Heddyw yw'r dydd 'rwy'n ofni sythio
Heddyw'r dydd 'rwy'n ofni sythio

(Gweddi am gynnaliaeth ysbrydol)
Heddyw yw'r dydd rwi'n ofni syrthio,
  Dïau heddyw yw efe,
Eto sefyll 'r wyf er gwàned,
  Trwy awdurdod mawr y ne';
    'R wyf i gredu,
  'R âf dan ofni i ben fy nhaith.

Dysg y galon drist i chwerthin,
  Dysg i'r mudan seinio cân;
Dysg yr ofnus gwan i gludo
  Uffern fawr i lawr o'i flaen;
    Tro wylofain
  Yn ganiadau Calfari.

Dyma'r man dymunwn drigo,
  Wrth afonydd gloywol llawn,
Sydd yn llifo o ddwfr y bywyd,
  O làs fore hyd brydnawn,
    Lle cawn yfed
  Hyfryd gariad fyth a hedd.
Heddyw_yw'r :: Heddyw'r
'R âf dan :: Yr_âf tan

- - - - -

(Ymddiried yn y gair)

Heddyw yw'r dydd 'r wy'n ofni syrthio,
  Dïau heddyw yw efe,
Eto sefyll 'r wyf er gwàned,
  Trwy awdurdod mawr y ne';
    'R wyf i gredu,
  'R âf dan ofni i ben fy nhaith.

Nid oes ond fy nghnawd yn ofni,
  F'ysbryd sydd yn cadw'i le,
Ac ni fỳn ef golli ei afael
  Ar addewid Brenin ne';
    Gair Dy enau
  Bair im' sefyll
      tra b'o chwŷth.

Y mae yn y gair leferaist
  Fwy o fywyd, fwy o râs,
Nag sy o rym yn uffern dywell,
  A'i byddinoedd cyf rwys, câs:
    Dywed sillaf
  Dyna'r nef yn cario'r dydd.

Mi ddisgwyliaf, doed a ddelo,
  Deued boreu, deued nôs,
Deued corwynt, deued tymmestl,
  Nes cael teimlo gwaed y groes:
    Gwel'd Dy glwyfau
  Yw'r ddedwyddaf awr i mi.

Hyn yw'm nefoedd, hyn yw'm hawddfyd
  Yn nhymhestloedd oer y byd -
Câf fyn'd dros y bryniau stormus,
  I gael gwel'd Dy wyneb-pryd:
    Fe â heibio
  Sŵn y dymmestl gref a'r gwynt.

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
  Hoo Church (<1835)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Llanilar (<1859)
St Peter (alaw Eglwysig)

  O na chawn ddifyru nyddiau
  Wrth dy orsedd 'r wyf fi'n gorwedd

(Prayer for spiritual support)
Today is the day I am fearing falling,
  Doubtless today it is,
Still standing I am though so weak,
  Through the great authority of heaven;
    I am to believe,
  I shall go under fearing to my destination.

Teach the sad heart to laugh,
  Teach the mute to sound a song;
Teach the fearful weak one to convey
  Great hell down before him;
    A time of lamenting
  Into the songs of Calvary.

Here is the place I would wish to dwell,
  By full clear rivers,
Which are flowing from the water of life,
  From early morning until evening,
     Where I may drink
  Delightful love forever and peace.

- - - - -

(Trust in the word)

Today is the day I am fearing falling,
  Doubtless today it is,
Still standing I am though so weak,
  Through the great authority of heaven;
    I am to believe,
  I shall go under fearing to my destination.

Only my flesh is fearing,
  My spirit is keeping its place,
And is determined not to lose its grip
  On the promise of the King of heaven;
    The word of Thy mouth
  Shall cause me to stand
      while ever there be breath.

There is in the word thou spakest
  More of life, more of grace,
Than there is of force in dark hell,
  And its crafty, detestable armies:
    Speak a syllable
  That is the heaven carrying the day.

I expect, come what may,
  Come morning, come night,
Come hurricane, come tempest,
  Until getting to feel the blood of the cross:
    To see Thy wounds
  Is the happiest hour for me.

This is my heaven, this is my paradise
  In the cold tempest o the world -
I will get to go across the stormy hills,
  To get to see Thy countenance:
    Go past shall
  The sound of the strong tempest and the wind.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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