O am nerth i dreulio 'nyddiau
O am nerth i dreulio'm dyddiau

1,2;  1,3,4,5,6,7;  1,3,8,9;  1,3,10;  1,4,((5),6).
O am nerth i dreulio 'nyddiau
  Yng nghynteddoedd tŷ fy Nhad,
Byw ynghanol y goleuni,
  T'wyllwch obry dan fy nhraed;
Byw heb fachlud haul un amser,
  Byw heb gwmwl,
      byw heb boen,
Byw ar gariad anorchfygol,
  Pur y croeshoeliedig Oen.

Yno boed fy mwyd a'm diod,
  Dan ganghenau gwych y pren
Sydd yn llanw'r holl eangder,
  O'r ddaear lawr
      i'r nefoedd wen;
Dyn a'r Duwdod ynddo'n trigo,
  Ffrwythau arno'n tyfu'n llawn,
Cysgod dano i'r ffyddloniaid,
  Sydd o fore hyd brydnawn.

'Bryd, fy Nhad, câf yfed dyfroedd,
  Dyfroedd gloywon sy'n iachâu?
Pob rhyw bleser wedi darfod,
  Ond yn unig dy fwynhau;
Pwyso'm henaid ar dy fenwes,
  Edrych ar dy wyneb llon;
Caru nes annghofio'r oriau
  Sydd im' ar y ddaear hon!

Dyro olwg ar dy haeddiant,
  Golwg ar dy deyrnas rad,
Brynwyd imi ac a seliwyd,
  Seliwyd im â'th werthfawr waed:
Rho im gyrchu tuag ati,
  Peidio byth â llwfwrhau;
Ar fy nhaith ni
    cheisiaf gennyt
  Ond yn unig dy fwynhau.

Ac ni cheisiaf drysor arall,
  Ond tydi mewn anial fyd;
'Rwyt ti'n ddigon byth dy hunan,
  Dim ond ti a lanw mryd,
Nid oes gystudd fyth wna niwed,
  Pan bwy'n pwyso ar dy rym;
Hebot nid oes rwyd gan Satan.
  Na wna'n rhyw fodd niwed im'.

Gyda thi mi af drwy'r fyddin,
  Gyda thi mi af drwy'r tân;
'D ofnaf ymchwydd llif Iorddonen
  Ond i ti fynd yn y blaen;
Ti yw f'amddiffynfa gadarn,
  Ti yw 'Mrenin, ti yw 'Nhad,
Ti dy hunan oll yn unig
  Yw fy iachawdwriaeth rad.

Cân fy enaid mwy, bydd lawen,
  Minau ddof er tònau maith,
Grym afonydd, llid gelynion,
  Cyn bo hir i ben fy nhaith:
Mi gaf orphen
    dyrys anial,
  Myn'd i blith y dyrfa fawr,
A chaf fod heb ddim yn blino,
  Yn eu cwmni fel y wawr.

Gosod babell yng ngwlad Gosen,
  Tyred, Arglwydd, yno d'hun,
Gostwng o'r uchelder golau,
  Gwna dy drigfan gydâ dyn;
Trig yn Sïon, aros yno,
  Lle mae'r llwythau'n dod ynghyd;
Byth na ymâd oddiwrth dy bobl,
  Nes yn ulw'r elo'r byd.

O foreuddydd y brïodas!
  Gwynfyd welai'r ddedwydd awr!
Gwel'd wyneb-pryd y Prïodfab,
  Clywed llais y delyn fawr!
Awn tan ganu tros y moroedd
  Meithion tua'r hyfryd wlad,
Ac anghofiwn hen gariadau,
  Gwag bleserau tŷ fy nhad.

Mae nghyfeillion wedi myned
  Draw yn lluoedd o fy mlaen,
Rhai fu'n myn'd trwy ddyffryn Baca,
  Gyd a mi i Salem lân;
Yn y dyffryn tywyll garw,
  Ffydd i'r lan a'u daliodd hwy,
Mae'r addewid lawn i minau
  Pam yr ofna'm henaid mwy.
'Bryd :: Pa bryd
im â'th werthfawr waed :: imi â dy waed

1762 William Williams 1717-91

  Alle Menschen Mussen Sterben
    (1678 J Hintze, trefn. J S Bach)
  Anthea (Jeffrey Pugh, Rhydaman.)
Blaenwern (W Penfro Rowlands 1860-1937)
Bohemia (Darmstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Hamburgh (J Schop / F Filitz)
Hebron (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Henryd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Landsberg (<1876)
Llansanan (alaw Gymreig)
Mount of Olives (William L Viner 1790-1867)
Pennsylvania (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Tanycastell (John Jones 1796-1857)
Trefaldwyn (John Owen [Owain Alaw] 1821-83)

  Dyma'r byd y mae taranau
  Dyro olwg ar dy haeddiant
  Ffarwel i chwi gynt a gerais
  Gosod babell yng ngwlad Gosen
  Gwlad o d'wllwch wyf yn trigo
  Mae fy nghalon am ehedeg
  Mae nghyfeillion wedi myned
  Mae yr oriau yn fy ngalw
  O dyrchafa f'enaid egwan
  O foreu-ddydd y briodas
  O Iachawdwr pechaduriaid
  Pa fodd yr âf i trwy'r Iorddonen?
  Pam y caiff bwystfilod rheibus
  Tan y don yr wyf yn llefain
  Wele'r hafan wele'r ardal
  Y mae gwres o fewn fy mynwes
  Y mae'r oriau yn fy ngalw

O for strength to spend my days
  In the courts of my Father's house,
Living amid the lights,
  Darkness below beneath my feet;
Living without one single sunset,
  Living without cloud,
      living without pain,
Living for unconquerable, pure
  Love of the crucified Lamb.

There let my food and drink be,
  Under the marvellous branches of the tree
Which is filling the whole vastness,
  From the earth below
      to the blessed heavens;
Man and the Godhead in it are dwelling,
  Fruits on it growing full,
Shade under it for the faithful,
  Is from morning until evening.

When, my Father, may I drink waters,
  Shining waters which make whole?
Every kind of pleasure has waned,
  Except to enjoy thee;
To lean my soul on thy bosom,
  To look upon thy cheerful face;
To love until forgetting the hours
  Which are to me on this earth!

Look upon thy merit,
  Look upon thy free kingdom,
It was bought for me and sealed,
  Sealed for me with thy precious blood:
Let me be drawn to thee,
  To stop forever being faint-hearted;
On my journey I will not
    seek anything from thee
  Except to enjoy thee.

And I will seek no other treasure,
  But thee in a desert world;
Thou art sufficient forever thyself,
  Only thou wilt fill my heart,
No affliction will ever harm,
  While ever I lean on thy strength;
Without thee Satan has no net,
  That does any form of harm to me.

With thee I will go through the army,
  With thee I will go through the fire;
I will not fear the surge of Jordan
  But to thee go forward;
Thou art the strong refuge,
  Thou art my King, thou art my Father,
Thou thyself totally alone
  Art my free salvation.

Sing my soul henceforth, be joyful,
  I will come despite vast waves,
Force of rivers, ire of enemies,
  Before long to the end of my journey:
I will get to finish
    the troublesome desert,
  Go amidst the great throng,
And get to be with nothing wearying,
  In their company like the dawn.

Pitch a tent in the land of Goshen,
  Come, Lord, there thyself,
Descend from the height of light,
  Make thy dwelling with man.
Reside in Zion, remain there,
  Where the tribes come together,
Do not ever leave thy people
  Until to ashes goes the world.

Oh morning of the marriage!
  How blessed would be to see the hour!
To see the countenance of the Bridegroom,
  To hear the voice of the great harp!
To go while singing across the vast
  Seas towards the delightful land,
And I would forget old loves,
  Empty pleasures of my father's house.

My friends have gone
  Yonder in hosts before me,
Some were going through the vale of Baca,
  With me to holy Salem;
In the dark, rough vale,
  Faith held them up,
The full promise is to me too
  Why shall my soul fear any more?
for me with thy precious blood :: for me with thy blood

tr. 2008,18 Richard B Gillion

Aid me, Lord, always to tarry
  In my Father's courts below
Live in light divine and glorious,
  Without darkness, without woe;
Live without the
    sun's departure,
  Live without a cloud or pain
Live on Jesus' love unconquer'd,
  Who on Calvary was slain.

Let me view the great atonement,
  And the kingdom which is mine,
Which Thy blood hath purchas'd for me
  Sealed also as divine;
Let me daily strive to find it,
  Let this be my chief employ
On my march
    I ask no favour
  But Thy presence to enjoy
tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [8787D]: Hamburgh (J Schop / F Filitz)

Fix, O Lord, a tent in Goshen,
  Thither come and there abide,
Bow thyself from light celestial,
  And with sinful man reside.
Dwell in Zion, there continue,
  Where the holy tribes ascend;
Do not e'er desert thy people,
  Till the world in flames shall end.
tr. ed. 1873 John Jenkins

also: Fix a dwelling, Lord, in Goshen
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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