Ar hyd yr anial unig yn Dy law

1,2;  1,3,4.
(Gweddi'r Pererin)
Ar hyd yr anial unig, yn Dy law,
  O! dirion Dad:
Gad imi gerdded nes gorffwyso draw
  Ar dir fy ngwlad;
Pan fyddwyf yn sychedig, tywys fi
I'r cysgod lle mae ffynon genyt Ti.

Pan fyddo'r gwres yn lladd
    fy nerth yn llwyr
  Heb awel bêr,
O! cynnal fi, nes
    dyfod cysgod hwyr
  A chwmni'r sêr,
A than ryw deg balmwydden god i mi
Roi 'mhen i lawr, yn agos atat Ti.

Os cura'r gwyntoedd ar fy mhabell wàn,
  A'r nos yn brudd,
Yn y tywyllwch aros ar fy rhan
  Nes delo'r dydd:
A gad i'r "Seren fore" godi'n glir,
I ddweyd daw'r wawr
    i'm harwain cyn bo hir.

A phan y delo llewyrch dydd yn llawn,
  A'r nos ymhell:
Gad imi gael rhyw olwg hyfryd iawn
  Ar wlad sydd well;
Ac i fy etifeddiaeth
    dof mewn hedd,
Os chwerw'r anial,
    melus fydd y wledd.
G Pennar Griffiths (Penar) 1860-1918

Tonau []:
    Bonifacio (David Evans 1874-1948)
    Gwyneth (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
    Sandon (C H Purday 1799-1885)

(The Pilgrim's Prayer)
Along the desert alone, in Thy hand,
  O gentle Father:
Let me walk until resting yonder
  On the land of my country;
When I am thirsty, lead me
To the shadow where Thou hast a well.

When the heat be killing
    my strength completely
  Without a sweet breeze,
O support me, until
    the evening shadow approach
  With the company of the stars,
And under some fair palm tree let me
Lay my head down, near to Thee.

If the winds beat upon my weak tent,
  And the night sad,
In the darkness stay at my side
  Until the day come:
And let the "Morning Star" rise clearly,
To say the dawn will come
    to lead me before long.

And when the radiance of day comes fully,
  And the night distant:
Let me get some very delightful view
  Over the country that is better;
And to my inheritance
    I shall come in peace,
If bitter the desert,
    sweet shall be the feast.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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