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National Goodman Fox & Wolf Hunters Association

The National Goodman Hound Association is dedicated to the promotion of the Goodman Hound. The Goodman Hound is a breed of foxhound that was developed by Willis Goodman back in the 1800's. They are more like the Running Walker than any of the other foxhound breeds in appearance. The Association has a Business Meeting where hounds can also be run every spring and during the fall of the year a Field Trial is held. Both of these events also offer a Bench Show.

In 1948 a man by the name of Hughes Atkinson sent out letters to hunters and breeders of the Goodman Hound. The purpose of these letters was to begin the forming of what would later be known as the National Goodman Fox & Wolf Hunters Association. Several of those whom he sent letters to suggested that Vincennes, Indiana be the central meeting place to get the "ball rolling". The first meeting of the Goodman Foxhunters Association was informally called to order on May 10, 1948 at the Grand Hotel in Vincennes. The first elected President of the Association was Mr. Atkinson and the first elected Secretary was Thomas H. Davis. Four Vice-Presidents were elected and a Board of Directors. The Association was on its way to developing many of the practices and traditions that the Association still follows today.

We are trying to put the Association into a growth period by getting information about the breed out there and by adding new members. If you are interested in getting a Goodman Hound we will do all that we can to help you out. The breed is mainly concentrated in Arkansas and Texas. However, there are breeders in several other States and one of the things that we are trying to do is put some of these hounds in areas of the country where there are not currently any located.

For more information on the breed e-mail or call:

President:Lawrence Colliflower 618-563-4342 or Secretary:David Powers 870-286-3300

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