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Peace to All in My Cipher!

8 - Build/Destroy

In supreme mathematics, 8 is in equality to build/destroy. The Supreme Blackman knows that he can BUILD up Allah's Nation... even in the Wilderness of North America. This wilderness is where the weak and wicked have "set up camp". They have used and abused all non-whites of the Planet Earth. It is necessary for this wicked Wilderness to be DESTROYED so that Allah's Great Nation may shine like the Suns and Stars that they ARE!!
For those that would like to dismiss the Nation of Gods and Earths as a gang or a hate group, understand that we Know that the true and living God is the original blackman of Asia. Original means belonging to the beginning. We were the first, meaning that every other "race" came from US. For us to be anti-white, would mean for us to be anti-self. This is not right and exact. There is but ONE. ONE mind which is the All in All. Manifested as the Son(Sun) of Man.
Although we are not anti-white, we ARE anti-devilshment. It is common Knowledge nowadays that Devils have caused heartache and pain in many of their "crusades for civilization". It is unknown to me how one of such low civilization(colonial europeans) could civilize those of such high civilization(indians). It is this kind of trickery that the devil uses to justify his crusades, but they hold little weight.


In the Supreme Mathematics, the number 5 is Power or Refinement. Power is defined as great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force. It is known that God is the greatest "doer". It is the acts of God that make the UNIverse function totally and without chaos. Power is what the Original man uses(with knowledge, wisdom and understanding of his culture) to rule over his KingDOME. When Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding are used w/refinement, this is the true Power of God. it is this Refined Power that makes God Peace, because Power used with Equality makes Allah Cee Equality.
