic of an Object-Oriented Programming... but when we say Event-Driven, this implies to the way your program is executed by the computer... I think the other type is called Procedural... when we say Event-Driven, codes in the application will not always be executed sequentially nor randomly... this is because this time the user is the one in charge of what is to happen in the program. You might ask me why? well... my reason is that in Event-Driven programming there is such a thing as an event and this events contain the codes that the programmer wants to be executed... this codes are executed when a certain event is triggered by a user action such as the pressing of a button or by just typing a key in the keyboard, if the user does nothing then not a single code is executed too... this is not the same when we talk about Procedural type of programming, in this type of programming, codes are executed in the same order as they are arranged or typed by the programmer, loops are to be utilized if the programmer wants the program to wait for a user action.
Properties define an object's appearance like for example is the window's appearance and behavior (a window's color can be red, and it can have a minimize box too)
Events are triggered by user actions. This is where the codes are placed so that they will be executed once the user does something.
Functions perform processing specific to an application.

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