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What kind of things should I include in this page? Good question... I'm always open for suggestions, just contact me....
Who am I?
Good question... you should've not asked it if you already have clicked the About me button in the Main page.
Why The7th?
I still don't have any idea until now... maybe it's because seven is my favorite number... or maybe this is already my seventh try in creating my own home page.
About this Home Page of mine...
In the beginning...
Actually, I think this is the 7th time I created my own Home Page for the web... the first ones are not so pleasing for the eyes of the beholder...
I searched the web for sites that offer free web pages and Angelfire was not the first one I saw but I chose it because it allowed me to easily upload my html files that I created at home.
the worst mistake...
the worst mistake about this webpage that I can't correct is the address of this Home Page... as you noticed it, don't bother asking me about it okey?
the style...
I divided my Home Page into three sections... with this, browsers can have access to the six main buttons and always see the title of my page. I think this will minimize the reports on persons getting lost in the web.
the art...
You can also find the images that I have used for the background and the buttons in the Gallery... if you want to use them feel free to do so... if you want to tell me that they're ugly and don't deserve to be in the web then leave now... coz I won't listen to you. Some images that you will find in the Gallery are not my original works.
