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This disturbing Discipline is practiced primarily by the Lasombra, for they desire nothing less than power over all things, even over the primordial abyss itself. Certainly, this power smacks of sinister, pre-Christian forces, and few outside the Lasombra clan would dare to wield such problematic origin.
Obtenebration allows its practitioner to evoke a strange force of 'living darkness,' the very stuff of shadow made tangible. The exact source of this amorphous blackness is a subject of great debate among the clan. Some Lasombra speculate of a great abyss surrounding the planetary spheres, perhaps Hell, perhaps pagan Stygia, perhaps something else entirely. Others, particularly those on the Via Diabolis, sneeringly rebut that the darkness is nothing more than the manifestation of its wielder's sin-tarnished soul.
This Discipline is exceedingly unnatural and intimidating to most of God's creatures. Protracted use of Obtenebration almost inevitably sends normal animals into a panic, and mortals must often muster Courage upon confronting Obtenebration effects. Areas blanketed with Obtenebration often lose their color, becoming bleached or stained.
The competitive Lasombra often view their use of this Discipline as a 'struggle for supremacy' with the forces of the outer darkness. Lasombra who employ Obtenebration overmuch sometimes find their steps haunted by mocking shades, and some ambitious Lasombra have been known to disappear forever into the shadows they have summoned.

Shadow Play
The vampire can manipulate shadows, shroud areas, dim (though not extinguish) ambient illumination, and play other 'tricks of the light.' Among other things, this allows the vampire to warp or erase her own shadow, cloak herself or make her silhouette more intimidating.

The vampire may blanket a swath of ground or sky with an impenetrable inky darkness. This darkness is deeper than a moonless night; only the subterranean caverns of inner earth compare to it. Beings swallowed by this viscous matter find it greatly disorienting and unnerving.
The vampire can automatically cloak a 10-foot diameter area. The darkness extinguishes light and even obscures sound; most opponents are completely blinded and disoriented, even those with Heightened Senses or Witness of Darkness suffer penalties to most actions. Most mortals and animals must try and invoke Courage or panic. If the vampire uses this power to envelope a flame or flames, she can actually douse them.

Arms of Ahriman
The vampire can summon one or more 'tentacles' of solid darkness from a shadowy area. These tentacles may grasp, restrain or even constrict foes.

The vampire may evoke shadowy illusions. These illusions are monochromatic and murky, but may be of anything; the vampire herself, monsters, walls, etc. The illusions are human-sized, but successes may be spent to create larger images. Alternately, the vampire may use the power to invest an area with a chaotic saraband of whirling shadows, disorienting all in the vicinity.

Tenebrous Form
The vampire can turn her own body into a slithering, undulating shadow. Vampires in this form are virtually invulnerable, may slither through the narrowest cracks, and may see in the deepest darkness.The vampire is immune to physical attack, but may not physically attack others. She may wrap around and ooze over victims like a vast, probing slime mold; such contact is extremely disconcerting. Fire and sunlight are more painful to the vampire in this form.

Walk The Abyss
The vampire may step into a human-sized or larger shadow and exit another (of similar size) at another location. She may also reach into a shadow and have her hand and forearm protrude through another shadow at a different location - for example: to grab a victim or object resting near the other shadow. Once grasped, the object may jerked through the 'destination' shadow to the vampire's own.


Darksome Embrace
This power enables the vampire to pour forth her inner darkness. The shadow stuff vomits from the vampire's mouth and engulfs a chosen target with a soul burning chill. The darkness leeches the blood from mortal victims in black parody of the Kiss and, while it cannot drain a vampire, it does engender overwhelming feelings of terror.

Death Shroud
Particularly clever Lasombra have become so skilled at manipulating darkness that they can animate a subjects very shadow. As long as there is sufficient light to cast a shadow, the vampire can command the shadow to perform any number of dark deeds with but a thought. While this power is active, the subject casts no shadow, as the darkness funnels directly into a death shroud. The powers of Obtenenbration are horrifying enough to most mortals, still Death Shroud is a particularly terrifying manifestation. To a mortal, it appears that her soul is detached, empowered by independent action of the devil himself. Such an unholy act can be enough to drive the weak-minded insane, and make the most stalwart fear for their immortal soul.

Night Shades
The vampire has gained such power over Obtenebrations dark energies that she may summon creatures made of shadow itself. There is much debate as to the true nature of these night shades. Some claim they are damned souls brought back to the land of the living. Others state they are animated darkness. Others think of them as extension of the vampires own black spirit. A few vampires have pointed out that these may all be one in the same...


Special Power: Armor of Darkness
Most Lasombra have numerous retainers and servitors who advance the vampire's machinations. Still, there are some Lasombra who maintain active roles in particularly sensitive plots, even if it means venturing into the dangerous realm of daylight. These uncommon vampires developed a technique for protecting themselves from the sun's deadly effects.
Blending the Disciplines of Obtenebration and Fortitude, a vampire wraps herself in the stuff of shadow. This creates a dark mantle that shields her from the sun's rays and the harmful effects of fire.
The vampire must concentrate on maintaining her armor but may perform other actions and use her Disciplines as usual. This power sheathes the vampire in shadows that resemble a cloak, however, the more advanced practitioner can mold the shadows to resemble clothing, robes, or even a suit of plate mail. Any part of the body not covered by the shape is not protected. A few Lasombra are said to have this shadow armor about them always; cowled and black clad vampires may not be wearing heavy wool, but the very substance of darkness given shape.


Eyes of the Night ~
The vampire can see in absolute darkness -- even darkness created by Obtenebration. She gains Gleam of Red Eyes if she did not already have it, and if in a poorly lit area, may close her eyes and concentrate to see anything in a fifty-foot radius.

Entombment ~
This ability allows the vampire to encase one single person in impenetrable darkness. The darkness is so potent that a victim trapped within will suffocate eventually if not released. Once within the shadow, the victim cannot break free by any normal means.

Summon the Abyss ~
This ability allows the vampire to draw forth a darkness so powerful that it sucks the life out of all caught within it. When the darkness leaves, it takes the bodies with it to whence it came.

Banishment ~
The vampire can remove his victim from this world and send him to the abyss from whence the darkness originates. None have ever escaped this doom on their own.

Shadow Slave ~
This ability allows the vampire to animate her own shadow, employing it as a sentry or even a combatant, she must be somewhere where she has a shadow for this to be effective. Prolonged use of this power is a semi-independance and even sentience on the part of the shadow.

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This page is an entirely unofficial use of the Vampire:
The Masquerade and A World of Darkness gaming materials published by
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