[] (LTTE commanders discussing strategy (courtesy www.eelam.com)

6 May 2000

From Jal Khambata

NEW DELHI: Censorship imposed by the Sri Lanka Government does not affect the Liberation of Tamil Tigers Eelam (LTTE) as it is using an internet website managed from Paris to provide minute-to-minute developments to the Media from what it calls "From Jaffna Porkalam" (From Jaffna warfield).

Anyone wanting to know the latest from the warfield, so as to get the viewpoint of the Tamil Tigers is concerned, can hook on to website www.eelam.com

Here is a sampling of the News Flashes put on the website:

Strategic Town of Pallai Falls to Liberation Tigers
Sri Lankan Army Suffers Another Debacle

                                  The combat formations of the Liberation
                                  Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) overran the
                                  massive military base at Pallai, about
                                  15 kilometres north of Elephant Pass,
                                  and took control of the town and its
                                  surrounding villages today.

Information to those managing the website, established long ago, is fed from the war front using very powerful high frequency transmitters and "Thambi" (Tamil word meaning younger brother but actually connotes LTTE boys) sattelite connections.

The whole network is being managed not only by the Tamil Tigers based in Paris but also by the Tamil refugees of Sri Lanka settled in European countries and other parts of the world and as such the Sri Lanka Government's writ does not run on their activities.

The sudden Sri Lanka-Israel pact has, however, alerted the Tamil Tigers as they have stopped giving full details of happenings on the ground and instead chosen to provide only a synopsis on the website while all the details are now being mailed directly to the Media and individual sympathisers through e-mails, sources in Delhi maintaining discreet liaison with the LTTE disclosed.

They are also making use of the TDNS (Tamil Domain Name Services) established by the Srilankan Tamils working in the information technology industries in Europe to pass on inside information to those who matter, besides putting some of the classified information also on sites known to only the insiders, the sources said.

It may be mentioned here that LTTE has its international headquaters in a 3-storeyed building, named Eeelam House, at 202, Long Lane, London SE 4QB.