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"You fools! There are greater things in existence, and they are within your reach! We can change the world if you but stand with us. Wake up before you die!"

The Brujah are the ultimate scholar-warriors, always striving toward perfection of mind and body. The elders of the clan can recall the Golden Age, and speak wistfully of lost Carthage. It is the ultimate goal of the Brujah to bring about a better place, one where vampires of all sorts can exist peacefully and prosperously.

Unfortunately, no wound stings worse than a dream denied. The death of Carthage seems to have only increased their rancor, and the other clans' refusal to move beyond the status quo leaves a bitter taste in their mouths. So they fight. They fight the Ventrue for destroying Carthage, they fight the Lasombra for encouraging the status quo, they fight the Tremere for slaying Saulot – the list seems eternal. The Brujah are nothing if not lovers of a cause.

Brujah Antitribu are just like their Camarilla counter-parts, except that within the Sabbat they are not viewed as dissidents. After all, most Vampires within the Sabbat, regardless of clan, are considered rebels. The Antitribu continue to share a strong sense of fraternity with other Brujah and continually seek to convert them to the ways of the sect.

Nickname: Rabble-rousers

Appearance: For the most part, Brujah are fit and have the bearing of eagles. They prefer Embracing neonates that are near perfection in body and mind, but the current age is forcing them to lower their standards somewhat. The Brujah Antitribu look like non-Sabbat Brujah, and are just as outrageous in appearance. Most Brujah Antitribu within a pack dress in a similar style.

Background: Brujah look for thinkers and those frequently dissatisfied with society as they know it. A craftsman may be unlettered, but will be considered if he can express his thoughts reasonably well. Martial candidates for the Embrace are considered for their thinking ability, strategy and planning, not just for how well they swing a sword. The Brujah prize egalitarianism and will choose whomever they deem worthy, whether man or woman, serf or noble.

Clan Disciplines:
Celerity, Potence, Presence

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