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Tristan Arista ShadowFire


Full name: Tristan Arista ShadowFire
RACE : elf/mortal/vampire/angel
SEX: female
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
EYE COLOR: jade green
AGE: 21
HEIGHT: 5'7"


APPEARANCE: two slash type marks barely visible lie upon her high cheekbones signify her being a Geist Oman § she has long, dark brown hair held back with a silver barret with a dragon and a rose on it that frames her delicately featured face, jade eyes look out from under thick lashes that seem to look into your soul, her pale skin is offset by a gentle flush to her cheeks when she is drawn into conversations that she prefers to observe more than take place in..wears a fine suit of elven chain mail under a nylon zip top and nylon pants that zip up the outside of her legs, a pair of combat boots with a dagger in one are on her feet....a locket of black&red marble encased in gold scroll work hangs around her neck..and a tanto that radiates magick hangs from a belt around her hip..


CONCEPT: survivor
TALENT(CLASS): Geist Knight
ADVANTAGES: Common Sense, Sixth Sense, Daredevil, Higher Purpose, Acute Senses(all)(13 pts)
Rewards: Special Ability or Skill.. her fae magick, clerical powers of turn undead, psionics
Special Weapon: Runed Tanto


HISTORY: her only early memories of her parents is a dim one of what she calls her 'angel' mama, a feather is all that links her to her to her, when she was around eight her mother disappeared and she took to wandering the forests and towns of RhyDin, a street waif, she was taken in by Fabian ShadowFire when he found her in a RhyDin cemetery when she was near the age of 13, and she learned she had family, a painful lesson when she came face to face to the one who had once been her father, now possessed by the Demon Lord Taltos, her grandmother Rose saved her from him and she has since learned to both fear and hate Cadash Avari RavenShadow.  She came to look upon Fabian as a surrogate father and he taught how to use her natural fae talent and trained her in the ways of the Geist Knights and he brought her before Vryce and she was taken as Vryce's own.  At the completion of her training by Fabian he left her to face Cadash, ordering her not to follow him, and once again lost a father...her heart and soul forever scarred by he who gave her life, she waits for the opportunity to repay both him and the ancients for the hurt caused to her family by them.  It was then she came upon Ghaleon and hearing the name Arakai, she knew her place was on Rezza'lluk hopefully to find the meaning in what Fabian once told her..."you are the Savior of the ShadowFire Clan".
NONWEAPON PROFICIENCIES: because of her upbringing she is an accomplished thief and can survive on her wits, horsemanship, swimming, survival, direction sense, ShadowWalking
PERSONALITY: quiet and withdrawn, her mouth stays closed and her eyes and ears take in all around her
BATTLE ATTIRE: elven chain mail is worn under her leggings and tunic leaving her free to maneuver as she needs to
EQUIPMENT: a runed tanto, my clothes.. a few gold pieces.. a necklace from a celtic god, an elven ring, one bearing the ShadowFire crest, a feather

