Bywyd y meirw tyrd i'n plith
Ti bywyd meirw tyr'd i'n plith

(O! Anadl, tyred.)
Bywyd y meirw, tyr'd i'n plith,
A thrwy dy Yspryd arnom chwyth;
  Anadla yn grymmus ar y glyn,
  Fel byddo byw yr esgyrn hyn.

Trwy bwrcas angeu
    Crist ein pen,
R hwn fu'n dioddef ar y pren,
  I 'nadlu daeth dy Yspryd di,
  Ar esgyrn sychion megis ni.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829
- - - - - 1,2,(3);  1,2,8;  1,3; 1,4,(5);  1,5,7;  1,6,7.
Bywyd y meirw, tyrd i'n plith, A thrwy dy Ysbryd arnom chwyth; Anadla'n rymus ar y glyn, Fel y bo byw yr esgyrn hyn. Dy Ysbryd sanctaidd, oddi fry, Ddisgynno'n helaeth arnom ni; Gwnaed ein calonnau ni bob un Yn demlau sanctaidd iddo'i Hun. Dy lais, O Dduw, â bywyd ddaw, I ganol teyrnas brenin braw; O! d'wed y gair, a'r esgyrn sych Ddaw'n fyw i ganu'th glodydd gwych. O tyred, anadl gref, fel gynt, Yn awr oddiwrth y pedwar gwynt! Tyr'd, Yspryd Glân, anadla di Ar esgyrn sychion megys ni. Trwy bwrcas angeu Crist ein pen, Yr hwn fu'n dyoddef ar y pren, Yr Ysbryd Sanctaidd oddi fry Ddisgyno'n helaeth arnom ni. Trwy bwrcas angeu Crist ein pen, A'r taliad perffaith ar y pren, Anadlu wnaeth dy Ysbryd di, Ar esgyrn sychion megis ni. Gan hyny'n awr, Arglwydd Dduw, Par i'r eneidiau hyn gael byw; A rho dywaltiad helaeth iawn O'th Ysbryd Glân a'i ddwyfol ddawn. I Dad y trugareddau i gyd, Rhown foliant, holl drigolion byd: Lu'r nef, moliennwch ef ar gân, Y Tad a'r Mab a'r Ysbryd Glân.
Bywyd y meirw, tyrd :: Ti bywyd meirw, tyr'd
Dy Ysbryd sanctaidd :: Dy Ysbryd, Arglwydd

1-3,8: John Hughes 1775-1854
2 : priodolwyd hefyd i   |   attributed also to
    Thomas Phillips 1772-1842
4-7: Mr. John Jones, Castle St, Llynlleifiad.

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Abends (H S Oakley 1830-1903)
Angels' Song (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Angelus (1657 Johann Scheffler)
Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Breslau (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Brynteg (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Cefngarth (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Duke Street (John Hatton 1710-1793)
Derby (<1829)
  Dinbych (<1835)
Eden (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Glan Conwy (Andernach Gesangbuch 1608)
  Iesu Dulcis Memoria II (Cöln Gesangbuch 1819)
Leipsic (G Neumark / J S Bach)
Luther (Martin Luther 1483-1546)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Nantglyn (<1875)
St Gregory (Darmstadt Gesangbuch 1698)
Spires (Geistliche Lieder 1543)
Tallis' Canon (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)
Whitburn (H Baker 1835-1910)
Winchester New (Musicalisches Hand-Buch 1690)
Windham (Daniel Read 1757-1836)

(O Breath, come!)
Life of the dead, come amongst us,
And through thy Spirit up us blow;
  Breath strongly upon the valley,
  That these bones may live.

Through the purpose of the death
    of Christ our Head,
Of him who suffered on the tree,
  To breathe came thy Spirit,
  Upon dry bones like us.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829
- - - - -    
Life of the dead, come amongst us, And through thy Spirit upon us blow; Breathe strongly on the valley, That these bones may live. Thy holy Spirit, from above, Descend plenteously upon us; Make every one of our hearts Into His own holy temples. Thy voice, O God, brings life, To the centre of the realm of the king of terror; Oh say the word, and the dry bones Will come to life to sing thy wonderful praises. O come, strong breath, as formerly, Now from the four winds! Come, Holy Spirit, breathe thou On dry bones such as us. Through the purchase of the death of Christ our head, He who suffered on the tree, May the Holy Spirit from above Descend generously upon us. Through the purchase of the death of Christ our head, And the perfect payment on the tree, Breathe he did thy Spirit, On dry bones such as us. Therefore now, Lord God, Cause these souls to get to live; And give a very widespread outpouring Of thy Holy Spirit and his divine gift. To the Father of all the mercies, Let us render praise, all the inhabitants of the world: Ye host of heaven, praise him in song, The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Life of the dead, come :: Thou Life of the dead, come
Thy holy Spirit :: Thy Spirit, Lord

tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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