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WarCraft 2 Strategies

The Strategies

The Strategies

P O R C U P I N E The porcupine strategy is one of a defender. You are a person who hides behind towers and your defenses You do little in the area of attack until later in the game when you have enough men to crush your enemy. It is the strategy that is used most often by the begginers, but a few intermediate players win games with it. The prefered units for the porcupine are the Catapults/Balista's and the towers. They tend to use a lot of archers/trolls and knights/ogres as well. The porcupine tends to elegant the game and it tends to do real well against the computer, but other humans who are intermediate and up tend to win in the long run because they manage to keep the porcupine away from most of the other resources. It's phases are: 1. collect resources 2. build defences 3 build up men 4.defend 5. attack

B E A R The bear strategy is one of a all out offence. You realy on keeping the pressure on your opponent. Your hope is that they don't get the time to launch a counter offensive. Your main goal is to cripple your opponents and keep them on the deffencive. Your base itself is crude and made for the fast development of units. You tend to use knights/ogres and catapults/balistas at the start and then as you progress and start to run low on resources you start to use the footmen/grunts and the archers/trolls. The bear tends to control the game as long as it can still launch attacks. It's resources tend to be well off and it keeps the other players from getting the chance to forage for resorces. It is highly effective against all levels of players. It's phases are: 1. Collect resources 2. Build men 3. Attack. It tends to build 5 to 10 men at a time before it attacks.

E A G L E The eagle strategy is an aerial assualt tactic. It's main force comes from the air and disables it's opponent. If the opponent has a large number of archer/trolls, or towers then they send in a ground force to reduce the number of units that can shoot the air. They use sappers/demolition in conjunction with their air units to demolish buildings. This is one of the harder strategies to pull off but once you get it down your friends will be yanking out their hair in the hand fulls. The eagle tends to have about the same amount of resources as the porcupine except they are on the offensive alot. It's phases are: 1. Collect resources 2. Build up men 3. Scout 4. Attack 5. set up defences The eagel tends to build about 5 gryphons/dragons and about 5 ground units. It also tends to know what is going on in most of the map sooner than the other players because of it's flying units.

S H A R K The shark strategy isn't limitited to naval maps like it's name hints at. It's main goal in the game is to secure key points on the map. It use's large and power full units and tends to have a lot of men spread out over the map. The shark tends to be the annoying one in multyplayer games because where ever you go you have to fight off some of his men. In two on two's and campaigns the shark is at a disadvantage but if it's a water level watch out! The shark usualy controls most of the resources because of it's need of strategic locations. It is one of the more spread out players as well. It's phases are: 1. Scout 2. Collect resources 3. Build up 4. take strategic positions. 5. force oponents into enclosed areas. 6. attack

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