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Jesus 4 Alaska
"A generation on the verge"

Jesus 4 Alaska
Praise you Jesus...
We thank You for the victory that is already purchased in your blood. We intercede for Alaska in your holy name. Jesus, you are awsome!

Alaska is hungery for Jesus!
We are on the verge of a great redeeming and revival. Generation X is a chosen generation of people. We are the 268th generation from Christ. X is the final letter in the Hebrew alphabet and it means the final aproval of God. In Ezekial 9 all who would be spared judgement had a mark placed on their foreheads, an x. X in greek means Christ!
This site is slowly growing. A special thanks to Pastor Pat Schatzline for his insights on generation x.

The feature Message: in this feature Pastor Ken Jasko shares an interesting article with us

News! from me 2 you

Jesus Christ: He Changed My Life! Click here to see how he can change yours too

Great Resources: Links to other pages, this is my link page

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