Cofia ddilyn y medelwyr

Cofia ddilyn y medelwyr,
  Ymhlith 'r ysgubau treulia dy oes;
Pan fo mynydd Sinai'n danllyd,
  Gwlych dy damaid wrth y groes;
Gwêl ddirgelwch mawr duwioldeb,
  Cafwyd allor wrth dy droed,
Duw a dyndod arno yn diodde',
  Llef am ole' i ganu ei glod.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

[Mesur: 8787D]

gwelir: Mae sŵn y clychau'n chwarae

Remember to follow the reapers,
  Amongst the sheaves spend thy age;
When Mount Sinai is burning,
  Wet thy morsel at the cross;
See the great divine mystery,
  An altar was got at thy feet,
God and humanity on it is suffering,
  Cry for a light to sing his praise.
tr. 2007,14 Richard B Gillion
Spend thy life behind the reapers,
  Rich are gleanings in their wake.
When Mount Sinai's peak is burning
  Jesu's cross thy table make.
See God's wisest, deepest mystery:
  Sacrificed on earth for thee,
God in human form has suffered;
  Sing his praise for mercy free.
tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion

Also: Follow on behind the reapers
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

This one Welsh verse is so rich in abbreviated allusions that a three verse treament is needed to tease out most of them:

Ruth received Naomi's wisdom:
  "Follow thou the reapers' band;
Richest gleanings will be found there,
  Food to fill thy needy hand."
There the grain to feed the body
  And her place in God's design
Were secured through her obedience -
  Matriarch in David's line.

When God spoke in fire and thunder,
  Causing Sinai's mount to quake,
He announced his people's pardon
  Through the blood shed for their sake.
When the world's foundations quiver
  At the great archangel's sound,
Jesu's cross will stand for life,
  The spirit's food and solid ground.

Weakened law and temple ritual
  Fail heart-warming change to impart;
But Christ's life so freely given
  Brings God's pardon to the heart.
Meet the Saviour at this altar
  Of thy freely-yielded love;
Call for light to tune thy spirit,
  That thy song praise Him above.
tr. 2007 Richard B Gillion
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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