Lutheran Hour Ministries-Indiana
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Report from last board meeting:

LLL Indiana District Convention
Messiah Lutheran Church
Indianapolis, Indiana
October 5, 2013
Attendees with District Board Members in bold type: Frank Becker, Betty Becker, Chris Clark, Wally Fahling, Walter Fink, Marty Henrichs, Judy Henrichs, Carl Mueller, Sharon Mueller, Keith Peterson, Roger Potratz, Pat Potratz, Fay Richert, Ronald Schultz, Suzy Schultz, Roger Vandrey, Dolly Vandrey, Greg Walts, and Wanda Walts.
Greetings, Devotion & Prayer: President Roger Vandrey welcomed everyone and told us that he had selected the Rev. Scott Roberts from Seymour, IN as our District Pastoral Advisor. Pastor Roberts was unable to attend the Convention, but delivered the devotion via a video. His devotion was based upon Titus chapter 2, which is divided into 5 sections.
Minutes: President Vandrey asked if anyone had any questions regarding the minutes from our 38th annual Indiana District Convention from 9/15/2012. Ron Schultz moved approval of the minutes with correction to the meeting date shown on the minutes. Carl Mueller seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with correction by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: Richert reported that the 4th quarter beginning balance was $6,627.40. Receipts of four items during the 4th quarter totaled $5,017.23. Expenditures of fifteen items totaled $7,597.74. This left a balance in the checking account of $4,046.89. The only activity during the 1st quarter was the receipt of rebate money ($1901.54) leaving a balance of $5,948.43 as of 8/31/2013. Our two LCEF notes are currently $1,116.73 and $4,072.78. Roger Potratz moved for acceptance of the report. Ron Schultz seconded the motion and it was passed by voice vote.
President Vandrey read the report of audit from Paul Doenges. Paul stated in the letter that he has audited the Treasurer’s books and that they are in order. Ron Schultz moved to accept the audit report. Roger Potratz seconded the motion which was then approved by voice vote.
President Vandrey reported that he had submitted our financial report to the Int. LLL and it was accepted. That report did not include the LCEF assets. An amended financial report will be submitted.
Current Status of the International LLL: Regional Manager Keith Peterson made the presentation. He opened with comments about the Cleveland ROC which he had attended. Kurt Buchholz, current LLL Board President, will become the new Executive Director when Bruce Wurdeman retires on 12/31/2013. Phil Krauss II, the current Board Vice-President, will become the new President and his replacement will be appointed by the Board.
The Rev. Doctor Paul Maier talked at the ROC about the various LLL activities. He reported that the LHM Men’s Network is unique and is recognized as the leading group that promotes the Gospel. This site has several resources including 25 Bible Study DVDs, 9 Stuff They Didn’t Teach Me in Sunday School DVDs and 3 Baloney Shop DVDs. Bible studies are also available as “apps”. Thailand has the fastest growing Lutheran population with 88 schools. Their goal is to expand that to 200 yet this year.
Peterson showed a video of a presentation by the Director of International Ministries Pastor Doug Rutt. Pastor Rutt reported that 41% of the world is dominated by Islam. Material available for spreading the Gospel is mostly in English (90.5%) while only 5% of the world speaks English. Pastor Peter Kirby made a video presentation. There is heavy reliance on the use of the radio, since 99% are reachable by this communication method. It is customary for the foreign LLL offices to translate the various shows rather than use them in English.
Mr. Peterson made some general comments and discussed the various programs available through the LLL. Mission U currently offers 7 courses and they trained 15,000 people this past year. They also offer a webinar every Saturday. He said that he encourages Pastors to make use of Project Connect racks by placing them in various locations throughout their local communities. However, he encouraged us to not always rely on our Pastors. Our Indiana District is in good shape with regards to the Ambassador program. He also reported that Pastor Nunes is now a Valparaiso Professor.
District President’s Status Report:
District status: There are 48 registered Ambassadors in the Indiana District. We have 15 zones and 7 are very active. The Indiana District is in good shape financially, with $11,141 in the District accounts and approximately an additional $19,000 in zone accounts. President Vandrey was questioned by LHM Headquarters in St. Louis as to whether we really needed our rebate money. Participation in District work and events continues to fall short of expectations.
State Fair Booth-President Vandrey reported on the LLL booth was at the Indiana State Fair. Record crowds attended the fair. But, because of the good weather few went inside to visit the LLL booth. There was a shortage of volunteers for the booth. We may want to consider providing LLL booths at more County Fairs.
Seminary Banquet: This year’s Sem Banquet in Ft. Wayne was the best yet with very good attendance.
Thailand Ministries: Reports from this ministry with whom we are partners are available on the LHM website under the International Ministries tab.
Orphan Grain Train-Gene Wint has announced his plans to retire and he has requested that the OGT be relocated from his farm. A new warehouse has not yet been located. A retired Pastor from Iowa has been working at the OGT farm and may be willing to serve as the OGT Manager.
District President’s Conference: President Vandrey will attend this conference in Omaha October 20th & 21st
Budget: President Vandrey presented the fiscal year 2013-2014 budget developed during the May Board meeting. Our new budget of $10,000 is $200 less than the previous budget. It was approved with no changes and will be submitted to the Int’l LLL.
Unfinished Business:
Camp Cedarbrook: Greg Walts reported that the offer to purchase Camp Cedarbrook has been withdrawn. However, an individual has indicated an interest in purchasing the Camp by October of 2014. The Int’l LLL is preparing the proper paper work with the goal of obtaining earnest money from this individual. The Int’l LLL will continue their plans to sell this property. The Camp was a gift in the 1950s and consists of 5 buildings on 70 acres. It was appraised at $330,000.
Sipple Estate- President Vandrey reminded the assembly that the remaining portion of the gift from the Sipple estate will be sent to the Thailand Ministry soon.
Bylaw Changes and Zone realignment-President Vandrey stated that he has considered various zone realignment bylaw change possibilities, but feels at this time that it is best to make no changes.
Seminary Banquet-At our last Board meeting the motion was made requesting that President Vandrey prepare and submit a grant request for money to support the Seminary Banquet. He has not completed this request.
District Calendar of events-It will be necessary to prepare a complete calendar of District event at our November 9th Board meeting.
New business:
40th annual Indiana District Convention: President Vandrey stated that the last two Indiana District Conventions had been held in the Indianapolis area and suggested that it be held in Northwest Indiana in 2014. After discussing various locations, it was decided that our 40th annual Convention will be held in the Northwest Region, possibly at the Wittenburg Village in Crown Point, Indiana.
Host Congregation Donation: A motion made by Pat Potratz and seconded by Greg Walts to give $200.00 to the host congregation for this convention, Messiah Lutheran Church. Motion was approved.
Zone Rebates: President Vandrey announced the following Zone Rebate amounts for fiscal year 2013:
Zone 1 $150 Zone 6 $148 Zone 11 $88 Zone 2 $300 Zone 7 $81 Zone 12 $342 Zone 3 $122 Zone 8 $79 Zone 13 $29 Zone 4 $69 Zone 9 $143 Zone 14 $115 Zone 5 $156 Zone 10 $126 Zone 15 $138
In accordance with the Indiana District Policies and Procedures, to receive the funds, the Zone President must send the District President by March 1, 2014 an Annual Plan of Zone Activities. To meet the requirements of the Lutheran Hour Ministries District and Zone Policy Manual, a copy of the minutes and treasurer’s report from a Zone meeting held in FY 3013 must also be submitted.
2014 Int’l LLL Conference: The site for the 2014 International Conference (formerly a convention) has been changed from Dearborn, Michigan to the Renaissance Center in Detroit. The dates are July 23rd to July 27th.
Election of Officers: Nominees for open positions were Roger Potratz for Secretary, Chuck Mihalik for Treasurer, Frank Becker for Membership Chairman of the NE region and Ron Schultz for Membership Chairman of the NW region. Ballots were distributed. Ballots were gathered and counted by Dolly Vandrey and Chris Clark. All nominees were voted into office. Regional Manager Keith Peterson performed the installation ceremony for those present.
Closing Devotions: President Vandrey closed the meeting with a group prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Wally Fahling, Secretary Indiana District, International Lutheran Laymen’s League