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Hello! Jennifer here! Thanks for visiting my little (albeit rarely edited) home on the web. My current news as of October 5, 2005: I'm living with my boyfriend Josh, working full-time at a casino, and trying to catch up on all of my web stuff I've been neglecting! In four days it will have been two years since I changed anything on this site (I had to hack my own password because I couldn't remember it and my old email doesn't work anymore!), so I'm going to try to totally redo my entire homepage little by little.

While you're here, take a look around , but don't be suprised if this picture or that link isn't working at the moment. *Sigh*... construction.

Some Links:

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages - Get your own blog for free
The Cave of the 3 Bairs (Some Relatives)
My dad's homepage...see pics of the rest my family and my hometown!!!!
My brother's homepage
Yahoo! mail
Yahoo! chat
Adopt-a-Ghost... They're so cute!!!!!
Things to Do For the Bored

Top Ten Reasons To Move Back To Hanover (Again!)

  • Because you miss living in a town with two stoplights. (There used to be a flasher, but they took it down.)
  • Because now you can go to Chicago's Pizza and get breadsticks whenever you want.
  • Because you feel that the best date ever is to go to Madison and walk around Wal-Mart.
  • Because you want to go to a gas station and see half of your high school graduating class.
  • Because your car constantly needs fixed and if you move back, you'll live a block away from the nearest mechanic.
  • Because you're bored with big city life and want to go cow-tipping once in a while.
  • Because nobody from Hanover ever stays away long, and you figure it's your destiny to be here.
  • Because there's nothing quite like going to the Chelsea Jubilee in September and seeing everyone that's known you since you were born.
  • Because you miss the beautiful scenery overlooking the Ohio River.
    And the number one reason to come back to Hanover is...

  • Because it's home, of course!

And this is my family:

Here are my parents...

and my brother Randy.


Go to My Photo Gallery!

Go See More Pictures of Me!

Go To My Links Page!

Be sure to email me and tell me how you like my page!
