Tyner oleu'r dydd yn awr

Softly now the light of day

Tyner oleu'r dydd yn awr
  Dderfydd nes y cwyd y wawr;
Gofal ffŷ, a llafur blin,
  Rho'th gymdeithas, Ddwyfol Un.

Ti, yr Hollwybodol Un,
  Weli'r oll, o fewn, o faes;
Maddeu fy ngwendidau ffôl,
  Beiau fyrdd, a phechod cas.

Goleu dydd ein heinioes frau
  Gilia byth o'n golwg wyw;
Yna'n rhydd o boen a bai,
  Gyda Thi cawn fythol fyw.
cyf. James Celty Jones 1843-1912

Tôn [7777]: Mercy (Louis Moreau Gottschalk 1829-69)

Tender light of day now
  Vanishes until the rising of the dawn;
Care will flee, and weary labour,
  Grant thy fellowship, Divine One.

Thou, the Omniscient One,
  Seest the whole, within, without;
Forgive my foolish weaknesses,
  A myriad faults, and hated sin.

The light of the day of our fragile lifespan
  Retreats forever from our wizened sight;
Then free of pain and fault,
  With Thee we may get forever to live.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion
Softly now the light of day
  Fades upon my sight away;
Free from care, from labour free,
  Lord, I would commune with Thee.

Thou, whose all-pervading eye
  Naught escapes, without, within.
Pardon each infirmity,
  Open fault, and secret sin.

Soon for me the light of day
  Shall forever pass away;
Then, from sin and sorrow free,
  Take me, Lord, to dwell with Thee.
George Washington Doane 1799-1859

Tunes [7777]:
Mercy (Louis Moreau Gottschalk 1829-69)
Seymour (Carl M von Weber 1786-1826)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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