Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith

Great God of wonders

1,2,(((3),4),5);  1,(2,3),5.
(Duw yn Maddau)
Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith,
Rhyfeddol yw pob rhan o'th waith,
  Ond dwyfol ras, mwy rhyfedd yw
  Na'th holl weithredoedd o bob rhyw:

    Pa dduw sy'n maddau fel tydi
    Yn rhad ein holl bechodau ni?

O! maddau'r holl gamweddau mawr
Ac arbed euog lwch y llawr;
  Tydi yn unig fedd yr hawl
  Ac ni chaiff arall
      ran o'r mawl:

Rhyfeddol yw'th drugaredd hael,
A'th gariad pur i'n natur wael,
  Yn agor ffynnon i'n glanhau,
  A'n golchi'n bur oddi wrth ein bai:

Clodforwn am faddeuant llawn,
Yn llawen ei gymeryd wnawn;
  Maddeuant o bob pechod du,
  Trwy waed yr Iesu cywir cu:

O! boed i'th ras
      anfeidrol, gwiw
A gwyrth dy gariad mawr, O Dduw,
  Orlenwi'r ddaear faith
      â'th glod
  Hyd nefoedd, tra bo'r byd yn bod:
O! maddau'r holl :: Maddeu yr holl
euog lwch :: pryfed gwael
Tydi yn unig fedd yr hawl ::        
        Hyn yw dy nefol oruwch-nod
rhan o'r mawl :: rhan o'r clod
i'th ras :: i'r gras
A gwyrth dy gariad mawr, O ::        
        A'r gwyrthiau mawr O gariad
Orlenwi'r :: I lenwi'r
â'th glod :: â'i glod
nefoedd, tra bo'r byd yn bod ::        
        nefoedd fry ar beraidd nod

cyf. 1805 John R Jones (Ramoth) 1765-1822
a Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau: [88.88.88]
    (John Newton 1802-1886)
Leicester (John Bishop 1665-1737)
  Matthias (alaw henafol)
Nazareth (<1869)
Rhyd-y-Groes (T D Edwards 1874-1930)
Rugby (<1869)
St Catharine (H F Hemy 1818-88)
Stella (alaw Seisnig)
Veni Cito (John B Dykes 1823-76)

(Forgiving God)
Great God of many wonders,
Wonderful is every part of thy work,
  But divine grace, more wonderful is
  Than all thy works of every sort:

    What god is forgiving like thou
    Freely all our sins?

O to forgive all the great misdeeds
And to save the guilty dust of the earth;
  Thine alone is the right
  And no other shall have
      a part of the praise:

Wonderful is thy generous mercy,
And thy pure love to our base nature,
  Opening a fountain to cleanse us,
  And wash us pure from our fault:

We praise for full forgiveness,
Joyfully we do take it;
  Forgiveness of every black sin,
  Through the blood of the truly dear Jesus:

O let there be to thy immeasurable,
      worthy grace
And the miracle of thy great love, O God,
  Overfilling the wide earth
      with thy praise
  As far as heavens, while the earth may be:
O to forgive all the :: Forgive all the
guilty dust :: base worms
Thine alone is the right ::        
        This is thy heavenly supreme aim
to thy ... grace :: to the ... grace
And the miracle of thy great love, O ::        
        And the great miracles of the love of
Overfilling the :: To fill the
with thy praise :: with his praise
heavens, while the earth may be ::        
        heavens above on a sweet note

tr. 2007,8 Richard B Gillion

Great God of wonders! All Thy ways
  Are matchless, Godlike and divine;
But the fair glories of Thy grace
  More Godlike and unrivalled shine.

    Who is a pardoning God like Thee?
    Or who has grace so rich and free?

Crimes of such horror to forgive,
  Such guilty, daring worms to spare;
This is Thy grand prerogative,
  And none shall
      in the honour share.

Angels and men, resign your claim
  To pity, mercy, love and grace:
These glories crown Jehovah's Name
  With an incomparable glaze.

In wonder lost, with trembling joy,
  We take the pardon of our God:
Pardon for crimes of deepest dye,
  A pardon bought with Jesus' blood.

O may this strange,
      this matchless grace,
  This Godlike miracle of love,
Fill the whole earth
      with grateful praise,
  And all th'angelic choirs above.

Samuel Davies 1723-61

Wonders / Sovereignty (John Newton 1802-1886)
Credo (John Stainer 1840-1901)
Carey's (Henry Carey 1687-1743)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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