Mydrwn glod eurglod Arglwydd

Cywydd cyfochrog-lythyrenol, ar waith Duw yn y Greadigaeth.

Cywydd cyfochrog-lythyrenol,
ar waith Duw yn y Greadigaeth.
Mydrwn glod
    eurglod Arglwydd
Moler y Sanct; mael yw'r swydd.

Mawrwaith ei rwysg mor uthr yw!
Meithwaith di-adwaith ydyw.

Mawrlu maith y nen fraith, fry,
Mor hynod y mae'r rhei'ny!

Mannog-wedd nen ysplennydd,
Mewn gwawl, er ei fawl a fydd;

Mil, myrdd, heb ffug,
    o lugyrn!
Mewn tyn glo, neu chŵyldro chwyrn!

Myrdd 'fydoedd, mawrdda fâd-waith,
Mewn gwedd lon, mewn dir-lon daith!

Mewn trefn wych,
    yn hoyw-ddrych hardd!
Mannog lŷs!
    meini glwys-hardd!

Mawl! mawl! rhagorawl y gwaith!
Mae'n eiliad llawn manylwaith!

Mi greddwn ymgyrhaeddyd
Modd gwell: ond mae'n bell y byd.

Mwy agos y mae eigiawn
Môr maith, a'n daear laith lawn:

Mor wiw hardd yw trem y rhôd
Moeswych, sy gennym isod!

Maith-hyglod ryfeddodau
Mwyn eu gwedd' geir yma'n gwau:

Mae llenga leng yn sengi,
Mwy nâ'm dyall angall i:

Mae'n gain, mae'n gywrain eu gwedd,
Mwyn gronnaid mewn gwirionedd!

Maith yw'r rhôd; mi, mewn bod byr,
Mwyfwy yw'm hymgais myfyr:

Mwyfwy pan f'wy'n ymofyn
Mâd Luniwr, doeth Hwyliwr hyn,

Mae'n fraint rhoi emyn i'w fri;
Mae'n felus; bid mwyn-foli:

Mae'n ddifyr fryd myfyr mau;
Mae fo'n dda, mwyfwy'n ddïau:

Mwyfwy yw'r bryd hyfrydawl;
Mwy'r melysion, merion mawl:

Mwyfwy yw'r maes myfyr maith;
Mwyfwy'r ŵyl; myfyr eilwaith.

Myfyrio - neu wylio - 'n wan
Mae f'agwedd mwyfwy egwan:

Myfyrio gwan, mwyfwy'r gêd,
Mawrdda elw; a mwy'r ddyled!

Mwy yw twf tremiad dwyfol!
Myfyr waith mwyfwy ar ol!

Thomas Jones 1756-1820
Trysorfa Ysprydol 1799

A metrical poem of couplets,
on the work of God in the creation.
Let us sing verses to the praise
    of the so praiseworthy Lord;
The Holy is to be praised; a benefit is the task.

A great work of his splendour so wonderful it is!
A vast perfect work it is.

The vast, great host of the speckled sky, above,
How notable are those!

The splendid, spotted-faced sky,
In light, for his praise shall be;

A thousand, myriad, without falshood,
    of lanterns!
In a tight lock, or a whirling revolution!

A myriad of worlds, a great, good, esteemed work,
In a cheerful condition, in a contented journey!

In a brilliant arrangement,
    of beautiful, gay appearance!
A spotted court!
    of pretty, beautiful stones!

Praise! praise! excellent the work!
It is a moment full of intricate work!

I would tend to reach
A better way: but the world is far.

Nearer is an ocean
A vast sea, and our fully wet earth:

How worthily beautiful is the sight of the vault
Couteously brilliant, which we have below!

Vastly illustrious wonders
Pleasant their appearance got here weaving:

There are legion upon legion treading,
More than my foolish understanding:

Fine, intricate is their appearance,
A pleasant collection in truth!

Vast is the sky; I, in a short being,
More and more is my contemplative effort:

More and more I am asking
A renowned Designer, a wise Director, this,

It is a privilege to render a hymn to his honour;
It is sweet; let here be pleasant-praise:

My contemplative mind is comforting;
It is good, more and more doubtless:

More and more is the delightful mind;
More the sweet, marrowy praise:

More and more is the vast field of contemplation;
More and more is the festival; contemplate again.

To contemplate - or celebrate - weakly
My aspect is more and more weak:

To contemplate weakly, more and more the boon,
Great-good reward; and greater the duty!

Greater is the growth of a divine sight"
Contemplative work more and more left!

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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